4157 Dogs Reported Dead From Rimadyl

Rimadyl3Modern medicine and modern medication can do some pretty amazing things – it can instantly deal with parasites, or give immediate comfort to a dog or cat in pain.

There is a but here…These conventional medications can have a host of side effects that can seriously harm your dog or cat. There are also the unquantifiable effects of chronic medication use on your pet’s immune system or organ function, and how that may make them more likely to develop serious disease such as cancer.

Consider the FDA reports on this common anti-inflammatory drug, Rimadyl.

Cumulative Veterinary ADE Reports 1987 to January 22, 2014
Species: DOG


This NSAID ( non steroidal anti-inflammatory), has numerous reported and under-reported side effects, from permanent organ damage, to even death. It is in your pet’s best interest to avoid this medication, and similar medications if possible.

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

101 thoughts on “4157 Dogs Reported Dead From Rimadyl”

  1. My dog is 13 years old and has arthritis in both front legs and left hind leg. I have been giving him METACAM for the past 8 years, every second or third day. Will this cause the same affects as RIMADYL???
    Please advise, I am anxious and terrified I am doing wrong.

  2. I would also like to know about the side effects of Metacam. I have a Maltese who has a torn? acl according to the vet. I give it to him for a couple of days at a time when it flares up but don’t want to hurt him by giving it to him. The vet recommended surgery but because of the price and no guarantee of success or safety I am looking into knee braces for him instead.

    1. Hello Mary,

      Metacam can have similar side effects, but not reported nearly as often.

      I just looked up the side effects on the FDA site, and they are reporting 400 dogs dying from Metacam. 2 points. Ensure that your dog has the lowest effective dose. Only give when well hydrated. Try to supplement with alternate options. D

      Dr Andrew J

  3. My vet diagnosed ‘floaters’ on the knee and said my little silky terrier would have to take METACAM daily for the rest of his life. They proceeded to sell me a bottle of it for $110. That’s been around 5 years ago. I’m still on the first bottle and give it to him when I see him starting to limp a little.

  4. Violet, no your question was not too long, you just sound alarmed and I don’t blame you. I have my vet give my dog, a 14 year old Golden Adequancaninehttp://www.adequancanine.us/
    Acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbs also help with arthritis. He is still running around like a puppy.

  5. We gave rimadyl to our airedale, she was throwing up, staggering all over the place plus other side effects, this was just from 1 pill. Contacted the vet and told them I was not giving her this anymore and that I was going to treat her naturally. She was fine within a few weeks. I treat her as naturally as possible and I feel she is much better off.
    One happy airedale lives with us…..

  6. I had a boxer that was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. He was really sick and was put on Ridamyl. He was lethargic and bloated. I don’t think I would ever do that again. Not a good drug at all. Especially when it comes down to the quality of life, not quantity. Thanks Dr. Andrew for keeping us all updated on alternate options.

  7. I had a Frenchie that I took to a Vet in Dacula GA on Hwy 29, he gave him a steroid shot and Rimadyl and within days we had to put him down. So between the Vet not knowing how to use this medicine and the medicine itself I have lost a member of my family.

  8. I was offered Rimadyl when my dog got spayed. Thank my lucky stars I had read about it on the wonderful invention called the internet. I said, “This is Rimadyl. It has caused death in a lot of pets.” Her answer was, “It’s only three days worth.” I said, “Pets have been dying after just one dose.” WHAT CAN WE DO TO GET THIS OFF THE MARKET? I’m not much good on other social media. Can we get a facebook compaign or something. I can be emailed at ellen_winter@hotmail.com.

  9. My dog has been on Rimadyl for years. He also takes a natural supplement. The supplement alone works very well. He only gets 1/4 of the prescribed dose when he starts to limp. Does it make him sleepy? Yes. Any other side effects…no. He is a Beagle and prone to having side effects. He cannot use any topical anti flea or tick medications and valium makes him hyper, not calm. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that the number of dogs reported dying to this drug alone over that amount of time was relatively small compared to those who died from food poisoning in pet food. Those who were put down may have had advanced heath problems before even given the drug. I love my dog. We’ve endured cancer, huge fatty tissue removal, total paralysis of his back end due to a back problem and we have overcome them all. Using any drug daily or in the wrong amount will cause problems. It’s a question that every human also has to make. You have to weigh the risks against the benefits.

  10. My best friend had an arthritic Akita/Chow mix, My vet had him on an Adequancanine/Rimadyl mix, he was like a new dog, he lived until the age of 15. He never showed any side effects.

  11. My dear cat Holmes, who had a great deal of pain, got Metacam. At the time the vet prescribed it, Metacam was used on an “off-label” basis in cats. It relieved his pain for a while, but then he developed side effects. He soon went into renal failure. I don’t know if the renal failure was connected to Metacam or not, but he’d been receiving a daily dose of Metacam for a couple of months.

    He was 18 years old, so renal failure may have been related to his advanced age.

  12. My dog had knee surgery on 12/1/14. Followed by carprofen tablets. On 31/1/14 he died from total renal failure. If id known I would of never allowed this treatment. A dog using 3 legs is better than no dog at all. His legacy is to bring awareness of this poison of other dog owners

    1. Hi Malcolm,

      There are several options. Here are some from my blog:

      Supplements which contain Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin are most important; they both have veterinary studies showing their effectiveness. The big point here is to ensure that they are in high enough doses, and the correct form to be helpful for your dog. As a guideline you can use a dose of 500mg of Glucosamine per 50lbs of body weight daily, and 250mg of Chondroitin per 50lbs of body weight daily.

