Ringworm Treatment In Dogs And Cats

Ringworm is a common misconception; despite its name, it’s not a worm but a fungus that infects the hair follicles of animals, particularly common in cats and kittens. From my experience, it often manifests as areas of hair loss rather than the typical ring shape many expect. This fungus is more prevalent in young animals, usually under a year old, due to their developing immune systems.

My Personal Encounter with Ringworm

During my veterinary school days, I contracted ringworm myself from a horse. This personal experience highlighted that ringworm isn’t just limited to household pets—it can affect a range of animals and even humans. The fungus thrives in the hair follicles and is more likely to affect animals with weaker or compromised immune systems.

Diagnosing Ringworm in Pets

Detecting ringworm can begin with noticing hair loss in pets, particularly around areas like the ears, face, or paws. Veterinarians often use a Woods lamp for initial diagnosis. This lamp emits ultraviolet light, causing the fungus to fluoresce green, making it easier to identify. For a more definitive diagnosis, a vet might pluck hairs from the affected area to culture the fungus, confirming its presence through observable color changes in the culture.

Effective Treatments for Ringworm

Treatment for ringworm varies depending on its severity. While it can sometimes resolve on its own, more severe cases require intervention. Topical treatments are preferable to avoid the side effects of more potent oral antifungals. Simple remedies like applying vinegar, which acts as an antifungal, can be effective. Additionally, using medicated shampoos designed for pets can help manage and treat the infection safely.

Supporting Your Pet’s Immune System

Enhancing your pet’s immune system is crucial in combating ringworm. Natural immune boosters like echinacea and astragalus can be administered in tincture form to help strengthen your pet’s defenses. Including supplements like fish oil in their diet can also provide anti-inflammatory benefits and bolster immune responsiveness. It’s essential to start treatment promptly with safe topical solutions and closely monitor your pet’s health, ensuring they recover without the need for harsher medications.

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2 thoughts on “Ringworm Treatment In Dogs And Cats”

  1. My cat has been suffering for at least a year,,, she went missing,,, and returned with MITES,,,, which, I thought ide gotten under control, both on her, my whole living space,,, etc. but then her hat started falling out, and she was covered in scabs. I put her on a homeopathic pill suggested by Best life 4 Pets, for MANGE. IT HELPED SOMEWHAT. BUT NOW I SEE A HUGE CIRCULAR SORE,, red and open,,, I do not know what to do. I use your health formula powder for felines,, received recently. And CBD.

    1. Thanks for your purchase and for mites, we do have this tips for you:
      7 Inexpensive Ear Mites Remedies

      Ear Mites are surface mites that spends its whole life cycle primarily in the ear canal, hence the name. The most common ear mites are called Otodectes cynotis and they feed on skin debris, wax and oil in your pet’s ears.

      Ear mites are highly contagious and though they are generally found in the ears, they sometimes wander out onto the other parts of the body causing more irritation. These pesky parasites are usually not life threatening but could cause itchiness and discomfort and on severe cases, ear infection and hematoma on the ear flaps.

      Symptoms of Ear Mites in Cats and Dogs

      Ear mite, though microscopic in size, the infestation may be easily recognized through your pet’s behavior and appearance. The most common symptoms are head shaking, scratching, hair loss at the base of the ear, skin irritation and inflammation, and excessive black debris found inside the ears.

      Treatments Available

      There are several options for treating ear mites. If you opt for conventional medicine, a visit with your trusted vet is a must for definitive diagnosis. Home remedies are also readily available for those who prefer alternative treatments.

      Home Remedies for Ear Mites

      It takes approximately 21 days for ear mites to develop from egg to a mature adult. They can live for about two months inside your pet’s ears while they continually reproduce. To effectively eradicate ear mites, treatment must cover the whole life cycle. Treatment should therefore be followed for 3 weeks (1st week on, 2nd week off, 3rd week on).

