Treat Diabetes without Insulin injections

Diabetes is an epidemic in our pets- it’s just way to common, and giving injections to your dog or cat is something you DON’T want to do. There are certain supplemental nutrients which may help, including colostrum and probiotics.
My supplements. Dr Jones’ Ultimate Canine Health Formula and Dr Jones’ Ultimate Feline Health Formula have both Colostrum and Probiotics!

If you have yet to try them for your dog or cat, I encourage you to do so.

DIABETES in our Dogs and Cats
The cause and a surprising “natural" cure…
Diabetes is a result of either the pancreas not producing enough insulin to allow the body to utilize blood glucose(Type 1 diabetes, most common in dogs), or the cells NO LONGER responding to Insulin (Type 2 diabetes, most common in cats). This results in high blood sugar levels causing increased drinking and urination.
Glucose becomes markedly elevated after a large carbohydrate meal (of which all kibble is), but pets lack the ability to rapidly break it down.
This has serious implications for the increased incidence of diabetes in dogs and cats. By flooding your pet’s blood with glucose they can’t break down, we are likely overwhelming the Pancreas – and ultimately seeing a decrease in Insulin sensitivity, and subsequent Diabetes
If you suspect your pet is diabetic, have this confirmed by your veterinarian. Most dogs and cats begin with insulin, but with some diet alterations, may come off insulin therapy. Ask your veterinarian about Glargine (brand name Lantus) Insulin – it is longer acting and better at regulating difficult to better at regulating difficult to regulate diabetic pets.
Changing to a less than 5% carbohydrate, high protein food is the single most important change to make. Eliminate the dry kibble, and only feed canned/homemade/raw. Some commercial diets in this category include: Wellness Chicken or Turkey; Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken or Chunky Turkey; Nature’s Variety Organic, and raw, frozen diets.
This gives your cat the greatest chance to come off of Insulin Therapy. I am finding that we can control diabetes in about 50% of diabetic cats by only feeding a higher protein canned/homemade/raw food.
Most dogs develop type 1 diabetes, meaning they have a pancreas not producing enough insulin. I still find though that INCREASING the protein, and DECREASING the carbohydrates is very beneficial in controlling the diabetes.
As a great source of omega 3 fatty acids, essential oils may increase insulin sensitivity. A typical dose is 500mg of Krill/10lbs daily. Krill may be more effective, and avoids the toxins found in Fish Oil.
CBD (Cannabidiol)
CBD Oil and Diabetes. Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and CBD does have anti-inflammatory properties. In research, CBD has shown promise in reducing insulin resistance and moderating blood sugars for people with type 2 Diabetes.
CBD dose 3 mg/10lbs daily. 1 drop/day of our CBD supplement

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that occurs naturally in the body, and may be able to help with carbohydrate metabolism. It is has been proven that animals suffering from diabetes are coenzyme Q10 deficient.
Clinical trials using coenzyme Q10 suggest that supplementation may significantly lower blood sugar levels. Coenzyme Q10 also oxygenates the blood, and therefore may be able to help in some cases of diabetic retinopathy.
Dose: 20mg/10lbs daily
Chromium is a crucial nutrient in the body’s fight against diabetes. By using either brewer’s yeast stocked with chromium, or chromium chloride, diabetic patients may be able to improve glucose tolerance, lower their fasting glucose levels, decrease insulin levels and cut cholesterol and triglyceride levels, whilst increasing HDL-cholesterol levels.
Several principal double-blind studies have shown that supplemental chromium may raise glucose tolerance in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Dose: 1 tsp. of brewer’s yeast/10lbs daily for your pet.
Probiotics have been shown to decrease low level inflammation, making them beneficial for cats with Diabetes.
‘Lactobacillus acidophilus and L. casei improved glucose tolerance and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) in animal studies… ‘
Colostrum has been studied for it’s benefits in increasing metabolic rate, increasing muscle mass and also being beneficial for Diabetes.
‘Bovine colostrum’s ability to maintain balanced blood glucose levels can have a significant impact on people with diabetes… in terms of improving glucose tolerance, boosting insulin sensitivity and even reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. A 2012 study involving IGF-1 (one of colostrum’s bioactives) reported these positive findings.’
Best Wishes,
Dr Andrew
P.S. My supplements have specific nutrients designed to decrease inflammation, and potentially allow the cells to better respond to insulin. It definitely was beneficial for my diabetic cat Murray, who was able to come off of Insulin injections.
For dogs:
Dr Jones’ ULTIMATE Canine Health Formula []
For cats, and it’s 70% OFF until MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!

How do I order it for my dog?
For more details and for placing order, check it here:
For Ultimate CBD Oil:
For Ultimate Cannabinoid Blend: