Is Castor Oil Safe for Pets? Castor Oil For Dogs and Cats

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Discovering Castor Oil: An Ancient Remedy

Castor oil, derived from the castor bean, is a substance with a rich history. While I only have kidney beans to show today (they’re the only dried beans I could find), the castor bean has been used by humans and for animal treatments for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It’s widely recognized not just as an industrial lubricant and in pharmaceuticals but also as a powerful home remedy. Today, we’ll explore how it can help both you and your pets.

Castor Oil as a Powerful Laxative

One of the primary uses of castor oil is as a stimulant laxative. It’s been used for over a thousand years for this purpose. When consumed, it breaks down in the small intestine into a fatty acid called ricinoleic acid. For constipation relief, many people, including myself, use it, and it’s also safe and effective for animals. If your dog or cat is seriously constipated, a small dose, like a quarter of a teaspoon per ten pounds of body weight given twice daily, could be a safe, natural option.

Topical Use for Skin Health

Castor oil acts as a natural humectant, meaning it helps retain moisture when applied topically. This is particularly beneficial for dogs with allergies as it helps prevent damage to the skin barrier, which can allow allergens to trigger reactions. Mixing a tablespoon of coconut oil with a teaspoon of castor oil creates a hydrating mixture that can be applied to areas of inflamed skin due to allergies, promoting healthier skin and easing discomfort.

Promoting Wound Healing

Another significant benefit of castor oil is its effectiveness in promoting wound healing. It fosters a moist environment, which is crucial for rapid healing. Interestingly, castor oil is also a primary ingredient in a popular pharmaceutical used in hospitals for wound care, demonstrating its medical credibility. If your pet has a minor laceration or irritation, applying castor oil could accelerate the healing process.

Combating Dandruff and Acne

For those dealing with dandruff or pet acne, castor oil can be a game-changer. Its properties help manage acne and reduce unsightly bumps and pustules, especially in areas like the folds of a dog’s muzzle. Instead of harsh treatments, applying castor oil directly to affected areas can help clear up these skin issues, leaving your pet’s coat smooth and healthy.

Conclusion: A Versatile and Beneficial Oil

Castor oil is a versatile and beneficial option for a range of issues, from constipation and wound care to skin health and allergy relief. Its natural properties make it a safe choice for both humans and pets. If you’ve found this information helpful, don’t forget to subscribe for more tips, and click the link below for a free copy of my book. Let’s keep our pets healthy and happy with natural remedies! Thanks for watching, and see you next time.

Dr Andrew Jones’ ‘Veterinary Secrets’ Will Help Keep Your Pet Healthy, and Extend Your Pet’s Life

19 thoughts on “Is Castor Oil Safe for Pets? Castor Oil For Dogs and Cats”

  1. Thank you so much for your tip on castor oil for dog dry eye. We have a boston terrier whose eyes are terribly dry. He had been seeing an ophthalmologist and had not been getting any better. He is allergic to cyclosporine. The Tracrolimus did nothing except cause eye irritation. This last time they sent us home with pilocarpine and olfaxcin. He was getting even worse. Out of desperation, I tried castor oil, hexane free. He is doing better already. I have sjogrens and have used castor oil in my eyes for a long time. I was scared to use it in his eyes. I was amazed how the castor oil didnt even bother him. He is so happy. Thank you so much!!!!?????

  2. Can castor oil be used on my dog who has some major swelling in his jawline and near his throat. Vet believe may be infection. By putting oil on would this be helpful to help
    Clear Thisnup?

    1. Yes it is safe to use Castor Oil on pets and here are some usage of it.

      Castor Oil for Pets?

      Castor oil is a multi-purpose vegetable oil that people have used for thousands of years.

      It’s made by extracting oil from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant.

      These seeds, which are known as castor beans, contain a toxic enzyme called ricin. However, the heating process that castor oil undergoes deactivates it, allowing the oil to be used safely.

      Castor oil has a number of medicinal uses.

      1. A Powerful Laxative

      Perhaps one of the best-known medicinal uses for castor oil is as a natural laxative. It’s classified as a stimulant laxative, meaning that it increases the movement of the muscles that push material through the intestines, helping clear the bowels.Stimulant laxatives act rapidly and are commonly used to relieve temporary constipation.In fact, several studies have shown that castor oil can relieve constipation.

      While castor oil is considered safe in small doses, larger amounts can cause abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.Although it can be used to relieve occasional constipation, castor oil is not recommended as a treatment for long-term issues.

      Dog and Cat Dose: 1/2 teaspoon / 20lbs twice daily. Human Dose: 1 tablespoon.

      2. Skin Disease/Allergy Help

      Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid. These types of fats act as humectants and can be used to moisturize the skin. Humectants retain moisture by preventing water loss through the outer layer of the skin.

      Castor oil is thick, so it’s frequently mixed with other skin-friendly oils like almond, olive and coconut oil to make an ultra-hydrating moisturizer.Though applying castor oil to the skin is considered safe for most, it can cause an allergic reactions..

