Use This Remedy For Garbage Gut in Dogs


Sudden vomiting, diarrhea is commonly known as ‘garbage gut’ on the veterinary world.

It typically occurs when your dog eats something that he shouldn’t be eating. It irritates his stomach, and intestinal tract causing the vomiting/diarrhea.

Some of the common causes: garbage, compost, fatty food, spoiled food. Other less common causes include toxic plants, poisons, anti-inflammatory drugs and the varied and many things your dog will eat, but shouldn’t.

If your dog is especially sick, lethargic, and unable to drink, vomiting or having diarrhea repeatedly, then you need veterinary care. This is a sign that it may be more serious.

But if your dog has had only 1-2 bouts of vomiting/diarrhea, and is still able to drink, then likely it’s ‘garbage gut’ which may be treated at home.

Fast them for 24 hours- as in NO FOOD for 24 hours.

Consider this homeopathic which many dog owners have had good success with:

Arsenicum Album

Dose 1 30C tab per 20lbs every 4 hours.

It’s a great homeopathic to always have on hand, and the one I used most often in veterinary practice.

Heal Your Pet At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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