      Omega 3 fatty acids are critical for every arthritic pet; they decrease the inflammatory processes that further damage the cartilage in the joints. There are a few potential sources: flax oil, fish oil, or even evening primrose oil. I personally have found flax oil to be very effective, especially when given at the dose of 1 tablespoon per 50lbs of body weight daily. Flax oil’s other big benefit is it is cost effective – it costs a fraction of fish oil.

      Acupressure is an ancient form of Chinese healing that every pet owner can start using for their arthritic pet. The easiest way to start is to locate a point called ‘The Aspirin Joint’. It is found on the outside webbing of your dog’s hock joint- this is the joint just up from their back feet. Place your index finger on the outside of this web of skin and with moderate pressure, hold for 60 seconds. I suggest performing this 3 times a day for 7 days, and assessing if it is helping your dog.

      There are a surprising number of herbs that can be helpful to relieve the pain in arthritis, but with all the conflicting information, it is often difficult to know what to choose. Willow contains the active ingredient found in aspirin, (salicylate) and was a traditional First Nation’s remedy for arthritis. The Willow dose I have used is 100 mg or 10 drops per 10 lbs of body weight. Salicylates are toxic to cats, so never give Willow to your cat.

      Many dog owners have reported relief of arthritic pain by the use of homeopathy, and I have seen certain dogs respond well, so it may help your arthritic dog. There are 2 in particular that you should consider using, Traumeel, and Rhus Tox. Traumeel actually contains a combination of a number of homeopathic remedies, providing both anti-inflammatory and pain relief; the Traumeel dose being ½ to 1 tab twice daily. Rhus Tox is typically advised for soft tissue and muscle injuries, but often this is the source of discomfort in arthritic dogs. The dose you can use is 30C per 30lbs every 12 hours.

  13. I have a question about Previcox 227mg once daily for 6 years for arthritis and he has bad hips ,as well as, had torn ACL and then broke 2 bones in that leg as the Vet did not but a csst or brace on it. He now has a suspicious growth between his toes and we are waiting to see if it is skin cancer. We see the the surgeon next week. My question is how does Previcox stack-up to the Rimadyl? The vets are saying they may have to remove his toes and we are freaking out! Please let me know what you think…. Aloha

  14. Did anyone stop to think that most of these animals are experiencing chronic illness- hence why its being prescribed- and are not healthy as it is. This is the same with many prescriptions humans take. You have to weigh the cost-benefit factor. I have seen that drug help my dogs, and yes there are risks associated with it…. as with any drug. Which is why my vet runs a full blood screen before she would have me administer it to make sure all organ function and platelets, etc were normal. If you take ibuprophen every day for years that will kill your liver and possibly you too. All I’m saying is the FDA has its own agenda A, the pharma market for animals is just as corrupt as it is for us humans and B, you know your animal and have to use your best judgement. I do not condone long term use, but as occasional symptomatic relief, I have seen it help immensely.

    1. Hi Kelly,

      Thanks for the thoughtful comments. Yes this is a clouded issue, with many agendas, and NSAIDs are great for symptomatic relief. Some dogs with serious chronic pain need daily treatment. I would consider another NSAID than Rimadyl ( carprofen)

  15. My dog was just prescribed Rimadyl yesterday and I am glad to see this now. Question – were blood tests run on these dogs who have been affected/passed prior to taking the medication? They want to run tests on her to make sure she can handle the drug but I’m not feeling confident after reading this.


  16. Rimadyl was a miracle and a blessing for my 11 year old Golden Retriever. JD developed such severe bad hips/arthritis/pain that nothing gave him much relief. I finally made an appointment to have him put down, but my vet instead advised trying Rimadyl, a brand new drug at that time. The vet did warn of possible side effects, including liver damage, with long term use, but I felt if it helped enough to give JD back any amount of quality life, it was a worthwhile trade off. Within a week, he was a new dog, bouncing up and down steps and carrying on like a puppy again. Once stabilized, I continued to give him Rimadyl for two or three days when he had flare ups, and he lived another three happy years. He had no bad side effects with this med. In fact, the vomiting and diarrhea he had been experiencing previously (probably due to the stress of the inflammation and pain) completely disappeared.

  17. My 14 1/2 year old yorkie has both post-operative and osteoarthritis. A little over a year ago, he was limping badly and we tried the Rimadyl but it didn’t agree with his stomach and I didn’t like the long-term effects of NSAIDs. He was already on a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement, which we increased. And then someone told me about DURALACTIN, a milk protein supplement for chronic inflammation. I added it to his diet along with the other supplement, and I’m happy to say that he can run like a puppy. With no negative side effects, I’d suggest that anyone try it! Hope this helps someone else out there –

  18. Please, do not believe everything you hear. How on earth this vet counted the deaths and the causes. He is trying to sell his stuff on his page if you click on his link. Anti Inflammatory drugs to contribute to heart problems in humans as well. In USA there is a “Black Box” warning on the package insert for all antiinflammatory drugs for humans, meaning it is a very serious warning. But they have to be used, for the quality of life. Considering we all, including dogs have to eventually die from something as the time comes…. In the medical world it is considered “benefits outweigh the risks”. I have to give it to my dog with hip dysplasia, or she cannot move…

  19. My collie is on carprofen. She also gets a 500 mg Glucosamine tablet and milk thistle. Is the carprofen dangerous? If so, I will just give her the Glucosamine. She has a blood test every so often and so far has been ok.

  20. My Yorkie Harry has a torn cruciate ligament. Was prescribed Rimadyl to ease the inflammation but my husband saw the article you wrote and I have now stopped giving this to him and am going down the homeopathic route for anti-inflammatory meds through a company called Helios. Harry is awaiting surgery and I will be questioning any meds the vet may want him to have after surgery. Would this be something I can do because I’m horrified that I have been giving him a medicine that could potentially cause life threatening harm and I’m so grateful that your research has warned us pet owners of the potential dangers of this product and can only hope that I haven’t caused him any problems through my ignorance. Thank you very much.

