Dog Yeast Ear Infections: Great OTC Home Remedy

Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel! If you’re new here, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications. Today, I’m going to show you my most effective and inexpensive remedy for yeast ear infections in dogs. If your dog is scratching their ear, there’s a sweet smell from the ear, and you notice black debris in the ear canal, they likely have a yeast ear infection.

Identifying and Treating Yeast Ear Infections

Yeast infections in dogs’ ears produce a distinctive sweet smell and are often accompanied by black debris, typical of a yeast infection. This problem can make your dog very uncomfortable, as seen with my dog Tula, who was shaking her head and scratching her inflamed ear. Upon checking, I confirmed it was yeast causing the discomfort.

Affordable Treatment with Clotrimazole

The remedy that works wonders is Clotrimazole cream, which is also available under the brand name Canesten. It’s primarily used for yeast infections in humans but is equally effective for dogs. This antifungal cream costs about $5 for a tube that can last up to a year, making it much more affordable compared to similar veterinary medications that can cost over $50.

Application Instructions

When treating your dog, you only need about a quarter of an inch of the cream for every 20 pounds of body weight. I usually squeeze it directly into their ear, and then I rub the base of the ear to ensure the cream spreads into the ear canal effectively. This method is straightforward and ensures that the medication is administered properly.


This treatment is not only cost-effective but also specifically targets the fungal infection without unnecessary extras like anti-inflammatories or antibiotics that are often found in veterinary products. Most dogs show a significant improvement within just a few days of starting treatment. Tula, for example, was much better after just one application! If your dog is suffering from similar symptoms, I highly recommend trying Clotrimazole. Please let me know in the comments below how it worked for your dog. I hope this helps and look forward to hearing your feedback!

Dr Andrew Jones’ ‘Veterinary Secrets’ Will Help Keep Your Pet Healthy, and Extend Your Pet’s Life

13 thoughts on “Dog Yeast Ear Infections: Great OTC Home Remedy”

  1. Hi Dr. Jones!
    I have watched this video on the green tea & ACV for dogs ears. My lab/Weimaraner mix gets these infections recurrently. Vet says it’s due to allergies. I use the ear wash you recommend, it works great! Can you please tell me the name brand of the Cucurminoids supplement you recommend for allergies? I had her on Dream Coat for years which helped some, but I can no longer get it. Thanks for all you do!

  2. I am so glad I found this site. My groomer noticed a yeast infection in my mini schnauzer the day before I needed to travel out of state. I called my vet but there were no options for several weeks. I saw your article and purchased the clortrimazole. Can’t wait to see if it helps. Thank you

  3. Dr. Jones:
    As suggested in the video, for the past few days, I have been using OTC Clotrimozole to treat my hound dog’s ear (yeast) infection. It is working great.

  4. Hi, Dr. Jones,
    I have a Chihuahua who has been treated for a deep in the ear canal yeast infection. They gave him antibiotics for two weeks, and they didn’t help at all. Then they gave him steroids, which caused his weight to balloon up to 16 pounds! I started using the clotrimazole, and have been treating him every day for over a week, and it’s helped with the dizziness and head tilting, but it’s not gone yet. Is there anything else that I can do? Please help!

  5. I love this. my golden I rescued is always getting ear infections. Nothing worked. It broke my heart This saved her suffering. I love to actually see her ears infection gone. she is so so soo Happy. Now we are going to try your remedy for itching and shedding cant wait to see the results.

  6. I signed up for the email and an ebook.I am so thankful that I found this vet to help out on questions from everyone.Only time my dog Boo gets this way is during the summer months by the time winter comes its basically gone but the summer is the worst for her she has opened wounds from licking so much so my next thing I do is get my some of this antifungal cream and go to town on her ears ,her right one is the worse.

    1. Yes, can be
      You can also try other remedies we have:
      Allergy is multifactorial (ie many causes), which then requires many potential things to prevent it.

      In my opinion, a quality supplement with a variety of ant-itch products are key.

      Such as essential fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics, colostrum

      One such option is my supplement – you can use others, but just make sure they have most of those ingredients. Mine just also happens to have higher than typical levels of ingredients, and is proving helpful for thousands of dogs.

      Excessive Paw Licking In Dogs

      Does your dog CONSTANTLY lick his paws?

      Lick. Lick. Lick.

      It can be very frustrating as a pet parent, especially when some of the things you try are not working.

