5 Natural Ways to Combat Pet Cancer

Hello everyone! If you’re seeking information on natural pet health and wellness, you’re in the right place. Today, I want to discuss five alternative cancer treatments for dogs and cats that might be new to you. These methods are derived from natural substances and have shown potential in treating various types of cancer in pets. Don’t forget to subscribe to Veterinary Secrets for more insights like these.

Chaga Mushroom: A Powerful Natural Remedy for Mass Cell Tumors

One of the more prevalent types of cancer in dogs is the mass cell tumor, a common skin cancer. Although often difficult to treat conventionally, an exciting alternative is the medicinal mushroom called Chaga. This fungus grows on birch trees and is known for its potent antioxidant properties, which are beneficial in preventing and treating cancer. It can induce apoptosis (cancer cell death) and decrease mass cell degranulation, which reduces inflammation and swelling. For pets, integrating Chaga into their diet can be done by adding ground mushroom to their water, enhanced with a bit of honey for palatability.

Sweet Wormwood: An Ancient Remedy Revisited for Modern Ills

Artemisinin, derived from the sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua), has been used for thousands of years, particularly for treating malaria. Today, it’s being studied for its effectiveness against a variety of cancers. Its mechanisms include reducing cancer cell spread and enhancing the immune system’s ability to recognize cancer cells. This remedy is safe, affordable, and can inhibit new blood vessel growth, crucial for combating cancers like hemangiosarcoma in pets. The standard dosage is based on weight, making it an accessible option for pet owners.

Safflower Oil: A Nutritional Approach to Treating Lymphoma

Lymphoma, a common cancer among pets, has limited conventional treatment options. Safflower oil, high in linoleic acid, has shown promise particularly in cases of cutaneous lymphoma. Studies suggest that high doses can significantly affect the responsiveness of lymphoma cells to treatment. Regular inclusion of safflower oil in a pet’s diet can be a practical approach to managing lymphoma, with dosage adjusted according to the pet’s weight.

Colostrum: Immune Support with Anti-Cancer Properties

Colostrum, or “mother’s first milk," contains lactoferrin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and potential in cancer treatment. It supports the immune system and protects the intestinal tract, which can be beneficial for pets with surface skin cancers or intestinal lymphomas. Applying colostrum topically or incorporating it into the diet can help manage and potentially reduce cancer symptoms in pets.

New Cannabinoids: Potential Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment

Emerging research into cannabinoids like CBC (Cannabichromene) and CBG (Cannabigerol) reveals their potential to induce cancer cell death, particularly in gastrointestinal cancers. These compounds can be included in treatments using specific cannabinoid blends formulated for pets. The dosages can be adjusted based on the pet’s condition and weight, offering a promising complementary treatment for pets with cancer.


While dealing with a pet’s cancer diagnosis can be challenging, exploring alternative treatments like these can provide additional options for managing the disease. Always consult with a veterinarian when considering new treatments for your pet. Thanks for tuning into this episode of Veterinary Secrets. Don’t forget to subscribe for more updates and download my free eBook for more pet health tips.

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4 thoughts on “5 Natural Ways to Combat Pet Cancer”

  1. Professor Thomas Seyfried says that keto diet starves cancer. Is there a quick and simple calculation for how much meat one should feed a dog?

    Also, what about akermansia mucosa? Pendulum makes a akermancia supplement.

    My dog was diagnosed today with a tumor on his spleen. Wondering if i should have the spleen and tumor removed in addition to holistic treatments or if it would be better to go strickly holistic. Not a good diagnosis. Already had some internal bleeding.

    There is a lot of great information here but wondering if more has come to light recently.

    1. We do have an article that can help:

      Ketogenic Diet To Treat Cancer

      There is increasing talk about a ‘new’ diet in people that is showing impressive results in treating cancer in people, and it may help with our pets.

      The diet specifically eliminates carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein.

      As in NO kibble to be fed to your dogs or cats.

      The underlying science of this is based on research which shows cancer cells thrive on sugar (glucose), and as the primary source of glucose is carbohydrates, eliminating these kills the cancer cells.

      This is not a new concept in that the Canine Cancer Diet by Dr Greg Oglivy also dramatically lowers carbohydrates- this diet though is unique in the amount of fat.

      Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is an assistant professor at the University of South Florida College of Medicine.

      He claims that a low-carb, high-fat, calorie-restricted ketogenic diet literally starves cancer cells.

      In an interview on the examiner he said: “We’ve found that diet therapy can be effective in prolonging survival in mice with aggressive metastatic cancer,”

      These same anti-cancer properties have also been observed in human cancer patients and reported in published studies. The cancer-fighting ketogenic diet “formula” is roughly 75% fat, 23% protein, and 2% carbs.

      Dr D’Agostina notes that it is the underlying inflammation from these high carbohydrate diets that promotes cancer, but also other diseases such as diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s.

      Currently there is a research group called Ketopet which presently formulates ketogenic diets for dogs and cats with cancer as part of the “Pet Cancer Trial” Their website is at petcancertrial.com

      In researching this article, I have yet to find a published dog or cat ketogenic diet.

