Say Goodbye to Lipomas: 5 Remedies That Work!

If your dog or cat has a fatty lump, commonly known as a lipoma, you may be wondering what you can do to help—and most importantly, how to avoid surgery.

Is Surgery the Only Option for Lipomas?

When I first started practicing, I was taught that the only way to treat a lipoma was through surgery. However, I’ve learned that this isn’t the full picture. In fact, there are often more treatment options available than most pet parents are aware of.

While surgery is still an option for some pets, it’s not always necessary, and there are other effective ways to manage fatty lumps and support your pet’s health. So, before you rush to schedule an operation, consider exploring alternatives.

Helping Pets in Pain: You Don’t Always Need NSAIDs

In many cases, when your pet is in pain, you don’t always need to rely on NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). There are other natural and effective ways to manage pain and discomfort.

One of the solutions that I’ve found to be especially beneficial is our NEW Hemp Infused Joint Care Chews. These tasty treats are specifically designed to help pets with arthritis, and they’re already making a big difference for many pets in pain.

The Benefits of Hemp Infused Joint Care Chews

Hemp-infused products are gaining popularity for their ability to support joint health and alleviate pain without the harsh side effects that some medications can cause. Our Hemp Infused Joint Care Chews are a great option for pets suffering from arthritis, providing relief in a natural, enjoyable way.

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If you’re interested in giving your pet a tasty and effective alternative for joint health and pain relief, check out our Hemp Infused Joint Care Chews.

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What is a Lipoma?

Lipomas are benign fatty growths that are relatively common, especially in dogs. However, they’re not exclusive to dogs—cats and even people can develop them. Some individuals have multiple lipomas, and birds like budgies can also be prone to them. Typically, these lumps appear on the chest wall, and for my dog Tula, that’s exactly where her lipoma is located.

When I first started practicing, I would simply tell clients that lipomas were benign fatty tumors that could be monitored. However, if they wanted to remove them, surgery was the only option. Over time, I’ve learned that there are alternatives to surgery that can help manage or even shrink these lumps.

1. L-Carnitine: The Amino Acid That Targets Fat Cells

One study that particularly caught my attention involved budgies, which are prone to lipomas. Researchers found that L-Carnitine, an amino acid, was highly effective in reducing body weight and shrinking lipomas. L-Carnitine plays a crucial role in metabolism and muscle mass. While it’s commonly used in humans and dogs for heart disease, it’s also shown to break down fat cells, which can help reduce lipomas.

For dogs, the standard dosage is 50 mg per kg of body weight, twice a day. Since Tula weighs 22 lbs (10 kg), she gets 500 mg twice daily. L-Carnitine is safe, well-tolerated, and directly targets fat metabolism, making it a great option for shrinking fatty lumps.

2. Green Tea Extract: Boosting Metabolism to Burn Fat

Green tea extract is another powerful remedy to consider. Studies have shown that green tea extract can increase metabolic rate and target fat cells, even while resting. One of its key components, catechins, helps with fat oxidation, which can be particularly helpful for shrinking lipomas.

For Tula, I use a 400 mg capsule of green tea extract and give her 50 mg per 10 lbs of body weight daily. I simply cut open the capsule and sprinkle the powder onto her food. This remedy has been effective for many dogs, and I highly recommend it for your pet as well.

3. Colostrum: Boosting Metabolism and Reducing Fat

Colostrum, the nutrient-rich milk produced by mammals right after birth, is an excellent supplement for promoting health. It contains essential nutrients that support the immune system and help heal the intestinal tract. In addition, colostrum has been shown to increase metabolic rate, which can lead to muscle mass gain and fat reduction—including shrinking lipomas.

For dogs, the standard dosage is 100 mg of colostrum per 10 lbs of body weight daily. Tula, at 20 lbs, would need half a capsule of a 500 mg colostrum supplement once a day. If you’re looking for a safe and natural remedy to help manage your dog’s lipoma, colostrum is a great option.

4. MCT Oil: A Ketogenic Fat for Increased Metabolism

MCT oil, derived from coconut oil, is another supplement worth considering. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, and when dogs consume MCT oil, it’s converted into ketones. These ketones increase metabolic rate, boost muscle mass, and help reduce fat, which can assist in shrinking lipomas.

For lipomas, I suggest starting with a half teaspoon of MCT oil per 20 lbs of body weight daily, gradually increasing it to one teaspoon per 20 lbs. It can take around four weeks of consistent use before you can assess its effectiveness in shrinking the lipoma.

5. Topical DMSO and Aloe Vera: A New Remedy to Try

Finally, I want to share a new topical remedy I’ve started using: a combination of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and aloe vera. DMSO is known for rapidly penetrating the skin and concentrating within the lipoma, which can trigger an inflammatory reaction. This reaction stimulates the immune system to target and shrink the lipoma. Aloe vera, with its soothing properties, helps calm the skin.

To apply this remedy, I use about three to four drops of DMSO directly on the lipoma, followed by a squirt of aloe vera. I gently rub it in, being careful not to absorb too much of the DMSO myself. Apply this combination twice a day for the best results.

Heal Your Pet at Home!

These five remedies—L-Carnitine, green tea extract, colostrum, MCT oil, and the topical DMSO and aloe vera mix—are natural, safe, and effective options for shrinking lipomas without resorting to surgery. I’ve used them successfully with Tula and many other pets, and I believe they can work for your pet too.

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P.S. If you’re looking for an alternative remedy to help avoid the side effects of veterinary anti-inflammatory drugs, consider using Dr. Jones’ Joint Care Chews. These chews are designed to promote optimal joint health, flexibility, and comfort for dogs (and even cats!). Infused with organic hemp and powerful joint-supporting ingredients, they’re a natural way to keep your dog active and comfortable.

Get your Pet’s Natural Pain Relief here:
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3 thoughts on “Say Goodbye to Lipomas: 5 Remedies That Work!”

  1. In the beginning of this article it states the remedies are for the treatment of a ‘dog or cat’. In dosage amounts Tula is used as your example. Would the dosage be the same for my cat, Bob, as used for your dog, Tula? I am keeping in mind, of course, that I would use Bob’s weight, instead of Tula’s, in the formula to determine the exact amount Bob should receive. I have seen with several other remedies, which are safe for a dog or cat, that the dosage is often different for a cat than that which a dog would be given.

    I would also like to take a moment to let you know how greatly I appreciate your caring and concern for everyone’s pets. You help restore my faith in the belief that not all Veterinarians care far more about how much money they can get, than they care about helping a sick or injured animal.

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