  21. Rimadyl is only meant to be used on a short-term basis, if at all possible. If it is used long-term, then this is why your vet requires blood work to be done every three to six months. There are no “safe” medications for we humans or our pets.

  22. I am a veterinary technician and yes this drug can be harsh on the liver and kidneys, this is why we run blood work before putting our pets on it then we recommend an “NSAID” panel bloodworm screen every 6 months if being on this medication long term to make sure our levels are still okay , this is why we give this medication with food and advise you to stop it of your pet is having and GI upset suck as vomiting and diarrhea . We have plenty of patients that are on this medication and some have been on it for years and they are doing just fine also giving dasuquin with msm is also helpful to arthritic animals.

  23. Rimadyl is frequently repackaged by veterinarians into generic containers then prescribed and dispensed without adequate information and disclosure of side effects. From the The Rimadyl Freedom of Information Summary, the FDA Label states that Rimadyl is not approved safe for dispensing unless the CIS is provided with the prescription. Our four year old Lab, Belle, died 10 days after taking Rimadyl. The medication was negligently prescribed and negligently dispensed. After 5 days on the medication, Belle was admitted for emergency Rimadyl toxicity treatment for severe liver failure and died of a severe perforating pyloric ulcer that per the necropsy stated resulted from Rimadyl. Veterinarians have implicated Carprofen (Rimady) as the cause of perforating ulcers in canines.

  24. I believe if I read this correctly this is talking about long term such as a maintenance does for arthritis?

  25. My Schnauzer was given Rimadyl, for a strained rear hip ligament. Ziggy developed mild diarrhea and I assumed it was an age related development. I never was given the warning pamphlet, preliminary blood work or any cautionary statement regarding this drug. Within 4 days, on a lesser dose than prescribed, Ziggy died. I contacted Pfizer and their new adjunct to handle the deluge of complaints regarding adverse effects from Rimadyl, which is Zoetis. Due dilligence and “Do no Harm” should be the mantra of every veterinarian that uses this drug for treatment. Unfortunately in Pfizer’s realm…it’s just a dog…Linda Comstock

  26. Scruffy had blood tests in January of 2015, and all of her values were perfect. However, she had developed arthritis in her hips, and my vet suggested that I put her on Novox [generic for Rimadyl]. I gave her a low dose on a daily basis, as he suggested, though I thankfully missed at least a month’s worth of doses over the past seven months. When she started refusing her food a couple weeks after we started giving her the drug, we assumed it was because we’d changed her food/because her teeth must hurt/because? We weren’t informed of the drug’s side-effects and didn’t put the evidence together quickly enough. Now our dog, who goes for long walks every day, capers around whenever we get home, and still looks beautiful and healthy despite her age, is in stage-four kidney failure. We have a $1200 vet bill that looks to increase significantly, we have her on “doggie dialysis” every other day, she’s on antibiotics and drugs to bind her phosphates, and a special kidney diet because it doesn’t seem right to euthanize such a responsive pet, even though she probably only has weeks left. It totally wasn’t worth it. If you’re worried about your pet’s arthritis–and for the record, we really weren’t–consider a pain reliever over an NSAID, and make sure to be skeptical.

  27. I understand there are many dogs that benefit from this medication. However, when it does not the death is very painful and can come quickly and horribly as did with our 5 year old Beagle named Hoshi. She was only on this for 2 weeks and started with slow symptoms that we did not know were related to the medication. First she started peeing a lot, then a couple of nights later she started vomiting. When we called the vet on call, we were never asked if she was on medication. That vet said to with hold all food and water until the morning. The vomiting should stop. Well it didn’t. When we took her to her regular vet he did not even look at her belly or realize that her symptoms were associated with the Rimadyl. By that time she was septic. Her stomach had ruptured and her kidneys were beyond help. She died a horrible awful death. This should not have happened. We as owners should be given a list of things to watch for if our dogs are prescribed medications. That way we would know to look out and report them to the vet or take them to an emergency vet immediately.

  28. I have been giving Rimadyl to my Lab for a few months now. He is now getting up the stairs, which he wasn’t before. I do take him for frequent blood tests tho. My last dog Buddy also took this medicationa and was also monitored with blood test. I have never had a problem, and his movement is much better.

  29. We shockingly lost one of our whippet breedings a healthy whippet female 4 years old. She had been given rimadyl x antibiotics for a week since she had a pain in one of her paws. She suddenly collapsed at home and died in her owners arms on the way to the vet. The pathologist told us that she had seen many dogs dying from a combination of rimadyl x antibiotics and she said what happens is that they get internal bleedings and bleads to death. She was the sweetest of dogs and lovely coursing whippet.

  30. I gave my beagle rimadyl for one week because of a hurt paw and then all of a sudden a perfectly healthy beagle starts losing weight and then he was in the hospital for a week it ruined his kidneys and within a month he was gone I tell everybody I know that has a dog do not use room at all I have a $50 bottle of it sitting here at my house they’ll never use there is a product for their joints called extend all natural powder works awesome you can get it on Amazon it has helped my 14 year old golden immensely

  31. My boy had rimadyl now he has a heart problems just a few months after having rimadyl for a damaged tendon

  32. I took my dog to a new vet and he prescribed carprofen. I took my dog to our regular vet and told her what he had prescribed and she warned me that the medication can affect the liver and that my dog would need monthly blood tests to check her liver if she continued taking this medication. My vet told me about an all natural product called EFAC. I’m not one to believe in homopathic treatment, but I figured I had nothing to lose because my dog has degenerative rhumatoid arthritis that is going to get worse. I tried it and noticed an improvement within a week! She’s behaving like a puppy again! I buy her medicine on Amazon because it’s the cheapest place.

