Home Remedies: Hemorrhoid Cream for Dogs
Using Hemorrhoid Cream to Help Your Dog: A Hidden Gem in Veterinary Care
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Today, we’re not diving into hemorrhoids themselves, but we’re going to talk about a surprising product that can be incredibly helpful for your pets—Preparation H. Most people associate Preparation H with human use for hemorrhoids, but as a veterinarian, I’ve found it can be a real game-changer in treating a variety of conditions in animals. Let’s explore how this simple over-the-counter remedy can benefit your dog.
The Benefits of Preparation H for Dogs
1. Healing Foot Pad Injuries
One of the first times I used Preparation H on an animal was for a dog that had a severe injury to his foot pads. This dog had been dragged behind a vehicle on pavement, wearing off the protective outer layer of his foot pads. The pads were left raw, red, exposed, and bleeding—an incredibly painful and dangerous condition.
For a situation like this, the goal is to manage the pain, reduce inflammation, and speed up the healing process. The main ingredients in Preparation H, like Biodyne, work well here. This particular product contains a yeast derivative that has anti-inflammatory properties, which are crucial when trying to shrink swollen blood vessels and stop the oozing of blood from exposed micro-capillaries.
In this case, I applied a small layer of the Preparation H with Biodyne directly onto the dog’s foot pads after soaking them twice a day. Within just 14 days, the dog’s foot pads had healed remarkably well. It was almost like magic.
2. Anal Gland Inflammation
Another issue where Preparation H can be useful is with anal gland inflammation. If your dog is straining or there’s redness around the anus, applying Preparation H can provide relief. Over the years, I’ve had numerous clients whose dogs responded very well to this remedy. Simply apply a small layer of Preparation H to the affected area with gloves, twice a day. Within five to ten days, many dogs see a significant improvement.
3. Treating Burns
When it comes to treating burns, one of the key principles is maintaining a moist environment to prevent the skin from drying out while also reducing pain and inflammation. Preparation H helps achieve this by keeping the area moist and aiding in wound healing. I’ve used it on various burn cases with great success.
4. Healing Chronic Infections and Wounds
I had a dog named Doula who suffered from chronic infections in her nostril. She had a small laceration inside that kept getting infected, and I was running out of options to treat it. So, I decided to try Preparation H. I applied it twice a day for a week, and it worked wonders. The infection healed, and the wound improved faster than I expected.
5. Vasculitis in Dogs
Vasculitis is another condition where Preparation H can help. This occurs when a dog loses hair at the tip of their ears, often due to inflammation and redness. It’s surprisingly common, but it can be difficult to treat. I’ve tried using topical corticosteroids in the past, but nothing worked particularly well—until I tried Preparation H.
For dogs suffering from vasculitis, applying a small amount of Preparation H to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. It’s something worth trying if your dog has this condition.
Why Preparation H Works
Preparation H is an anti-inflammatory, and it’s designed to reduce swelling, irritation, and pain. Although it’s marketed for human use, these same benefits make it an excellent option for addressing various skin and soft tissue injuries in dogs. The key ingredient, Biodyne, is derived from yeast and has wound-healing properties, making it a versatile remedy in my veterinary practice.
How to Use It
If you’re going to try Preparation H for your dog, make sure to use the version that contains Biodyne. This version is available in Canada, and you can find it on Canadian websites that ship internationally. Apply a small amount to the affected area and monitor your dog’s progress. It’s always a good idea to check in with your vet to ensure you’re using the right treatment for your dog’s condition.
Preparation H is one of those under-the-radar remedies that can be incredibly helpful in treating common issues in dogs. Whether it’s a foot pad injury, anal gland inflammation, burns, chronic infections, or vasculitis, this over-the-counter product can work wonders. If your dog suffers from any of these conditions, I encourage you to give it a try.
Thanks for watching! I’m Dr. Andrew Jones, and I’ll see you in the next video.

Where can I buy hemorrhoid cream with Biodyne. Can I order it for you?
We do not have it yet in our store but you try online stores like Amazon or from your local stores.
Can you use preparation h for swollen female swollen vaginal area?
I am treating a laceration on my dog’s paw. After reading this article, I am convinced Preparation H will help with the healing. My question is : do I apply it directly on the wound? Do I clean the wound before applying it or so I just clean it once and apply daily? Thank you in advance!
You should not apply Preparation H directly to an open wound on your dog’s paw. Instead, follow these steps:
Clean the wound: Gently clean the laceration with mild soap and water or a veterinarian-recommended wound cleanser to remove dirt and debris.
Apply Preparation H: After the wound is clean and dry, you can apply a thin layer of Preparation H to the area.
Reapply as needed: You can apply it daily, but be sure to clean the wound first each time to prevent infection.
Can your skin balm be used for a dog’s anal gland area?
It can be used externally, yes.