5 Natural Antivirals for you Dogs and Cats


Natural Antivirals for Pets: My Top Five Picks

Welcome to my channel! If you’re new here, don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell. Today, I’m excited to share with you my top five natural antivirals that may help your pets combat viral infections. This advice is backed by research and personal experience, not just claims you might find online.

Elderberry: A Potent Viral Fighter

Elderberry is a standout in the realm of natural antivirals, especially for common respiratory viruses like those causing the flu. This North American shrub can reduce the duration and severity of symptoms significantly. For pets, I recommend a dried, concentrated form of elderberry. For instance, if I were dosing my pet Tula, I would give her about a quarter teaspoon of this elderberry powder twice a day.

Licorice Root: Traditional and Effective

Next up is licorice root, which has a long history in Chinese medicine and was notably studied during the 2003 SARS outbreak. Its antiviral properties are well-documented, making it a vital supplement for both humans and pets. For Tula, who once had a cough, I administered half a dropper of licorice root tincture mixed with elderberry, and the results were fantastic.

Propolis: A Bee Product With Antiviral Qualities

Propolis, produced by honeybees, is another excellent natural antiviral. It’s primarily known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s also useful against viruses like the herpes virus. For easy administration, I use a 33% propolis extract and add about four drops to Tula’s food, which blends well with her other remedies.

Ginger: Accessible and Effective

Ginger, commonly found in our kitchens, has been studied for its effects on various human respiratory viruses. It’s easy to prepare a potent antiviral remedy by simmering chopped ginger in water. For pets, a small dose, such as a teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight, can be beneficial twice daily.

Dandelion: An Unexpected Antiviral

Finally, dandelion root, often overlooked as a common weed, has shown promise against the human influenza virus. I prepare it by grinding dried dandelion root, simmering it in water, and adding a bit of honey for taste. This concoction is not only effective but also offers other health benefits, particularly in cancer treatments.

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to check out my other videos for more pet health tips. Remember, always consult your veterinarian before starting any new treatment for your pet.

Dr Andrew Jones’ ‘Veterinary Secrets’ Will Help Keep Your Pet Healthy, and Extend Your Pet’s Life

4 thoughts on “5 Natural Antivirals for you Dogs and Cats”

  1. Hi Dr Jones,
    My Siberian Husky is 2 1/2; I got her from a breeder that was using her to breed, but after running off with a neighbor’s Lab, she lost her pedigree.
    She was pregnant when I got her and I didn’t know for sure in advance of the delivery of 6 healthy appearing Siberian Husky pups.
    She wasn’t taken care of properly and retains a cough especially after drinking water.
    The vet described it as possibly kennel cough.
    However, I noticed the puppies displaying intermittent mild neurological symptoms of single muscle spasms; the possibility of distemper was mentioned but also possibly poor thermal regulation of the nest due to unusually cold temperatures and she had them between a side of the bed and an exterior wall.
    So I put a heating pad under the bedding, but it only partially covers the floor space, which I’m currently planning to add another heating pad.

    I’m worried it could be a virus though since the mother has a cough, and I never want to go through something Ike that again, having had a dog that ran off and mated too young and the whole litter eventually succumbed to distemper while still too young to receive medications of any kind.

    My question is about these 5 anti-virals; can they be safely given to the mother while she’s nursing still, in order to get some concentration into the puppies to give them a fighting chance against a virus, most likely not distemper but still a respiratory virus nonetheless?
    I noticed that the licorice root has a note not to be taken by a lactating human mother; does that also apply to a dog and puppies?
    Also, what about the other 4 on your list?
    I thought that being food, that the ginger and dandelion root (teas) would be no problem, is that a correct assumption?
    But then what about the elderberry and propolis?

    I’m hoping there’s something I can put in the mother’s food to help the puppies resist any virus potential.

    Is that possible?

    I appreciate any advice about this that you might have, naturally as soon as possible.
    The litter is 9 days old today.
    The puppies don’t present with any mucous drainage from the nose or drooling from their mouths.
    Actually, they appear to be healthy and gaining weight and size daily.
    The mother actively cleans them 24/7.