  33. for for arthritis pain, i use meloxicam. its the same stuff that is prescribed for people. its a lot cheaper than any of the dog drugs, and its a ton cheaper. mine get 1 small pill a day. its much better for long term use than anything else. my dogs are about 90#, and they get a 7.5mg pill once a day.

  34. My beloved yellow lab girl Tonka also had a reaction to this.drug 8 years ago, one week and thousands of dollars later I had to say goodbye to my best girl. I have been warning everyone I know since of the dangers of Rimadyl.

  35. My dog was on an off

    These med for three years for hip pain and arthritis while taking these meds she died unexpectedly of a tumor on her spleen. That burst and cause internal bleeding. Which was a kind of cancer! I truly believe it was cause of the meds!

  36. My limited experience is that it really depends on the dog. Never used Rymadil for over a week but when my dog Charlie was injured, it and Tramadol were lifesavers – same for jazzy. Metacam on the other hand made my dog Jazzy crazy. As soon as we stopped it she went back to being her normal sweet self.

  37. My beautiful,unique and wonderful White Labrador retriever Tiffiny was on Metacam,and it’s other generic equivalent for severe arthritis.
    She also went for hydrotherapy……I was reducing the dose of Metacam when she started bleeding from her rectum……..
    I rushed her to the Vets but she collapsed in the car park…….
    The Vet resuscitated her.
    Next morning at 830 the Vet rang Tiffiny had a massive heart attack and arrested she was 8 years old………
    The bleeding was ulcerative bowel from the Metacam………..

  38. I have worked at an animal hospital for over 11 years and Rimadyl is prescribed all the time. Any time long term use is needed bloodwork is done beforehand, 30 days later to check organ function and every 6 months afterwards to check for any organ damage. It should never be taken with steroids.

  39. Hi, my dog has been prescribed rimadyl for scoliosis and takes one every other day, I’m now very worried after reading this

  40. Rimadyl is an NSAID and like human NSAIDs can have many side effects. Just like any medication that is prescribed for a human or an animal, the health care professional weighs the risk vs benefit of what they prescribe. Go look at your bottle or Motrin or Tylenol and you will see the same or very similar side effects. Some animals will be okay with the medication and some will not be. My 14 y.o. yellow lab has been on carprofen (generic Rimadyl) for years because of arthritis and tolerates it well.

  41. My dog had severe fitting as a result of rimadyl. My vet contacted the makers as she had never fitted before, and they admitted it’s a known side effect

  42. So no difference between generic Carprofen (how many humans has it killed?),& Rimadyl? What about the various forms of human vs. Animal forms of Meloxicam, Deracoxib, or plain old aspirin? Are you suggesting we eliminate all anti-inflammatories for our pet or just use something like Adequan for dogs with debilitating arthritis or osteosarcoma? Looking forward to hearing your answer.

    1. Hi Sabra,

      Thanks for your comments. I am suggesting that some NSAIDs such as Rimadyl (Carprofen) appear to have a higher incidence of side effects, but you need to be fully informed of all the potential side effects in giving any NSAID to your dog.

      They obviously have an important place in pain management, but I feel that they are used too often, and other meds/treatments with less side effects are often overlooked.

      Ultimately it’s your call as a dog owner.

      I was never comfortable prescribing Rimadyl in practice- I feel some of the other NSAIDs have better pain control, less serious side effects.

      Dr Jones

  43. I have a pup. Lab/mastiff she almost 4months old. Went to vet for booster & fecal test #2 , firtunately the fecal came back no worms/eggs. But, she had UTI and vet gave Clavomax. At last minute Vet said heres Rymadil to ease inflammation . ? Dang!! She was prescribed only 5 days worth but WHY? She seems perfectly fine and her last dose was this morning . I read this article after. Am i going to run into problems now?! Shes a baby and this med wasnt really necassary? 🙁

  44. My seven year old Rhodesian Ridfeback was prescribed Rimadyl for some minor hip inflammation. I gave her one dose at 2pm. She had one seizure at 5:15 pm. Another more intense and longer one at 11pm and then one that started at 5am that she never really came out of. She had never had a seizure prior to these incidents. After doing lots of tests and X-rays/mri, the vet said she was 95% sure Zula had a brain tumor and I ended her suffering 21 hours after that one dose of Rimadyl. I had always wondered if the medicine had anything to do with her rapid decline in health.

  45. This is scaremongering! It’s obvious it affects diff dogs in diff ways if at all. The same way as some painkillers affect humans in diff ways.

    My 12yr old golden lab crossed with a gsd was put on Rimadyl in October 2015 due to a bleed an the brain and a bleed in the spine caused through lungworm. He was unable to even stand and I was ready and expecting him to be pts at the vets. After extensive scans and tests he also has arthritis and hip dysplasia. Now he’s been on 2 tablets a day since October and now he can walk, yes only a few hundred yards, play like a puppy but get tired quick(12yrs old it’s expected) and can actually come upstairs.

  46. Absolutely ridiculous! Those numbers are over a period of 27 YEARS and they include other drugs because Rimadyl only came out in 1997!!!!! 4127 deaths over 27 years! Divide that by the MILLIONS of dogs who have takden the drug over that time period and the percentage would be so minute it would go completely unnoticed. 16,500 people die EVERY year from the same type of drugs. Considering that about 30 million dogs have taken Rimadyl since it came out, your looking at a death rate of about 0.08% annualy. So this so called “STUDY” is simply here to sell you something else! Never take these internet studies at face value simply because they have a Doctor’s name at the top of the page. Do a little research first, and check the sources of that research.

