Is Grain Free Dog Food Still Causing Heart Disease?
Is Grain Free Dog Food Still Causing Heart Disease?
Dog Food and Heart Disease: Here's What You Need to Know for 2023 The FDA recently released an update on a type of heart disease in[...]
Dog Food and Heart Disease: Here's What You Need to Know for 2023 The FDA recently released an update on a type of heart disease in[...]
How to Treat Allergy-Induced Ear Infections in Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide As a veterinarian, I often see dogs suffering from allergy-induced ear infections. These infections can[...] Heartworm disease is a significant concern for any dog owner. Obviously, none of us would ever want a worm like this in our dog’s heart.[...]
Treating Cancer in Dogs with Ivermectin: Can It Really Help? As a veterinarian, I often get asked about alternative treatments for cancer, including the use of[...]
Here's what you can do if you suspect your dog has Heat Stroke: #1 Move them to a cool, shaded location. #2 Cool in a controlled manner:[...]
Dog elbow calluses are common in middle age to older dogs, they happen when dogs lay on hard surfaces. It is important to take care[...]