Slippery Elm for Cat Kidney Disease and Dog Coughing

Does your dog, like my Pippy, suffer from excessive tear staining? You may notice these unsightly marks around the corners of their eyes. This staining is typically caused by permanently blocked tear ducts. The tears themselves contain iron from red blood cells, which stains light-colored fur. Furthermore, these areas can become breeding grounds for secondary bacterial infections. Recognizing the cause is the first step toward finding a solution.

Daily Eye Hygiene is Crucial

The first and most important remedy is maintaining proper eye hygiene. For dogs with medium to long hair, it’s beneficial to trim the hair near their eyes to prevent buildup and reduce the risk of infection. Daily cleaning of your dog’s eyes with a sterile eye wash solution, especially one containing witch hazel, can significantly reduce tear staining. If your dog has a lot of fur, you might need to do this twice a day. This simple practice can keep the area clean and less susceptible to staining and bacterial infections.

Check Your Dog’s Water

Interestingly, the type of water your dog drinks can influence tear staining. Iron in water contributes to the staining. Many dog owners, including myself, have noticed improvements in tear staining by using filtered water to remove high levels of iron. Demineralizing your dog’s water could be an easy fix to reduce the tear stains significantly.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide Carefully

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to lighten tear stains cosmetically. However, it’s important to handle it with care to avoid irritating your dog’s skin or eyes. A diluted solution, about ten parts water to one part peroxide, applied with a gauze can be effective. Remember, this method should only be used for short-term treatment and not more than twice daily.


Homemade Pet-Safe Tear Stain Remover

The fourth solution is a homemade, pet-safe tear stain remover. Combine one tablespoon each of witch hazel, aloe vera, and liquid coconut oil. These ingredients help dry out excess moisture, fight bacteria, and reduce inflammation. Store this mixture in a jar and apply it gently with a gauze to the stained areas, avoiding direct contact with the eyes. This natural remedy is safer and often more effective than peroxide.

Oral Supplements That Help

Lastly, certain oral supplements can help reduce tearing and, consequently, tear staining. Some dog owners use apple cider vinegar, which has antibacterial properties, mixing a small dose in their dog’s food. However, not all dogs will appreciate the taste. Another more palatable option is probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, which can improve the gut flora and boost the immune system, potentially reducing tear production and staining.

If your dog suffers from excessive tear staining like Pippy, trying these remedies could provide significant relief. Remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell for more tips, and don’t forget to download my free book on pet care secrets!

Dr Andrew Jones’ ‘Veterinary Secrets’ Will Help Keep Your Pet Healthy, and Extend Your Pet’s Life

2 thoughts on “Slippery Elm for Cat Kidney Disease and Dog Coughing”

    1. the Slippery Elm mucilage content coats, soothes and lubricates the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract. That makes it an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory bowel problems. It’s high in fiber, which helps normalize intestinal action.
      Yes it can help your cat.

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