  47. well said jason… I noticed the same thing…also that the article title lists 4157 deaths and the chart in the article says 2332 deaths…hmmm this data is pretty useless given all of the missing information… its just a bunch of random numbers. I do think it is important to stress to animal owners allll of the potential side effects of a medicine so that the owner can be appropriately aware not to miss important signs of distress…but my goodness lets do some proper, respectable science in these articles please…

  48. I show and breed Dalmatians. My old boy of 12 has been battling with Arthritis and Spondalosis.
    I live in South Africa. My sister who lives in the Us brought me some tablets which has made a huge difference to Tuxedo. He is bouncing around like a pup again. The product is Life Vantage Canine health. A Natural product. They are in Utah.No garbage in my guys.

  49. Dr Jones – so happy you are there to advise. I have a 6 yr old Newfie. He is due for a visit to the vet & they want to give him all his vaccinations. I am instead asking for titer testing in the hope he has sufficient antibodies to negate the need for vaccines. So against big pharma & I certainly don’t like giving meds to my boy.


  50. Folks, by my personal estimation, even one of our precious pets lost to these large corporations in the name of “pain relief” should not be happening today! We will never know for sure, but our beloved Miniature Pinscher was lost to liver cancer a little more than a year ago. After developing arthritis in a leg she had broken as a puppy, we put her on a low dose of Rimadyl (Carprofen) in hopes of avoiding any side effects of this, or other available pain killers at the time. We lost her at age 10, after developing a rapid-onset liver tumor. Was it the pain med? Was it vaccines? We’ll never truly know. And we will never get her back.
    One thing is for sure. Any time you can use natural pain medications, healing techniques, and ingredients in both animal, and our own foods – DO IT!!! This is only my own personal opinion, but if your pet came down with cancer tomorrow, wouldn’t you like to know that it wasn’t because of a pill, or a food, or a vaccine that was unnecessary? I am very thankful for Dr. Andrew’s Jones’ natural approach to veterinary care, and highly recommend his programs! Thank You, Dr. Andrew!

  51. Really people???!? THAT’S what we’re gonna debate here, statistics?? Once again, the human race just had to prove what a source of utter disappointment & embarrassment it can be. I’m sure that all of the unfortunate people who had a pet die from using this drug at Dr. Whitecoat’s insistence won’t find this at all insulting. The loss of just ONE animal from the overuse & abuse of any drug is TOO MANY!! And no, Dr. Jones isn’t just trying to sell anything here. Speaking from decades of experience (as is he!) natural alternatives work and are much safer. All he is trying to say is, if these alternatives work, why kill your pet with a dangerous drug that is just being prescribed to help line the pockets of a corrupt industry? And if being EDUCATED regarding safer alternatives isn’t your thing, don’t come here for the information!!!

  52. My golden retriever has been on rimadyl for 3 years. She is completely fine. The vet needs to be educated on what dosage the dog should take and know that dog needs to come in 1 month after starting for blood work to check the liver. If everything is normal they continue use and come back every 4-6 months.

    My friends dog did die due to being prescribed an insanely high dose and he never had blood work done.

    It’s like every medicine.. It can disrupt another function in the body. Just take the correct measures.

  53. This study is vague at best. Rimadyl may not be right for every situation. Our 10 year old boxer who has arthritis in both hips, both knees and a torn acl has been on it for 7 days at its made a world of difference. He’s doing great.

  54. Instead of jumping to conclusions and believing this guy who doesn’t even have proof he’s a real DVM why not ask YOUR VETERINARIAN!!!!! He calls himself the internet pet vet that’s shady as hell anyway! This isn’t even accurate! In dogs with underlying kidney and liver disease this drug can make it worse that’s why bloodwork is required every 6 months to continue on meds. My clinic and several others I know of have several patients on this and none of them have died from using it!! Don’t believe everything you read on the internet folks!

  55. My old Shepherd at the age of 15 had such pain in her hips and could not even get up to walk. Was looking at having her PTS as she was in so much pain. This medication was a life saver for her. Had tried all the natural supplements without success. She only takes half the dose as prescribed every other day. No side affects thus far. If people read all the warnings on medication they would never take them but for her it has given her a good quality of life and for me worth the risk to see her playing and running in the back yard for however long God permits.

  56. We use glucosamine for our 9 year old Cairn Terrier. Are there any know side effects from this??
    It seems to help when he begins to limp. Works one pill overnight.

  57. Using non-steroidal medications such as rimadyl and metacam to treat your dog’s chronic pain is not necessarily bad, IF they are prescribed appropriately and bloodwork is checked routinely to screen for any of these infrequent side effects. I feel this post is misleading. These medications definitely have their place in veterinary medicine. If the pain is responsive to glucosamine and chondroitin alone or Adequan injections, then that would be preferable. However, most arthritis progresses and as the pain becomes more severe, a multimodal approach for pain control often is necessary. That’s when the non-steroidal drugs such as rimadyl and metacam are important to provide a good quality of life for otherwise lame/painful dogs. Every dog reacts differently to each type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug so it is important for owners to be educated about the side effects and understand why routine bloodwork/exams are important but I don’t think it’s responsible to scare people about a class of drug that has its role in treating animals. It’s important to note that non-steroidal drugs should not be used at the same time as steroids and other non-steroidal drugs (eg/ they can’t take rimadyl and metacam at the same time or rimadyl and prednisone etc). Additionally, aspirin for its anti-inflammatory effects is not recommended in vet medicine anymore due to the higher risk of side effects and less pain control.

