The Dark Side of Being a Vet: Why I’m Ashamed of the Profession

Why I’m Ashamed to Be a Vet: A Shocking Exposé of the Profession

For eight years, Matthew Watkinson worked as a vet. But are vets really the saints they are often made out to be? In this exposé, Matthew, now 32 and an author, reveals the uncomfortable truths about the veterinary profession that every pet owner should read. Here, Matthew discusses the moneymaking practices that led him to leave the profession entirely.

Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula (Original Formula)

Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Original Formula is a comprehensive, natural nutritional supplement designed to support overall wellness in dogs. Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine champions holistic pet health. This premium, non-GMO and gluten-free formula is meticulously crafted without wheat, corn, soy, or any artificial flavors or additives, ensuring only the best for your furry friend.

Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Canine Original Formula is a comprehensive, natural nutritional supplement designed to support overall wellness in dogs. This formula is in powder format that you can mix with your dog’s food or a treat, it’s crafted to enhance vitality and promote a balanced diet.

A Dog with Bone Cancer: A Question of Morality

I’ll never forget the greyhound that came to my clinic. His soulful eyes seemed to plead for help, and his thin tail was tucked between his legs as he stood, still with fear, on the examination table. The dog, aged 12, had bone cancer in his hind leg. The cancer was advanced, and I immediately thought he’d lived a good life. His brushed coat and muscled body indicated an owner who cared for him deeply.

As a student vet about to graduate and start my own practice, I knew what I would recommend for this dog if I were his owner: a peaceful, loving death. But the chief lecturer had a different opinion. Instead of offering a humane death, the lecturer suggested that the dog undergo a leg amputation and chemotherapy, which could extend the dog’s life for a few months. The cost? Between £1,000 and £2,000 or more.

As I stood there, I felt a deep revulsion. The treatment would likely not work, and even if it did, how could anyone justify the suffering it would cause? How could a dog, possibly struggling with pain, understand that the treatments were being done “for his good”?

Looking back, I realize that moment was when I began questioning the role of vets in animal welfare. While we could treat this dog’s cancer, was it truly in his best interest? Or was it simply about making money?

Becoming a Veterinarian: The Illusion of Helping Animals

When I entered veterinary school, I wasn’t focused on ethical dilemmas. I was just excited to be one of the few accepted into the prestigious Royal Veterinary College in London. Coming from a family with no university graduates, my parents were incredibly proud of me. I was genuinely fascinated by biology and wanted to help animals.

But after graduating and taking the veterinary oath to “ensure the welfare of animals committed to my care," I started to realize something troubling. I was beginning to feel ashamed of being a vet. The practices I witnessed were often more about money than animal welfare. And I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

The Moneymaking Machine Behind Veterinary Practices

While not all vets deliberately set out to profit from animals’ misfortune, I learned that many veterinary practices focus on making money, rather than prioritizing animal care. Many pet owners are led to believe that every procedure is necessary when, in reality, it’s a clever way to make more money.

The rise of pet insurance has further fueled this industry. With pet insurance, owners feel more comfortable with expensive treatments, and vets know that they can charge more because the pet owner won’t be paying directly. This has led to vets offering unnecessary tests and treatments, simply to increase revenue.

Unnecessary Tests and Operations: A Hidden Cost

I’ve seen unnecessary treatments recommended for pets that are perfectly healthy. For example, some vets suggest removing a cat’s chipped tooth “just in case it causes problems later.” Removing a tooth, especially a canine tooth, is major surgery and should only be done if the cat is suffering. But many owners trust their vet and proceed with surgery that, in most cases, isn’t needed.

Similarly, I’ve witnessed vets recommend exploratory surgeries for cats who have been sick for a few days, even though sometimes, a period of observation is the best course of action. Many owners are persuaded that the surgery “worked” when, in fact, their pet would have recovered on its own, possibly even more quickly than after an unnecessary operation.

The Ethics of Over-Treating Pets

Some of the most troubling practices in the veterinary field come when animals are subjected to torturous and expensive treatments for conditions that could be better managed with a humane approach. In my opinion, animals suffering from cancer or severe injuries should not be subjected to long, painful treatments.

