Pug Puppy Mill
Hello and good morning. This story recently came out in my local area, and it highlights a few BIG problems with companion animals and our society.
First that PUPPY MILLS exist – that certain people feel compelled to breed as many dogs as possible for profit-and that this exists in your and my backyard.
Second that the puppies were abandoned- and that likely the person will NEVER be caught or charged with
Here is the story- Please leave a comment after.

The adult female pugs were all in poor condition, mostly covered in urine and feces with ear mites and worms, Graham Arnold, an animal control officer with Nanaimo Animal Shelter, said Monday.
“They were the offshoot of someone having a backyard or basement puppy mill, where they just bred enough puppies to help pay the bills and support themselves,” Arnold theorized.
Animal control officers found the first dog outside on Dec. 13, while the other three were picked up in the ensuing two weeks at other mall locations.
Authorities are still trying to find out who abandoned the dogs, Arnold said.
Graham Arnold, an animal control officer with Nanaimo Animal Shelter, says whoever abandoned the pugs will likely get away with it. (CBC)“They were all dropped off at nighttime or under the cover of darkness, you might say,” he said.
“No one has any descriptions of any of the people that did drop them off, so finding those persons to prosecute them could be very difficult.”
The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has said puppy mills are becoming a growing problem in the province.
A puppy mill refers to an operation where dogs are continually commercially bred to produce as many animals as possible. It is not illegal in B.C., but animals must be kept in good condition, or breeders can face cruelty charges.
Arnold said whoever is responsible for leaving behind the four pugs will likely get away with it.
“The sad thing is they could have just brought them here to the animal shelter or called us, and I would have gone to pick them up, and they didn’t have to take them to the mall to drop them off.”
Three of the pugs have been adopted. The last one, which is being treated for a serious kidney infection, will also have a new home soon, Arnold said.
Puppy Mills should be illegal in all of Canada. Dogs can not speak for themselves, and we must protect them the way we protect our children who can’t speak for themselves. Pet stores should not be allowed to sell any animals if they can not prove that they are from a legitimate breeder or from a loving home -all puppies/animals should come with a complete history when adopted, and should be checked out and certified by new officers from the SPCA – gov’t should provide subsidy to provide these officers with salary.
If they put a story about the pugs (and the horrors of puppy mills) in the local newspaper, with pictures, etc., and leave a number where anyone with information can contact authorities anonymously, maybe someone who has bought a pug puppy may be inclined to steer them in the right direction.
We rescue puppy mill dogs all the time, and some of the things we see are truly heart-wrenching. Mills (whether commercial, backyard, or basement breeding for profit) must be stopped.
Carol J.
Kitchener, Ontario
This kind of thing hits me very hard, because I have 4 pugs of my own. They are the most sweet and loving dogs I have ever had. Just thinking about them out in the cold of winter over night could have killed them very easily. Mine like to sleep under the plankets at night with my husband and I because they get cold at night.
We often watch Animal Planet shows about people that abuse their pets and it blows my mind to think that someone could do those things to and innocent and defencless animal.
This is sickening, frustrating, you name it. When can we see all puppy mills shut down and the owners prosecuted? And yet, it’s not just puppy mills. We get indiscriminate humans buying puppy after puppy, cat after cat until they tire of them then just dumping them on a whim. We have sixteen wonderful companions…three of them (birds) we did buy years ago, the others are rescues/adoptees and comprise of five dogs, five cats and three other birds. One of our dogs is a Pug. He came to us at the age of 2 and 1/2 years. Had been bought as an eight week old pup. His owners then decided he ‘didn’t fit’, ‘was destructive’ (he chewed paper…that was IT) and since they were planning to redecorate, he didn’t now ‘fit in’. They were taking him to the pound. The three nights after he came to us, sitting by the window whining, crying, waiting for ‘his people’ to come for him were heart-breaking. Months later, my partner encountered one of his previous owners who then asked her “We want another dog…what would you recommend?” My partner said “For you, a stuffed one (toy!)” Several months ago we heard they had bought another puppy a so-called “Designer Dog”. Now we hear they are irritated and frustrated with this little guy, barely four months old and have to wonder how long before they are looking at the pound for him. (And no…they are NOT friends or even acquaintances…customers in my partner’s pet supply store (no animals sold but SPCA adoptions pursued).
If people could be educated to STOP BUYING DOGS then there would be no more puppy mills, because there would be no profit in them.
I suggest Petfinder.com to EVERYONE I meet who mentions they want to get a dog. Most of them say that no, they’d rather buy a dog because they want a particular breed and they want a puppy.
I always explain that you can get particular breeds and sometimes puppies on Petfinder, only you’re getting one that needs a home rather than potentially supporting a puppy mill.
The only time I seemed to be successful was with a guy in a pet store who was about to buy a puppy but then left when I told him about Petfinder.com.
Spread the message people!!!
I purchased my pug JJ through a pet store that was later sited for purchasing their dogs through puppy mills. Jay lived a full life and was loved dearly until he died in my arms. I’ll never know for certain if he was born out of a puppy mill but am grateful though for the time he was in my life. Only someone lucky enough to have a pug could know the love these dogs have for their gardians. It will be a year next month since Jay was put to rest and while he is truly missed he is carried in my heart…so I smile often.
Puppy mills are not uncommon in the Lancaster area here in Pennsylvania. Fortunately through increased publicity more and more of them have been forced to shut down.
All puppy mills should be illegal!!! Reputable breeders only let their dogs breed no more than twice, and all that I have dealt with have a contract with the buyer containing certain conditions. I have two dogs; one I bought as a puppy (a Siberian Husky) and a shelter dog I adopted (choc lab/pit bull mix). Both are delightful companions, and good playmates. The same goes for indiscriminate breeders of cats. The animals deserve better.
I have a small shelter and I am always asked to take in owner relinquish older pups. They were gotten when cute and cuddly then they begin to become teenagers they are no longer wanted. It totally exhausts me to see “letters to Santa” wanting a puppy. When I speak to people about adopting a shelter pet I get the response “I want a puppy not somebody’s reject that has problems. The dog wouldn’t be in a shelter if it was a good pet.” Even people who I thought were smart are answering that way. The dogs I have placed are loved and have made great pets.