  58. Carprofen has been used for many years in veterinary medicine and has relieved the suffering of countless dogs after surgery, injury, and arthritis from inflammatory pain. As with any medication, it is used with caution and the risks are balanced against the benefits it provides. Proper laboratory and clinical monitoring will avoid the overwhelming majority of potential issues associated with carprofen. Given that these numbers represent data collected over the course of over 20 years, and that the data represented here is of issues possibly connected with carprofen use but not necessarily conclusively caused by it, over likely hundreds of millions of doses administered, the number of adverse effects is minuscule and not even close to statistical significance. Of course, anyone with a casual grasp of statistics will already have realized as much. As always, watch your pets for signs of adverse reactions to any medication, and consult your veterinarian if you think they’re having an issue. And most of all, don’t depend on internet doctors for sound veterinary advice. They haven’t examined your pet and can’t legally provide you with medical advice anyway…

  59. the vet put my 11 yr old dog on Rymadyl for his arthritis and within 24 hrs he developed a rash on his neck. At first I didn’t associate it with Rimadyl until a few days later he started to bleed from the rash and then his gums started to bleed. Needless to say I was terrified and rushed him to the vet. His blood platelet count was extremely low (20,000 when it’s supposed to be no lower than 200,000) my dog could of easily bled to death. Right now my vet bills are at $1,000 dollars and his treatment isn’t finished yet. This crap needs to be off the market. Who knows what lasting affect this will have on my dog. The only thing I can say good about Rymadyl is that my dog was pain free but it’s not worth his life

  60. My mom’s not quite three year old, very healthy Bullmastiff was prescribed a one-week course of Rimadyl for a knee injury. It tore a hole in his stomach, causing sepsis and killed him in less than a week after every possible intervention was tried, including surgery, plasma infusions and dialysis. Poor labeling and instructions are part of the problem – in Europe the use instructions are very different.

    If your dog hasn’t suffered from side effects you really shouldn’t be posting here, because this isn’t about you and how wonderfully the drug worked for your pet. For those of us who have had to watch our pets suffer and die because of it it is 100% unsafe and all of the good experiences are irrelevant. The side effects are well known and documented, but greedy drug companies and uninformed veterinarians continue to prescribe it without proper warnings or alternatives.

  61. My dog had to be put to sleep because of this group of drugs NSAID it was called previcox he had one tablet within a few hours his back legs wouldn’t work there is a Facebook page about this drug I wish I had Googled first but I trusted my vet not any more though the drug companies just don’t want to know it’s all about money vets are not doing the necessary checks in my case my tablets were given in a plain envelope I now use another vet and ask lots of questions and Google

  62. I have steered clear of medication for my 10 year old GSD. Even my vet is impressed with the effect of Turmeric Golden Paste! I’d recommend it to anyone…

  63. I am actually quite distressed to see an article like this being promoted to drive people away from using drugs that could potentially assist in prolonging their lifespan. Yes, it is clear that Eimadyl has side effects,as do most medications available- for pet, livestock or human. Follow the link, check out the cyclosporine- a immunosuppressant, which has pages of side effects (also used in humans) or something widely used, such as neurological disorder, tachycardia, anorexia and death. If the drug was known for being risky & proven to be the actual CAUSE of these reported outcomes they would not be used. What commercial organisation would treat with something like ivermectin knowing there would be a risk of death etc across their herd.

    In saying this, vets are trained to understand what drugs should be used for what ailments & combinations of such. Should you be concerned regarding the side effects of any prescribed drug for your pet you should discuss it with your vet, just as you would with a doctor prescribing you any medication. Clarify the risk of side effects, check for alternatives.

    Any person or animal requiring medication such as Rimadyl is already suffering an ailment, therefore requiring treatment. Thus study in no way

  64. I have to say I don’t think it’s the evil thing people make it out to be. It gave our dog 3 really GREAT years. Totally regained the use of his legs. We had a choice to either put him down or try Rimadyl. We went with the Rimadyl. But he was on a very low dose and he had blood work every 3 months. He wasn’t on any other medications. I feel part of the issue is many may be using with too high a dose, mixing with other meds or maybe not doing the blood checks every 3 months. Let’s face it many drugs are used more than they should be but I feel there is a place for it. And we were most grateful for the very good years it gave our dog that we never would have had.

  65. I, too, was wondering about Metacam . My last dog was prescribed a couple of short courses of this in the past in Australia with no apparent ill-effects. Vet in Scotland prescribed it last summer, but he was going on holiday so gave me a bigger container of it. I started to become concerned about using it for a longer period, then noticed his gums were bleeding and his stools were darkened. Local Vet was not taking my concerns on board saying bleeding gums were probably due to his age and dental caries – basically he was disinterested. Took him to Holistic Vet, whom we’d been seeing for Acupuncture, she did blood tests which confirmed what she’d initially thought – he had developed : Immune-mediated Thrombocytopaenia. A short course of steroids and another drug to try to settle his GI tract seemed to help at first – then he went rapidly downhill.

  66. From what i have been told…….Metacam is fine as long as your dog has not renal issues. We had a dog in renal failure and our vet would not prescribe Metacam.

    Instead we used Methocarbomol for our dog as a muscle relaxant.

    I also have renal issues and my doctor says no to the “cam”medicines for humans.

    Our dogs will NEVER be given Rimadayl.

  67. As a fellow veterinarian, I feel it is important to point out these numbers were collected over 27 years – look at the dates 1987-2014. Responsible doctors and owners report if something happens to a pet after giving a drug. 4100 dogs over 27 years comes out to about 151 dogs a year. Considering its one of the first NSAIDS approved for dogs and most highly prescribed when you think of all of the generics available now (any carprofen is Rimadyl), I don’t find those numbers alarming. Also, this does not say that the deaths were directly connected to Rimadyl, just that they died after taking it. It is possible that some of the deaths could have been horrible coincidences. I do not care either way what medication owners give their dogs but I do want everyone properly informed and I don’t like people turning down pain medication because of something they read on the Internet. All medications have side effects but often the side effects out weigh the risks or they wouldn’t be out there. Make sure to have regular veterinary visits and monitor lab work and risk of severe issues are usually avoided.