    Before the COVID 19 pandemic my vet of 20 years was already quite aged, I like to say that he’s practiced veterinary medicine longer than most other vets around here have been alive.

    But he had to let all of his help go early on and stuck with it with one assistant; but it appears he’s letting it go, and so all I’ve been able to get Chloeressa into vippet care, a walk in veterinary service operating out of Pet Supply Plus locations,
    and Banfield Clinics, operating from Petsmart locations.
    So my options for my dog are few.

    Thanks for any time you may have to consider this.

    1. Shalom, what happened to your dog? I am curious, because at some point this same thing happened to my dog; and she is a husky as well! It is rather odd, because I am fairly certain that she also ran off with a Lab. I am just glad that my dog did not have severe birthing complications, however she does have a slight cough after drinking water. What should I do? Thank you very much.

  2. Hi,
    please can i ask , are there any natural anti virals for cats with conjuvitis ?

    many thanks ,

    1. Here’s an article that will help:

      Conjunctivitis, or pinkeye, is an inflammation of the membrane covering the inside of the eyelids and the outer part of the eye. It is generally not serious but can be highly contagious.

      Signs and Symptoms

      Conjunctivitis causes the following symptoms in one or both eyes:

      Redness and tearing
      Swollen eyelid
      Discharge (watery or thick)
      Crust that forms overnight
      Sensitivity to light
      Gritty feeling
      What Causes It?

      Conjunctivitis is most often the result of viruses, such as those that cause the cold. Other causes can be bacterial infections, allergies, chemicals, irritation from contact lenses, or eye injury. Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are very contagious. Some studies suggest that the severity of the disease is significantly associated with sun exposure.

      Complementary and Alternative Therapies

      Nutrition and Supplements
      Use the following supplements, taken by mouth for up to one week, to strengthen the immune system and help heal faster:

      Vitamin C 100mg/10lbs daily
      Zinc 1mg/1b daily

      The use of herbs is a time honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. A trained herbal practitioner may prescribe an herbal eyewash. The following are some examples of the herbs used in these treatments.

      Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis): helps fight infection and dry up excess fluid
      Chamomile (Matricaria recutita): helps fight infection
      Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare): helps fight infection
      Marigold (Calendula officinalis): soothes irritation
      Plantain (Plantago lanceolata, P. major): astringent and soothing. The fresh leaves are the most effective plant part.
      Other herbal treatments may include:

      Grated fresh potato has astringent (drying and disinfecting) properties.
      Ginkgo biloba extract with hyaluronic acid. Use of an eyewash made of this solution for one month showed a significant decrease in symptoms of conjunctivitis compared to hyaluronic acid alone.
      Premade herbal eyewashes are available in many health food stores. Many of them contain diluted solutions of goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), which in undiluted forms can be extremely irritating to the eye. Follow manufacturer’s directions carefully.

      Although very few studies have examined the effectiveness of specific homeopathic therapies, professional homeopaths may consider the following remedies for the treatment of conjunctivitis based on their knowledge and experience.

      Euphrasia — for conjunctivitis with large volumes of watery tears that burn the face and may become a thick discharge. Despite the production of watery tears, the individual may complain of a dry, gritty sensation in the eyes.
      Argentum nitricum — for red, swollen eyes with pus like discharge and splintering pains.
      Pulsatilla– for conjunctivitis with yellow green discharge and itchy eyes that may accompany or immediately follow a cold. The eyelids tend to stick together, and symptoms generally improve with cold compresses. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who tend to be irritable and have mood swings.
      Belladonna — for the first stages of conjunctivitis, including the sudden onset of burning, bloodshot eyes, swollen eyelids, and hypersensitivity to light. The eyes are generally hot and throbbing to the touch.
      Sulphur — for burning, pain, and redness of the eyes accompanied by a yellow discharge with foul odor. The eyes are often crusted together, and the individual is usually very hot and thirsty.
      Apis mellifica — for red, burning, swollen eyes that feel better with cold applications.

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