Dr Andrew Jones explains: WHAT Dog Vaccines to GIVE, and what NOT to
What Vaccines Should You Give Your Dog?
Hello, I’m Dr. Andrew Jones. In this video, I’ll explain which vaccines I would give to my puppy and[...]
DIY Grain-Free Dog and Cat Treats for a Healthier Valentine’s Day
Boost Your Dog's Health with Dr. Jones' Ultimate Canine Formula
Homemade Valentine's Day Treats for Your Dog and CatBy Dr. Andrew Jones
Valentine's Day is coming up,[...]
Is Grain Free Dog Food Still Causing Heart Disease?
Dog Food and Heart Disease: Here's What You Need to Know for 2023
The FDA recently released an update on a type of heart disease in[...]
Thank You (Free Cat Health Book)
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Thank You (Free Dog Health Book)
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Allergy Induced Ear Infections in Dogs
How to Treat Allergy-Induced Ear Infections in Dogs: A Step-by-Step Guide
As a veterinarian, I often see dogs suffering from allergy-induced ear infections. These infections can[...]