Should I Adopt?
Should I Adopt?
Dr Jones feels that something is missing in his life. Then he gets a phone call. Should he or shouldn't he...?[...]
Dr Jones feels that something is missing in his life. Then he gets a phone call. Should he or shouldn't he...?[...]
Hello and Welcome to the Veterinary Secrets Podcast! This is episode 49 In today’s episode Dr Jones is going to talk about toxic dog treats, pet hall[...]
The FDA has reported over 1,100 dogs dying from imported toxic dog treats - and no one has yet been able to identify the cause.[...]
Life Without Pets: A Quiet Year and a Surprising New Arrival Life has been pretty quiet for me over the past year. As many of you[...]
It has been reported that over 90% of people would die to save their companion animal. Would You?[...]
If your dog is scared of new people, other dogs, or even the vet, then she may have fear aggression. Dr Jones shows you what[...]