  68. Hm. All drugs have side effects. Who can tell exactly no of dogs using Rimadyl. Statistical this no is small. This look like anti-commercial to me. I am grateful, my dog had more comfortable life and lived 15 years with Rimadyl, using it from 7…

  69. Every drug is a killer if used incorrectly. If you follow up and use the medication the way it’s supposed to be used your dog will be fine. My Bassett has been using Rimadyl for 4 years. Not constantly, always following the regimen the doctor gives you and getting bloodwork done in between prescriptions. Emails like this do more injustice than good!

  70. I have had numerous dogs that I have used rymadil on and have never experienced any of these side effects. all have been old dogs who were in great pain from arthritis and almost couldnt even get up. with in 24 hrs there was a 100% difference and they lived at least 3 years and some even longer free from pain and all were playing like young pups again. I think people need to be cautious of any medication as there r nsaids that cause problems even in human medication. make sure ur vet does a blood panel on ur dog before giving this medication and make sure all kidney liver and heart panel comes back with no issues. a lot of these dogs may have underlying health problems not yet diagnosed and the med could have an effect on that. also just like with people u can have an adverse effect of any medication on the market. if u can do without the meds that is always the best thing for person or animal. all medications can cause damage to liver or kidneys as these are the two organs that process the medication. as for the immune system all meds and vaccines can harm ur immune system even for humans. This medication is very beneficial to those dogs who can take it. we could of put our border collie down at the age of 10 when she got to where she couldnt get up unassisted however we chose the rymadil and she lived to be almost 17. that would of been 7 years of her life we would not of gotten to enjoy her. she ran and played like a 2 year old again right up till the end. so do your research and make sure dog has a clear blood panel before taking this medication and watch for signs of distress just like you would with a baby they cant talk either to tell u the meds make them feel bad. and if u notice anything seek medical attention immediately dont wait thinking its nothing. i feel bad for those who have lost there beloved pets to this drug but I have to say I have seen it do more harm then good.

  71. to correct my previous post i ment to say I HAVENT seen it do more harm then good. I recommend it to everyone who has a dog with issues this drug would benefit as long as dog has clear health panel and no other undeerlying conditions. rymadil still gets an A in my book and am still using it today.

  72. I’ve been giving my 11 year old dachshund a very low dose of Rimadyl for joint pain for about 2 months. 5 days ago she refused to eat and became lethargic. She had her bloodwork done 5 months ago and EVERYTHING was normal and she was cleared for her dental. Today she has pancreatitis and can barely move. This medication should be taken off the market. I’m not ready for her to die, especially not from trying to keep her pain free. I would sue that company but that won’t give her the use of her organs back. Instead I’ll be spending all my extra time watching her die a slow and painful death.

  73. My 13-month old rottie was given metacam after a routine spay. She went into ACUTE KIDNEY FAILURE and was put to sleep within a week. Then the vet billed me $1,300.00 for tests they ran to see what was wrong with her. The vet gave her the drug now I don’t have my companion.

  74. My 1 year old rough collie was given metacam and past away 3 days later with renal failure. He had been taken to a vet because he wasn’t eating and very lethargic. They said he had an infection and he was given an antibiotic injection followed by a metacam injection the next day. On the day prior to getting the metacam, he had perked up and was drinking and eating but went downhill after the injection and had to be admitted to the vet surgery. Total cost of care £2800 and one deceased normally fit and healthy 1 year old collie.

  75. April 17, 2017 My labrador is going to be euthanized today because of Rimadyl. He is suffering because I trusted my vet and gave him 7 pills. He now has every adverse reaction there is – what is making this so difficult is if I had only been given the client info sheet, I would have researched this drug and he would be fine today, except for his arthritis,he is 12 1/2 years old. He was not given a blood test before he was given these pills and labrador retrievers are known for not being able to handle this drug – and this is done all for money for the drug co. (Zoetis) and for the veterinarians who give it out.

  76. If treating arthritis pain, switch to Galliprant. This was just released the first of 2017 and has been proven to have almost no impact to the liver or kidneys. I could not use rimadyl with my boston due to other medications she has been on and the concern for liver damage, but neither vets or pharmacist are concerned from our using Galliprant. The only downside is the way it is made, it targets specific nerves or cells and will only treat arthritis pain.

  77. Metacam is also a killer… it can put your dog into almost immediate complete kidney failure past the point of doing anything about it except put them to sleep 🙁 robo had check up and blood work done.. . said he looked great nothing wrong but needed dental work … so they put him on metacam and an antibiotic and made appt for 3 weeks… i called and told him he wasnt acting right and they prescribed more metacam …then his back legs didnt want to work and he couldnt swallow so took him in and they did blood work again saying he was in acute complete kidney failure and past the point of doing anything except ivs and trying to get him to eat or drink… was using a dropper and it was just rolling back out of his mouth he couldnt swallow.. then got so he couldnt move at all . laying on his side .. looking like road kill with a heart beat the ivs were just going in and coming right out.. i finally had to love him enough to let him go. i called the manufacture and yes.. that was what killed him.. had to fill out an FDA report for them.. Rest in peace Robodog love you to the moon and back

  78. from time he started metacam until we had to put him to sleep was less than 3 weeks… the vets dental reminder came a week after 🙁

  79. I have had very good luck with a liquid form of Glucosamine, Chondroitin & MSM made by Trace Minerals Research. It’s human grade and in a big blue bottle. I had a foster dog that needed a $3000 knee surgery for a torn ACL and started him on one tablespoon (he’s about 55 lbs.) on top of his kibble with a little added water. I also kept him pretty inactive for about a month. He improved so much that I decided not to have the knee surgery. I told the local ASPCA about it and they tried it on two of their dogs with “day and night” results. I still give him a half tab (50 mg) of the generic Rimadyl with his food because he seems to have some other issues with his spine that I think could be benefited from it.