      – Olive Oil + Calendula Mixture

      Just mix 8 tablespoons olive oil, 2mL of calendula tincture. This mixture will loosen up the black debris and olive oil suffocates the ear mites. The Calendula tincture serves as the soothing agent because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The mixture must be stored away from direct sunlight.

      Application: Put 5 drops into the ear and gently rub/massage base of the ear until mixture reaches ear canal. Use Q-tip to wipe the excess mixture and black debris out. Make sure not to push hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Coconut Oil

      Coconut oil is a wonderful oil to have on hand because of the nutritional and medicinal benefits we get from it. Coconut oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties that could address the ear infection caused by the ear mites. Its consistency can also smother the adult mites.


      Warm up coconut oil to liquefy and follow same step as Olive+Calendula oil mixture. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Diatomaceous Earth

      Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring talc-like powder from fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. It compromises their waxy coating of the bugs once it comes in contact with the powder but remains safe for cats and dogs.

      Application: Put a pinch of Diatomaceous Earth at the tip of Q-tip and gently put it inside the ear up to the ear canal. Rub it in and then wipe it off. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Baby Oil

      Baby Oil is something we all have at home which can be used to treat ear mites. Baby oils contain mineral oil and vitamin E which are great for cleaning and breaking down the debris and at the same time soothes the inflammation.

      Application: Just put 2-3 drops of the baby oil into the ear canal in both ears. Gently rub/massage base of the ear and then clean with a Qtip. Make sure not to push hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – MCT Oil

      MCT Oil is primarily derived from coconut oil and has been known to be helpful in increasing energy and brain health. Being in oil form, its consistency can also suffocate adult ear mites and kill them. One advantage of MCT oil over coconut oil is that it’s already in liquefied form and there’s no need to heat it up.

      Application: Just put 2-3 drops of the MCT oil into the ear canal in both ears. Gently rub/massage base of the ear and then clean with a Qtip. Make sure not to push hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Sweet Almond Oil

      Almond oil is wonderful natural oil from almonds that contains high beneficial fatty acids. It also contains vitamin E which is a powerful anti-oxidant that can help sooth sore, inflamed ears. And like any other oil previously mentioned, it can smother and kill ear mites.

      Application: Just put 2-3 drops of the MCT oil into the ear canal in both ears. Gently rub/massage base of the ear and then clean with a Qtip. Make sure not to push hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Neem Oil

      Neem is a tropical evergreen tree with the scientific name Azadirachta indica. It’s actually one of the largest and fastest growing evergreen trees, reaching approximately 40-80 feet in height. It can live up to 200 years, which is due to its drought-resistant and heat-tolerant nature.

      Neem is native to Southeast Asia and Africa, and has been widely used in Ayurvedic, Chinese and Unani medicines for centuries.

      Neem oil is cold-pressed from the seeds of the tree and used for medicine because of its high antioxidant, insecticidal and healing compounds. The leaves and bark of the tree are also used for their medicinal properties, including their quercetin content. Other therapeutic compounds in neem include azadirachtin and nimbolide, which have insecticidal and free radical scavenging potential.

      Application: Dilute the Neem Oil to a 2% solution. 1ml of Neem in 50ml of a carrier oil, such as Olive Oil or MCT oil.

      Put 2-3 drops of the oil into the ear canal in both ears. Gently rub/massage base of the ear and then clean with a Qtip. Make sure not topush hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

      – Castor Oil

      Castor oil is the OLD remedy for constipation that many a child has less than fond memories of… it turns out that this oil from the Castor bean is a very safe and very effectiveveterinary home remedy. It is naturally antiinflammatory, and the thick oil will smother the ear mites. It really is a GREAT option and one I would use.

      Put 5 drops of the oil into the ear canal in both ears. Gently rub/massage base of the ear and then clean with a Qtip. Make sure not topush hard and avoid hitting the ear drum. Day 1 is usually cleaning out the debris. Repeat procedure 2 times a day for 7 days. Stop medication for a week and then follow up the same procedure for another 7 days.

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