Programs like Super Vets have normalized overtreatment by showing extreme cases where animals, despite being critically ill, are put through painful procedures in the name of saving their lives. This practice is harmful to the animal’s welfare, as long-term caging and medical procedures can cause more distress.

The Role of Pet Insurance: A License to Print Money

Pet insurance is often marketed as a necessity, but in reality, it serves as a license to print money for vets. While insurance can make pet owners feel secure about their pet’s medical care, it also encourages vets to suggest unnecessary treatments, knowing the owner won’t feel the direct financial impact. Insurance premiums can range from £60 to £250 per year, and yet the insurance doesn’t cover essential services like neutering, vaccinations, or teeth cleaning.

In my opinion, pet insurance has done little to benefit animals and has instead created a system where vets can profit from unnecessary procedures.

Vets Have Created Their Own Market

Vets have not only capitalized on pet insurance, but they have also contributed to the creation of weaker, more problematic animals. Take the example of bulldogs, which have been bred with a characteristic collapsed face, causing breathing difficulties. These animals require artificial insemination and, in many cases, cesarean sections due to their small pelvises. These procedures are costly for the owner but profitable for the vet.

Breeding these animals in the first place is irresponsible, yet vets continue to facilitate these procedures because they make money from them. The same goes for other breeds, like dachshunds, which suffer from spinal problems due to selective breeding. The need for continuous surgeries and treatments for these animals only fuels the profits of the veterinary profession.

The Loving Pet Owner’s Dilemma

As a pet owner, it’s crucial to understand that your role is not to maximize your pet’s life at any cost but to prioritize their welfare. Loving pet owners should make informed decisions about their pets’ health and not feel pressured into expensive, unnecessary treatments. When the time comes, it’s important to embrace the natural end of life, ensuring that your pet has a peaceful death, just as they had a good life.

Dr. Andrew Jones: A Veterinarian Who Understands the Reality

As a former veterinarian, I, too, share many of the same concerns that Matthew has exposed in his article. In my new book, Veterinary Secrets, I address many of these issues and offer solutions, including natural home remedies you can use on your pets to save hundreds in veterinary fees.

You can get your copy here: Veterinary Secrets

19 thoughts on “The Dark Side of Being a Vet: Why I’m Ashamed of the Profession”

  1. As we’ve gone to vets over the years, I can see they’re just like any other
    business, trying to sell or upsell you goods and services. Only in this case
    it’s to the detriment of your pet. Dr. Jones has it totally correct, no one
    knows or cares about your pet more than you. If you care about your pet, become
    involved in their health. You just need to exercise some common sense and a little
    investigation. There’s an incredible amount of information out there easily

  2. Andrew Jones is a doctor, not a Mr. I’m not sure why the vet who wrote this article had to leave the profession – it seems a complete shame that one of the very few completely honest vets would stop being a vet. It has gotten so bad where I live that I rarely take my dogs to the vet and treat them holistically instead. That has led to some great results, but also some not so great results. It’s not that I don’t want to take them or can’t take them – I just can’t afford $1700 bills for an overnight stay, which is what happened one of the last times I took a dog to an animal hospital. I would love to be able to have a knowledgeable vet I could trust who would also recommend when it is time to say good-bye without advising treatment that is only going to lead to the animal’s longterm suffering.

    I do have a very trustworthy vet but she has no knowledge of alternative treatments, which is a shame.

