How to Stop Your Dog from Itching with Nature’s Benadryl

Holistic Solutions to Stop Your Dog or Cat from Itching
Dealing with a dog or cat that’s constantly itching can be incredibly frustrating. Whether it’s allergies, recurring ear infections, or general irritation, it’s tough to find a solution that works. Fortunately, there are a few holistic supplements that really stand out in addressing these issues.
Introducing Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Bioactive Quercetin for Dogs and Cats
We now have a fantastic new supplement that could make a real difference for your pet! Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Bioactive Quercetin is specifically formulated to help dogs with allergies, chronic ear infections, and cats that can’t stop scratching.
This highly reviewed supplement is designed to target the root causes of itching, providing relief in a natural and effective way. It’s been praised by pet owners for its ability to reduce inflammation, support the immune system, and improve overall skin health.

The Apple Supplement: QUERCETIN
Quercetin, a remarkable flavonoid, has recently garnered attention for its immune-supporting properties and its potential to combat multiple respiratory viruses. In fact, researchers have even explored its role as a possible treatment for COVID-19.
What is Quercetin?
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant found in plant foods such as leafy greens, tomatoes, berries, and broccoli. It is technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is why it’s commonly found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables. As a bioflavonoid, quercetin is a crucial part of the antioxidant family.
How Quercetin Works
Research shows that quercetin, along with other anti-inflammatory foods, can help manage a variety of inflammatory health problems, including heart disease, blood vessel issues, allergies, infections, chronic fatigue, and symptoms related to autoimmune disorders like arthritis.
But how exactly does quercetin benefit our pets?
It all comes down to its ability to “scavenge free radicals.” Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to various diseases. Quercetin, being a polyphenolic antioxidant, helps slow the aging process by lessening the effects of oxidative stress on the body. Oxidative stress is a natural process, but it is accelerated by factors like poor diet, high stress, lack of sleep, and exposure to toxins.
Quercetin regulates the immune system’s response to external stressors by influencing cell signaling pathways involving kinases and phosphatases—important enzymes and proteins needed for proper cellular function.
Primary Benefits of Quercetin for Dogs and Cats
Let’s break down the main benefits of quercetin for your pets:
1. Lowers Inflammation
Flavonoids, like quercetin, are powerful anti-inflammatories. They act as antioxidants, combating the natural process of oxidation that occurs as we age. Quercetin can help prevent the damage caused by free radicals, which negatively impact cell function. This includes protecting cell membranes, preventing DNA damage, reducing cell mutations, and protecting healthy cells from premature death. Additionally, quercetin can reduce the expression of inflammatory genes such as interleukin.
Research shows that inflammation is at the root of many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, mental disorders, and autoimmune conditions.
Currently, practitioners use quercetin to fight various inflammation-related conditions, such as:
Heart disease and circulation problems
Insulin resistance and diabetes
Eye-related disorders, including cataracts
Allergies, asthma, and hay fever
Stomach ulcers
Cognitive dysfunction
Viral infections
Inflammation of the prostate, bladder, and ovaries
Skin disorders, including dermatitis and hives
2. Immune Support
Quercetin’s ability to modulate the immune system makes it a powerful tool in supporting your pet’s overall health. A study published in the Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents found that a nutrient-dense diet rich in quercetin, along with other antioxidants, could help lower the risk of cancer.
Additionally, recent in vitro studies have shown that quercetin is a potent antiviral agent. It inhibits the replication of several respiratory viruses, including influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus.
3. Fights Allergies
Is quercetin an antihistamine? Yes, it’s often considered a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. It can help reduce the effects of seasonal and food allergies, as well as asthma and skin reactions.
While most research on quercetin and allergies has been conducted on animals, it has been shown to decrease itching and allergic reactions effectively in pets. Histamines are chemicals released by the immune system when it detects an allergen, and they are responsible for many of the uncomfortable symptoms we associate with allergies.
Quercetin helps stabilize histamine release from immune cells, which results in a reduction of symptoms like:
Watery eyes
Runny noses
Swollen lips or tongue
A review study on quercetin’s effects on allergic diseases found that “quercetin will be a good candidate as a supplement for the management and treatment of allergic diseases, especially rhinitis.”
Quercetin Dosages
For people with allergies, a typical dosage is 500 mg three times daily. When it comes to dogs and cats, the recommended dosage is:
3-5 mg per pound of body weight twice daily.
(For example, for a 50 lb dog, this would be 150-250 mg twice daily.)
Bioactive Quercetin
Bioactive quercetin is a form of quercetin that is far more bioavailable, meaning it’s absorbed much more effectively into your pet’s bloodstream. This is critical because, without proper absorption, the supplement won’t be as effective. Bioactive quercetin is up to 40 times better absorbed than regular quercetin.
The most common form of bioactive quercetin comes in 50 mg tablets, and I recommend a dosage of 50 mg per 15 lbs of body weight daily.

P.S. Here’s what just a few pet parents have to say about our Quercetin supplement…
My dog is a 7 lb chihuahua for the past 2 1/2 years she has been licking her feet they have the cyst like u talk about. I wanna help her and the vets have only been going in circles with this. It all started right after her Anal gland exploded. Since then she’s been licking her paws. And now has cocci the vet said and is back on antibiotics. She’s so little and I just wanna help her any recommendations would be greatly appreciated ?
The issue could have started after the anal gland incident, as stress or discomfort from that event may have triggered the behavior. Additionally, her current condition with cocci indicates an ongoing infection, which antibiotics are addressing.
To help manage her itching and foot-licking, Dr. Jones recommends Ultimate Bioactive Quercetin, which can provide relief for inflammation, allergies, and skin issues. This supplement is a natural antihistamine that can help reduce itching and support immune function, which may help with both the cysts and any allergic reactions.
For dosing:
3-5 mg per pound of body weight twice daily. For your 7 lb Chihuahua, the dose would be around 21-35 mg twice daily.