Can dogs and cats be Vegan?
Can dogs and cats be Vegan?
What to feed and What NOT to feed? This is a confusing topic, but there are some things I am clear about... Adding in additional supplements[...]
What to feed and What NOT to feed? This is a confusing topic, but there are some things I am clear about... Adding in additional supplements[...]
You are what you eat... at least that is how the saying goes. Is that really a thing for our dogs and cats? Turns out yes, it[...]
Dog Food and DCM: Is There a Hidden Link? Welcome back to my channel! If you're new here, welcome—click up there to subscribe. Don't forget to[...]
Introduction to Magnesium's Benefits for Pets Hello and welcome back to my channel! If you're new here, welcome—click above to subscribe and hit the bell for[...]
It has been several years since I last practiced veterinary medicine in the traditional sense—seeing dogs and cats in a clinic, performing surgeries, and yes,[...]
The Surprising Role of Bacteria in Your Pet's Health Hi, I'm Dr. Andrew Jones, and today we're diving deep into the essential benefits of probiotics for[...]