  3. I completely agree that a lot of Vets treat their patients owners like potential cash cows. I’m constantly being made to feel like I ”don’t care” because I question all the chemicals vets try to push onto me for my Old English Sheepdog and my Newfoundland Landseer. But I feel it only fair to share a cancer related story and a Vet who was honest and direct about the situation from the get go.
    I had a wonderful large, muscular Standard Poodle (Sammy Bear) who at age 2 1/2 started screaming in agony each time he passed a motion at first due to not ”feeling a lump” the vet diagnosed Colitis gave me tablets and away I went. 4 days later as the dog was passing blood only I took him back and said this is NOT Colitis. This time there was a lump which upon X-Ray exam turned out to be a double insussception when they operated they cut the withered part of the bowel out and rejoined it (fantastic surgeon!) they then removed another lump evident on the X-Ray from the bowel, Sammy recovered very quickly from the op then the histology came back it was high grade malignancy I was told I could just leave it in which case he would die very quickly and horribly or I could go for Chemo which is massively expensive (my bill totalled 6,000 Uk pounds) after putting him through such a harrowing operation I couldn’t just give up and let him die, so I agreed to the 20 weeks Chemo, which he weathered with humbling stoicism. Sammy lived another 4 happy, healthy and loved years. I treated every day with him as the privillege it was. His death at 6 1/2 was a massive blow he really was very fit (could run behind my bicycle for miles happily) and muscular right up to the end but when he became very sick over a 12 hour period I knew it was time and I did ”the right thing” it totally broke my heart but I’m happy for him because the end was a good one for him. The point of my epic saga is yes common sense is vital, knowing your animal is key and being able to trust in your vet is priceless. I take my dogs to the vet annually for Lepto jabs because they go in a river daily but I take everything I’m advised with a pinch of salt since the trusted vet retired, I know my animals and know when they are sick. People should always listen to their concience and face the unpleasant decision to euthanase when ”it is time” that is real love and compassion. I miss Sammy who died over a year ago every single day he was my best friend and companion but I am guilt free because I was brave enough to hurt myself and do the right thing for him.

  4. This was eventually going to come out, just like what is happening with the CDC and the MMR vaccines …. The truth always, always comes to the surface. I commend any professional who has the courage to step up and let the truth be known ….. This is good for all concerned, well almost everyone … The family who gets to treat their beloved pet with dignity, ‘money spent does not equate to value or love’ …. The much loved family member, receives what is needed and doesn’t get to die from all the toxicity caused from continual vaccinations that are just not needed….. I feel a change coming as people everywhere are starting to wake up …… Thank you for your courage and facing the fear of ridicule … I have purchased Dr Andrew Jones book , and what a great read… A terrific book to have on hand ….. Nothing more can be said other than ‘ Awesome’

  5. Sadly I also see that far too often when it comes to horses…I have seen some real cash cows that ended up not making it, due to misguided treatment (usually incorrect , traditional founder care that completely ignores newer, and more effective treatment methods) and I have a hard time believing this is done on purpose , but sadly it appears to be. I have a peer who is convinced that this is the case far too often and you just now confirmed it as well.

    I must be too naïve thinking that if someone wants to be in a healing profession than this would be their main focus healing and doing what in the best interest of the animal/human.

  6. We have chosen not to acquire another dog because we spent over a thousand dollars on our last dog for a 24-hour stay, without getting a diagnosis of the cause (that would have been another $500 out of pocket). For insurance, we would have had to pay $70 a month because he was over 10 years old. Luckily, our low income over the years meant that he had very seldom been to the vet and only been revaccinated for rabies or bordetella. He was clearly miserable the night he was in the hospital so we vowed not to take him back except to euthanize him. He lived another six months, constantly losing weight despite a cancer diet and Dr. Jones’s supplement, but remained bright eyed and bushy tailed – still chasing deer, cats and other dogs till his last day – he died at home with dignity.

  7. Bless you Dr. Jones for being YOU! I feel so lucky to have found you (few years back) and grateful for your books, courses, DVD’s that have helped me so much with my dogs. You are one of the too few veterinarians who stand up for common sense in pet care. You are truly a TRAIL BLAZER for better pet care. Very proud to know of you, and your material has helped me help others as well with their pets. Thank you for helping me feel more empowered as a pet parent to better help my furluvs with a level mindset.