      SUMMARY: Castor oil can help lock moisture in the skin. IF your dog or cat is itching with especially DRY SKIN, consider applying a castor/coconut oil combination.

      3. Promotes Wound Healing

      Applying castor oil to wounds creates a moist environment that promotes healing and prevents sores from drying out.Venelex, a popular ointment used in clinical settings to treat wounds, contains a mixture of castor oil and Peru balsam, a balm derived from the Myroxylon tree. Castor oil stimulates tissue growth so that a barrier can be formed between the wound and the environment, decreasing the risk of infection.

      It also reduces dryness and cornification, the buildup of dead skin cells that can delay wound healing.Studies have found that ointments containing castor oil may be especially helpful in healing pressure ulcers, a type wound that develops from prolonged pressure on the skin.One study looked at the wound-healing effects of an ointment containing castor oil in 861 nursing home residents with pressure ulcers. Those whose wounds were treated with castor oil experienced higher healing rates and shorter healing times than those treated with other methods

      SUMMARY: Castor oil helps heal wounds by stimulating the growth of new tissue, reducing dryness and preventing the buildup of dead skin cells. CONSIDER for your dogs/cats with speeding up wound healing, and for dogs with PRESSURE ULCERS on the elbows.

      4. Impressive Anti-Inflammatory Effects – Natural Arthritis Treatment

      Ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid found in castor oil, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that when castor oil is applied topically, it reduces inflammation and relieves pain. The pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory qualities of castor oil may be particularly helpful to those with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis.

      Animal and test-tube studies have found that ricinoleic acid reduces pain and swelling. One study demonstrated that treatment with a gel containing ricinoleic acid led to a significant reduction in pain and inflammation when applied to the skin, compared to other treatment methods. A test-tube component of the same study showed that ricinoleic acid helped reduce inflammation caused by human rheumatoid arthritis cells more than another treatment. Aside from castor oil’s potential to reduce inflammation, it may help relieve dry, irritated skin in those with psoriasis, thanks to its moisturizing properties.

      Although these results are promising, more human studies are needed to determine the effects of castor oil on inflammatory conditions.

      SUMMARY: Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation in test-tube and animal studies. IF you have a pet with localized ARTHRITIS, consider Castor Oil topically.

      5. Reduces Dandruff, Skin Infections/Yeast

      Castor oil has several qualities that may help reduce acne symptoms (feline acne is very common, dog’s get similar skin infections). Inflammation is thought to be a factor in the development and severity of acne, so applying castor oil to the skin may help reduce inflammation-related symptoms. Castor oil has antimicrobial properties that may help fight bacterial overgrowth when applied to the skin.One test-tube study found that castor oil extract showed considerable antibacterial power, inhibiting the growth of several bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus.

      Castor oil is also a natural moisturizer, so it may help soothe the inflamed and irritated skin typical in those with acne.


      Castor oil is used for oral yeast infections in people, and may be beneficial for our dogs that have yeast infections on their skin/paws secondary to allergy.


      This can be a big problem for MANY dogs..The moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it an excellent option to keep hair soft and hydrated and help reduce dandruff symptoms.


      People/Pets have used castor oil for thousands of years as a powerful natural treatment for a variety of health issues.

      It has been shown to help relieve constipation and moisturize dry skin, among many other uses.

      If you are searching for an affordable, multi-purpose oil to keep in your medicine cabinet, castor oil may be a good choice.

    1. No it is not, the plant is yes, but the procedure of extracting the oil removes the toxicity and makes it safe for use on pets.

    1. If it’s toxic to cats and dogs because of ricin, then it is toxic to humans. Ricin is a component in chemical weapons. People and pets couldn’t use castor oil if it contained ricin.

  3. My pet bull has like tumor growths on her nippoles that have turn in to boils, and now see has gone blind, the vet says there not cancers, some have the size of golf ball’s, some have popped and lot’s of blood and Arthritis has set in. She is very dear to us, maybe you have some ideas. Thank you very much for your time. You have a blessed one

    1. Ricinoleic acid, the main fatty acid found in castor oil, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that when castor oil is applied topically, it reduces inflammation and relieves pain. The pain-reducing and anti-inflammatory qualities of castor oil may be particularly helpful to those with an inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis.

      Animal and test-tube studies have found that ricinoleic acid reduces pain and swelling. One study demonstrated that treatment with a gel containing ricinoleic acid led to a significant reduction in pain and inflammation when applied to the skin, compared to other treatment methods. A test-tube component of the same study showed that ricinoleic acid helped reduce inflammation caused by human rheumatoid arthritis cells more than another treatment. Aside from castor oil’s potential to reduce inflammation, it may help relieve dry, irritated skin in those with psoriasis, thanks to its moisturizing properties.

      Although these results are promising, more human studies are needed to determine the effects of castor oil on inflammatory conditions.

      SUMMARY: Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that has been shown to help reduce pain and inflammation in test-tube and animal studies. IF you have a pet with localized ARTHRITIS, consider Castor Oil topically.

    1. To apply castor oil, use a cotton ball and leave it on for a few minutes to an hour. Ensure that they do not lick it, and rinse afterwards.

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