Are you talking to animals?

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Re: Are you talking to animals?


My article yesterday on Cesar Milan had me thinking about my realationship to animals.

I grew up on a farm.

Lots of animals..6 cats, 3 dogs, cows, horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys and more..

I grew up in a small town..Lillooet B.C.

But I was a socially awkard child.

I was shy..I found it difficult to talk to people.

My first word was the name of my stuffed dog..Fido

I did well in school academically, but not so well socially.

I wasn’t athletic.

I didn’t have the gift of the gab.

I wasn’t part of the “cool” crowd.

I didn’t know what a hairstyle was- Not important on a farm.

Soo..I would spend time talking to the animals.

The dogs and cats would sleep on?? my bed.

The horses became pretty good friends.

Non-judmental..easy to talk to..unconditional.

I wasn’t about to tell my parents, but I felt that I could communicate with them.

And in some ways I still do…

Yesterday I woke up early thinking something wasn’t right..

There was no noise, but I wondered about Lewis- he was acting a little unusual the night before.

I walked into my son’s room, where Lewis sleeps..and there was no Lewis.

Lewis was standing at the door wagging his tail to be let outside.

And you probably guessed it..Diarrhea..

Lewis is fine today- I fasted him for 24 hours.

But I didn’t hear a thing. Lewis was not making a noise. I just sensed that something wasn’t right.



But maybe there is more to understanding animals that we care to acknowledge.


Have you done any animal talking lately?

If you have, feel free to post comments on the blog.

And don’t forget to learn how to heal your fine furry animal at home with my book at

It’s Your Pet- Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes

Dr Andrew Jones

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2 thoughts on “Are you talking to animals?”

  1. Thank you for putting your knowledge into emails & taking the time to send them to all of us who care so much about the welfare of our pets. I believe that animals do communicate with us humans, but most humans are closed minded & mis the communications. I’m 43 years old & in my lifetime i have had ONE great friend whos a human.. Every pet i have ever owned has been a wonderfull friend. BTW.. that one human friend.. i married her *grin*. I think as human beings we are failing when it comes to our Pets. We deregulated the animal food industry…. WOW..Here i go again.. Off topic.. BAck on topic.. Animals communicate on a different level then we humans do.. You just have to be willing to open your mind to hear what they are saying.

  2. Yes, I talk to the animals daily, all the time ( at work (we have a cat who answers) and at home. At a dog trial I’ve had people come to me and ask ” how do you get you dogs to be so pleasing and loving? I thought that’s because I spend time with them and talk to them all the time. When my animals are injured or hurt they come and tell me and I fix them. They go on their merry way painfree and happy. Have always had a god relationship with my animals and birds, more so than with humans. Animals some how make more sense, to me.

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