Dandruff In Dogs And Cats: It Can Be Beaten
Dandruff In Dogs And Cats: It Can Be Beaten
Dandruff as irritating as it is, is a normal body process. If it is in excess though, you do need to be looking at the[...]
Dandruff as irritating as it is, is a normal body process. If it is in excess though, you do need to be looking at the[...]
A new study on paralyzed dogs showed wonderful results. 23 dogs had cells from their nose grown in tissue culture, then transplanted into their spinal[...]
Could it be so that perhaps veterinarians don’t know everything about your pets? Being a former practicing veterinarian, and now online animal health advocate gives[...]
Dogs unfortunately commonly eat their own feces, or another dog’s poop; it’s a very disturbing and frustrating behavioral problem for pet owners. The veterinary term[...]
Your cat is suddenly sneezing, with runny eyes, and you may be asking yourself: Does my cat have a cold or the cat flu? In[...]
Halloween is almost here, the children are excited, but there are some pet safety tips you should be aware of. Emergency clinics see a marked[...]