      But in formulating it you are attempting to increase the fat ( up to 75%), maintain the protein levels ( at 25%) and eliminate the carbohydrates.

      Here is some of what the diet would include.

      1 cup of ground beef, fish or poultry, spiced with turmeric, salt substitute
      Cook the protein in olive oil or coconut oil

      1 cup of cottage cheese or ricotta cheese

      Flax seed 1 teaspoon per 10lbs

      Flax oil or fish oil- you want a dose equivalent to 1000mg of EFA/10lbs

      A HUMAN daily vitamin-mineral supplement (one dose for animals over 20 pounds, ½ dose for animals under 20 lbs)

      A calcium carbonate source – about 250 mg per 15 pounds of body weight

      The above recipe would make enough food to feed a 40lb dog for 1 day ( 1 cup in the AM, 1 cup in the PM)

  2. Dr. Jones, I watched your cancer webinar and you mentioned low dose naltrexone as an option with chemotherapy. Could you provide any information on dosing? My dog has had short term radiation and is currently on Palladia.. I am also giving him Artemisinin, Fenbendazole, your ultimate cbd and curcumin. He had a dermal hemangiosarcoma removed, but has a c cell carcinoma of the thyroid and a small lesion on his spine.
    Thank you for your willingness to help

    Crystal Garrett

    1. Here’s an article that can help:

      Low Dose Naltrexone for Cancer
      Naltrexone is a drug that blocks opiate receptors and is commonly used in higher doses to assist individuals with opiate addiction. However, at low doses, it has proven to be very helpful for both animals and humans in managing cancer and other diseases.

      The Theory Behind Low Dose Naltrexone
      The concept of low dose naltrexone involves administering a tiny dose at bedtime to temporarily block the production of endorphins during their peak time. This blockage stimulates the secretion of an endorphin-stimulating factor, which results in elevated endorphin levels in the patient. Endorphins are crucial for controlling pain and focusing the immune response to better target invaders while reducing the risk of attacking the body’s own cells.

      This treatment has been used to palliate chronic arthritis pain in pets intolerant to other medications, to assist in managing some immune-mediated disorders, and to help slow the growth of certain cancers.

      Naltrexone Use in Veterinary Medicine
      In veterinary medicine, naltrexone is a mainstay for reversing reactions to and overdoses of opiates by blocking opioid receptors. It is also employed in treating recurring, compulsive animal behaviors such as tail-chasing and self-mutilation, including acral lick dermatitis.

      Many More Uses for Naltrexone in Animals when Given as a Low Dose
      Pet owners, having seen positive effects of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) on themselves, have opted to try it on their pets with similar conditions. It is currently being used in animals to reduce the pain of chronic arthritis, treat some autoimmune disorders, and slow the growth of some tumors. Promising results have been reported in treating conditions like lymphoma, adenomas, nasal/sinus cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, degenerative myelopathy, and others.

      The dosage of LDN is determined by the weight of the animal and must be prepared by a compounding pharmacy. For optimal effect, administering LDN at night is best for dogs, while morning doses are more effective for cats, considering their nocturnal nature. Many pet owners prefer to administer LDN in a liquid form, which usually requires mixing with flavoring due to its bitterness.

      Study Highlight: LDN Added to Chemotherapy Increases Survival in Dogs
      An October 2018 study aimed to evaluate the effects of low-dose naltrexone as a supplementary drug with carboplatin chemotherapy in female dogs with mammary carcinoma in benign mixed tumors post-mastectomy. The study observed higher serum concentrations of beta-endorphin and met-enkephalin, fewer chemotherapy-related side effects, and improved quality of life and survival rates in the LDN-treated groups compared to those untreated with LDN. Clinical and pathological evaluations indicated a significant association between LDN use and both prolonged survival and enhanced quality of life.
      Side Effects and Dosing
      LDN is generally well-tolerated in most patients, especially when starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the dosage. Side effects, when they occur, are usually mild and can be managed by reducing the dose by half for 2-3 days before resuming titration.

      Cancer Regimen
      For cancer patients, it has been observed that supplementing the treatment with a CBD product during the days off LDN can increase the anti-tumor effects. Starting doses typically range from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg, increasing up to a maximum of 4.5 mg. For small animals like cats, gerbils, and rats, safe dosages range from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg per day, while medium to large animals like dogs can use from 3.0 to 4.5 mg per day.

      My last dog, Lewis, who unfortunately died from a very aggressive form of mouth cancer, found great relief in his final days through a CBD and THC regimen. If you are assisting a pet with cancer, consider exploring CBD with THC tinctures, where legally available. I recommend starting with a 4:1 CBD to THC ratio and adjusting as needed.

      For pets with arthritis or cognitive dysfunction, I encourage trying my whole plant extract CBD for dogs and cats, which includes hemp seed oil as a carrier for enhanced effectiveness.

      Dr. Jones’ ULTIMATE CBD for Dogs and Cats is designed to provide broad-spectrum cannabinoid benefits, enhancing the therapeutic effects when used alongside traditional treatments.

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