  80. In about 2008, my 5-6 yr old healthy pitbull (maybe boxer cross) had mildly sprained her knee. A new vet prescribed 75 mg Rimadyl 2x/day. By the 6th dose, she was wobbly and unable to stand. Thinking she was more injured than I thought, I gave her one more dose of Rimaldy, after which to my horror, she was paralyzed in the hind end (a condition called paresis) and could not use the bathroom without assistance. Finally I went to the net to read about side effects and found that paralysis is a well-known side effect. Fortunately, she began to improve on her own after I discontinued use, but I really held that vet accountable for not alerting me to these possible side effects.

    This link gives the full reprint of the 2004 Wall Street Journal story (at the bottom) Dogs Do Great on Rimadyl Except Those That Die: http://www.ebvet.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=194

    If your dog has experienced side effects to this drug (aka Carprofen, Vetprofen), report it to the FDA at this link: https://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/ReportaProblemucm055305.htm

    Fill out their easy-to-answer interactive pdf: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/AboutFDA/ReportsManualsForms/Forms/AnimalDrugForms/UCM048817.pdf

    and email it this address: CMV1932A@fda.hhs.gov.

    In 1998, 2 years after it hit the market, Rimadyl accounted for 39% of all Adverse Drug Effects reports received by the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). Rimadyl is considerably more than that received for other animal drugs and even at this level, the actual cases are under-reported.

    The CVM report for all ADE covers the years 1987-2013, but Rimadyl only went on the market in 1996, so this is just 17 years of data. Note in the report, that symptoms like paralysis appear several times throughout the pages. Look through all 24 pages of Rimadyl side effect occurrences (pp 222-224 & 232-254) at this link: https://www.fda.gov/downloads/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/ProductSafetyInformation/UCM055404.pdf

    I kept my pill bottle and just filed my report after a very patronizing vet told me not to believe everything I read on the internet. It’s never too late to help save a dog’s life. Thank you Dr. Jones for hosting this forum.

  81. My 13.5 yr old Black Lab Rio was prescribed Vetprofen on 7/23/18. I was never told about any thing to be warned about. He was also on keppra for small seizures he was having months before. He was given the Vetprofen because the vet thought he was having arthritis. Soon after taking the meds I noticed a decline. Less movement, more sleeping. I started to have to help him get up. I thought ok, old age. After 2 week I decided to go back to vet. They did blood work and decided he was anemic, said he has some internal bleeding. Told me to come off the Vetprofin. By this time he couldnt even lift his head up from his bed. His last day as I lifted him, he yelped. He was put down less than 3 weeks after starting the medication. I have a video of him trotting at the park on June 29, 2018, less than 6 weeks before he died. He was actually in great shape for a 13.5 yr old lab, and his bloodwork was always good.So within 3 weeks of starting the Vetprofin, this drug took him away. I was never told about any of the possible side effects such as a quickened death. Its wrong and people should really be warned or the product taken off the market. Unless your friend has been taken like this you wont know how it feels. I understand it has helped other dogs, but it seems like Russian roulette to me.

  82. My 8-year-old, perfectly healthy mutt that I adopted as a pup had a minor infection and was prescribed rimadyl and an antibiotic at a vet in CA. After 4 days she stopped eating. Then her back legs went out, she started seizing, and before I could get her to my usual vet (I was traveling) she died a slow, painful death in misery. I brought her home and had her autopsied. She had total renal failure and had been bleeding from her liver. She was taking 1/2 tablet every 12 hours. My home vet told me that it was not the first case she had seen. I was given no warning materials at all.

  83. My dog (lab, catahoula, boxer, plott hound mix) had surgery to repair a ruptured cruciate ligament in his back leg… Carprofen/rimadyl was given as pain relief. Without explaining to me the side effects and alternative medications that could have been given…
    5 days later my dog started throwing up…
    Stop eating and stop drinking…
    a day later he was dead because his liver shut down…
    I didn’t have the money even to put him to sleep so I had to take him home…
    Absolutely the most horrible thing I’ve ever had to witness…
    The veterinarian doesn’t think it was carprofen that killed my dog no blood work was done before the surgery and the veterinarian should have done blood work before giving this drug…

  84. my dog died last week and i believe it to be the rimadyl too, he only had 3 half pills but the 3rd one is when i saw all the side effects wihin 3h of taking it. He died the next day, i didnt do autopsy just a ultrasound as was too late to draw blood when i took my boy body through i couldnt imagine cutting up. im from SA and after i did my research i noticed the phamlets this side is different to the USA as doesnt include death as side effect. My boy had all the side effects, i was at vet today to find out why they didnt offer a blood test prior as even if was going to be on it for 4 to 6 days they should have done one especially since he has history of gastro enteritis as even had HGE two months ago he also diabtic and has no spleen. I have messaged the drug company too to inform them as they request people to let them know if there dogs have side effects while that was on the USA phamphlet. I feel i poisoned my dog and also had no idea of side effects and how serious they could be, after seeing them all that night i took him off it but that was the toxic last one that killed him. I feel for all that didnt have good effects from it as i know it helps some dogs but a warning really should be given to dog owners upon going on it. Id feel better if was offered a blood test prioras i would have acceptted it and know then i did what i could for him prior. I see people saying the liver failure scares me that that may have been happening to my boy after all he went through this year.

  85. i contacted the company Zoetis is my country who is the supplier for Rimadyl and same company internationally they acturely request people to let them know of any side effects, they responded and said regardless of medical investigation as long as any side effects is noted then to report it. I recommend everyone who has experienced side effects regardless of how small to let them know.

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