      The most common cause of excessive paw licking is an underlying allergy, making the feet itchy, causing your dog to lick.

      Typically the feet become stained from the salivary pigments, so often is the dogs with white fur they become a reddish brown.

      The moisture caused by excessive foot licking between the paws can cause a secondary bacterial or yeast infection. This can actually worsen the itchiness and clinical signs.

      Allergy is defined as a hypersensitivity in which exposure to a benign protein (allergen) causes your pet’s immune system to overreact. In both people, and dogs and cats, the incidence of allergies is increasing.


      Three main possibilities: external parasites, such as fleas; food—for dogs, beef protein is the most common; environmental, from pollens to house dust mites. The immune system overreacts and causes severe itchiness.


      1. ELIMINATE the fleas. Practice regular flea control using natural methods, if possible, topical antiparasitics, if necessary.

      2. HYPOALLERGENIC FOOD TRIAL. Here you are feeding a hypoallergenic diet for ten to twelve weeks to see ifyour dog or cat’s allergic symptoms stop. This is a long time, and fortunately over 80 percent of pets respond at least partially by six weeks, although Labs and cocker spaniels usually need longer trials.

      3. THE SUPPLEMENT CONNECTION. Fatty acid supplements are very helpful in decreasing the level of inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are most important. The main point is to give a high enough dose to be effective, and the ideal dose is 1,000mg per ten pounds daily. A great, inexpensive source is flax oil; I give 1 tablespoon per fifty pounds. Other sources include primrose oil and specific veterinary supplements.

      4. FEET WASHING. Regularly washing of your dog’s paws after they come in from being outside is one of the best ways to decrease the itching; this washes off the outdoor allergens. You can use a damp cloth or put your pup in the bath.

      5. SOOTHE IT TOPICALLY. HERBAL CREAMS. There are a few herbs to consider topically: Licorice gel, chamomile cream, and topical curcumin. Licorice and curcumin ointment are herbal medications that has been successfully used to relieve the itch. Apply a thin coat twice daily to affected areas.

      6. ANTIHISTAMINES. Benadryl is the most commonly used antihistamine. It is given at a dose of 1 mg per pound of body weight, two to three times a day. It is best to consult your veterinarian before using these medications. It often takes fourteen days of using these to see if they are helping.

      7. Treat the YEAST. Yeast are often a secondary organism that grows on your dog’s skin with underlying allergies and paw licking. One option is to make your own anti-yeast wash of 1 cup of green tea, 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar – wipe your dog’s paws with this mixture twice daily. Another option is to purchase a ‘human’ OTC anti-fungal cream such as Canesten and apply that twice daily as needed.

  7. Can Clotrimozole be used on yeasty paws also? My poor fur baby suffers from yeasty paws and all her vet wants to do is give her apoquel instead of getting rid of the yeast.

  8. I know you had said Monistat helps with ear yeast. But there are a few different one. Is it Monistat 1? I didn’t see it in the article or post. I am in the United States and have not been able to find the other option. Thank You

    1. Any kind of Monistat you can get is fine and here are some other remedies you can try:
      Yeast is the most common cause of ear infections in dogs. In particular yeast shows up in your dog’s ear as black, waxy type discharge that gives of a sweet ‘yeasty’ odor.

      The signs of an ear infection will also be present: head shaking, scratching ears, the inside of the ear is likely red and painful, and your dog may resist having you examine their ear as it is painful.

      Many at home remedies that resolve ear infections are effective against yeast, especially vinegar, apple cider vinegar and garlic/oil.

      There are other remedies used in people, and here is one which may help with your dog’s chronic ear infection.

      Boric Acid

      This is a natural remedy for yeast infection in people, and can be helpful for pets.

      Boric acid has antiseptic and antifungal properties.

      In people it is made into a suppository; this can be crushed, mixed with olive oil, and placed into your dog’s ear.

      Likewise the ground powder can be poured directly into your dog’s ear.

      Conventional Antifungals

      Miconozale or Clotrimazole topical anti-yeast creams can also be used for many dog and cat ear infections.

      They are sold under various brands (eg. monistat), and can be put in the infected ear twice daily for 7-14 days.

      Tea Tree Oil

      This essential oil has been used for yeast ear infections – and can work quite well. Drop in 3-5 drops in the affected ear, rub the base of the ear well, and repeat twice daily for 7-10 days.

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