Why Your Dog Eats Feces and What You Can Do To Stop It Now

How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Feces: Understanding and Managing Coprophagia
As a pet owner, it can be disturbing and frustrating to see your dog eating its own feces or the feces of another dog. The technical term for this behavior is coprophagia, and although it’s unsettling, it’s more common than you might think. In this article, I’ll explain why some dogs engage in this behavior and provide practical at-home solutions to help curb it.
Why Do Dogs Eat Feces?
While coprophagia can be an unpleasant behavior for pet owners, it’s not unusual. This behavior can also be observed in other animals, such as rabbits, rodents, pigs, horses, and even primates. In dogs, it can become a concern, especially as our dogs have become more integrated into our lives—licking our faces and sharing our space.
Puppies, in particular, often eat feces simply because they’re curious and tend to chew or eat anything. However, the issue arises when this habit continues into adulthood, potentially leading to established behaviors. In some cases, coprophagia may be linked to a nutritional deficiency, which is why a diet change may help resolve the problem.
How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Feces: Practical Solutions
If your dog is eating feces, there are several effective strategies you can try at home. These remedies involve dietary adjustments and products that can alter the taste of the feces, making it less appealing to your dog.
1. Diet Change: A Nutritional Approach
Some dogs benefit from a diet change, especially if their current food lacks key nutrients. Start by switching to a high-quality premium dog food. If your dog is already on a premium food, try switching to a natural diet, such as Innova or California Natural. Another option is to experiment with a raw food diet.
A diet rich in fat, protein, and fiber, and low in carbohydrates, is thought to help reduce the tendency for feces-eating. This change may address any nutritional deficiencies contributing to the behavior.
2. Altering the Flavor of Feces
It may sound counterintuitive, but changing the taste of your dog’s stool can help break the feces-eating habit. While feces already taste unpleasant, adding spices to the stool can make it even more unappealing. Consider sprinkling Tabasco sauce or cayenne pepper on stool in your backyard or on your cat’s litter box.
You can also add meat tenderizer to your dog’s food. This will help with digestion and, more importantly, make your dog’s stool taste horrible. The recommended dose is 1/4 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight. Alternatively, you can try For-Bid, a product available from your veterinarian that makes feces taste bad.
3. Nutritional Supplements
Another way to stop coprophagia is by supplementing your dog’s diet. Some dogs eat stool because they are nutrient deficient. Adding a vitamin and mineral supplement to your dog’s diet may help curb the behavior. I recommend Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula, which is a popular choice among pet owners.
4. Citronella Spray Collar
For dogs that persist in eating feces despite dietary changes, a citronella spray collar may help. Studies have shown that citronella collars can be effective in reducing the frequency of coprophagia. The collar works by spraying a burst of citronella whenever your dog engages in the undesired behavior. The effect persists even after treatment has stopped. This approach requires you to be vigilant as the pet owner, ensuring that the spray is triggered when your dog attempts to eat feces.
A Comprehensive Approach to Coprophagia
If your dog is eating feces, you can follow a combination of the strategies above to help address the issue. Start by changing your dog’s food to one higher in fat, protein, and fiber and low in carbohydrates. Consider supplementing with a high-quality dog supplement, such as Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula. You can also use products to make feces less appealing, like meat tenderizer or a citronella spray collar. With time, these approaches can help eliminate the behavior.
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Thanks for another great article.
My dog did eat her poop,and loved cat poop when she could find it. I tried changing her food and other things, nothing stopped her.
I now give her a homeopathic remedy and that works for her.
Don’t hurt the cat because the dog has a nasty habit. Putting hot seasoning IN the litter box will end up on kitty’s pads and he’ll have to lick them off thus getting very sick. This could hurt all his membrane linings throughout his digestive system, not to mention give him HUGE aversian to his litter box…and then you will REALLY have a problem.
In the foolishness of my youth (early 20s) I had a cat who used to always chew on the end of my wooden rocking chair. (A cherishished gift from a loved one). I rubbed some tabasco sauce or hot oil into the wood. The poor cat threw up for 3 days. THankfully he recovered, but how PAINFUL that must have been. In all honesty, I thought he would “sniff it” and avoid it, or take one taste and run, but he gnawed for a little while before even noticing. Now I cherish those little teeth marks in the chair…part of it’s history.
In any event, cats move things about in the litter
EVERY time they use it and you do not want to harm your cat or make them leary of their litter box.
I had a few clients in the past with dogs that had exactly that problem. A special combo of the Australian Bush Flower Essences mixed into their drinking water solved the whole issue. The beauty of the Australian Bush Flower Essences is that they do not have any negative side effects.
I have tried everything else on your list with my 7 yo female(a puppymill bitch for 3 yrs)except the citronella collar. Since the collar responds to barking, how does that help?
I do not believe that dogs consuming their own or another dogs feces is normal at all (the exception may be that of a puppy. It’s abnormal in the wild for this to occur. Consuming herbivorous feces may be seen on occasion for a few reasons, but our dogs consuming their owns species feces and especially their own, in my experience is a deficiency. Using additives to deter the habit may stop the behavior but do nothing for the underlying bodily need. The use of homeopathy to balance the body and flower remedies as mentioned above, are two great options to consider, along with a quality unprocessed diet. Just my two cents worth.
If you only have one dog, adding a bit of pineapple makes the food going in taste good, but tastes horrible coming out.
Doesn’t work with multiple dogs… but picking it up regularly helps
How much pineapple? Canned or fresh. I have a 6 month old Shorkie. I don’t know how much longer I can take this; especially, when she leaves it on
the sofa and I sit in it or drops pieces on my dark floor and I have no shoes on!
Cheryl mom of Bay-Bay
Ridgeland, MS
Where does one get these Australian Bush Flower essences? And how much goes in the water?
hello, we have a 3 year old blue eyed husky and 5 cats.she is jealous of the cats if one gets on our lap.when she gets a chance she will jump off the couch and chase the cat.how can we stop her of this habit.we tell her she is bad and make he rlay down, but she is back at it in 5 min.she hasnt hurt any yet but makes them meow loudley if she gets one. thank you for some advice carm
my dogs eat cat poop so we put the box up so they can not reach it. Then some of my dogs eat dog poop. I have tried pineapple and pumpkin as it is not nice to have a dog cuddled up to your neck and burps up poopy smells. I know the culprits and so far not great results from the treatments I have tried. I will try some of the other suggestions and see what happens. Thanks for the advise 😀
Also adding pumpkin to their food will also discourage this. Pumpkin makes the poop taste awful but is great for the digestion track.