  8. I read this with interest and also a great sense of disappointment. As a dog and horse “mom” I’ve been hit with my share of monstrous vet bills. While I happen to believe that both my small animal & equine vet are honest & ethical, the issue of how to pay for costly or emergency procedures has been a stumbling block for me, as well as many friends & acquaintances. As a result, about a year ago, I decided to launch a service, offered through veterinary practices, that allows clients to set up interest-free installment payments (my company has provided payment processing services to various businesses for over 27 years.) We set up automatic drafts to a client’s checking, savings or credit card account, so the vet doesn’t have to do any billing or administrative tasks associated with receiving deferred payments. The process of getting vets to accept this system has been quite difficult, however. A few, who I would describe as very “client-centered” and empathic, embraced the system readily. They are offering the payment plan system with great success, and their clients are relieved that they have this alternative. Most vets I talk to, though, want all their money up front, and say “for every client who really needs a payment plan, there is another one who doesn’t and can pay in full immediately. I only want to serve THOSE clients.” This has been utterly disappointing, to say the least. I understand that vets are running a business and they can’t, of course, afford to accept payment plans from everyone. But for the few who really need it, why not help them? And I am further puzzled by the reluctance to offer this because we don’t charge the vet ANYTHING to offer our service: it’s free! (Unless clients do a credit card payment plan, the vet must pay the merchant fees but that would have to be paid with any credit card transaction.). I must admit, since introducing my service I have seen a side of veterinarians that I would rather not know about. The truth hurts, as they say. Thank you for sharing your thoughts in this post, Dr Jones (& everyone who has commented as well.)

  9. The vets put my 1 year old on 10 months of cortisone (macrolone) at triple doses and she developed neurological damage and had to be put to sleep. I wish they had just told us to love her rather than create an aggressive 40kg dog that went completely mad. They even desexed her… two weeks before we had to have her put to sleep. Money theives really. I miss my girl and I cant believe I let this happen to her.

  10. Meanwhile in this part of the world in the US and Canada we have the vet-sponsored practice of declawing (amputation) going on; this is nothing less than a legalized form of animal cruelty which has no medical or therapeutic reason for existing but is still widely promoted by many vets and their associations…even in spite of widespread opposition by animal rights activists and many vets themselves; it makes a SHAM of the veterinary oath to do no harm and reveals the GREED and moral bankruptcy that has taken root in what should be an honorable profession dedicated to serving all animals.

  11. I don’t know what type of pet insurance you are referring to in your article, but I have pet insurance on all 3 of my dogs and it is the best investment I have ever made. It covers all accidents & illnesses that they may have. For one of my dogs last year, I was reimbursed over $14,000, so you can’t put all pet insurance companies into one category!!!

    There are reputable companies out there who provide good service to pet owners!!

  12. You don’t mention the worst things vets do. They sell kibble and encourage way too many shots and monthly chemicals. Dogs are 99.9% WOLF carnivorous and thrive on protein. Kibble, grain, corn, root vegetables and most fruit cause yeast overgrowth and itching and ear problems. Vets say the itching is allergies because they sell kibble crap but it’s yeast. Dogs used to live to 19 and 20 years old but now they last half that long and get cancer and have seizures from the inappropriate food. One set of shots, skip the chemicals and feed meat, fish, eggs and chicken. I buy liquid vitamins and minerals, calcium. All my dogs lived to 19.

  13. Thank you for your honesty and for the article. Instead of leaving the profession, could you run your own practice while upholding your own standards? I live on Hawaii Island, I know our island would treasure a vet with your knowledge and ethics. I have a 48 acre parcel and would happily lease part to you for your practice. I foster for a non-profit, and currently work with five different veterinary practices. Would love to welcome you. Thanks again for your honesty.

  14. Holistic vets all started out studying at vet school with conventional vets and chose to do better. There are good and bad in all professions, such a shame Andrew did not choose to study further and offer an ethical affordable pet centered veterinary service. His drive to put the animals long term well being at the front of veterinary care is needed more than ever as corporate ownership overtakes veterinary ownership of clinics. Maybe with this book done Andrew you could return to the coal face and straddle the veterinary and the writers world’s? Dr Judy Morgan, Dr Mark Elliot, Dr Nick Thompson, Dr Karen Beckerand Dr Julie Ann Lee are doing it and using seminars, conferences, and social media to educate pet parents and spear head a new wave of vet clinics and hospitals.

    1. Book was published in 2014 and has been running a Youtube channel called Veterinary Secrets that empowers pet parents with knowledge to treat their pets condition with natural remedies. You can find the book here:

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