Vet-Approved: 5 OTC Meds That Can Save Your Pet’s Day
Vet-Approved: 5 OTC Meds That Can Save Your Pet’s Day
Hello everyone, Dr. Andrew Jones here. Thank you so much for being a supporter of the channel! I would love for you to subscribe by[...]
Hello everyone, Dr. Andrew Jones here. Thank you so much for being a supporter of the channel! I would love for you to subscribe by[...]
A Common Sense Approach to Vaccines for Dogs and Cats Can we discuss a practical perspective on vaccines? They're crucial for preventing infectious diseases in our[...]
I am hearing about more dogs testing positive for Lyme disease - the ticks that carry Lyme appear to be increasing in number and range... Meaning[...]
May happens to be Mental Health Awareness Month for humans while the first week of the month was Dog Anxiety Awareness Week. It turns out that[...]
Currently there is a Dog Flu outbreak happening in the U.S. (Minnesota), with many people wondering whether to vaccinate or not. It can be serious, and[...]
The Amazing Benefits of 95% Curcumin for Dogs and Cats: A Deep Dive Hello, I’m Dr. Andrew Jones, and today I want to share with you[...]