Could Your Pet Have Liver Disease? Don’t Miss These Warning Signs!

Understanding Elevated Liver Enzymes in Dogs and Cats

In my veterinary practice, one of the most common changes we see in blood work is elevated liver enzymes. When these enzymes are high, it’s a strong indication that the liver, which acts as the body’s “BIG filter,” has been damaged. This is a serious concern, and it means we need to take immediate action to help support and protect the liver.

Holistic Alternatives for Liver Disease

While elevated liver enzymes are a warning sign, the good news is that there are many holistic alternatives available to help manage liver disease in pets. These natural remedies can provide crucial support to the liver and promote its healing.

Dr. Jones’ ULTIMATE Liver Support Formula

We’ve combined the best holistic treatments into one powerful product: Dr. Jones’ ULTIMATE Liver Support Formula. If your pet is dealing with elevated liver enzymes, this supplement can provide the support their liver needs to function properly and recover.

Do you worry about your pet’s liver health? You’re not alone. Look no further than Dr. Jones’ Ultimate Liver Support Formula Soft Chews – designed for pets, these innovative, veterinarian-formulated chews are the ultimate solution for maintaining your pet’s liver health. Each jar contains 90 soft chews, one jar will last for 3 months for pets up to 30lbs. See dosage recommendations below.

By incorporating holistic alternatives into your pet’s care routine, you can take a proactive step toward maintaining their liver health. If your pet has been diagnosed with elevated liver enzymes, I highly recommend trying this supplement to give them the best possible chance at recovery.

Why Even Mild Liver Problems Need to Be Treated for Your Pet’s Health

I’ve seen firsthand how critical liver health is for your pet. The liver is one of the most vital organs in the body, acting as a filter for toxins and bacteria—think of it like the water filter in your home. Your pet’s immune system can only handle so much, and the liver is essential for maintaining good health.

The liver is the powerhouse of your pet’s body. It processes and filters nearly everything that enters their system. Without a healthy liver, your pet cannot thrive. The liver plays a key role in regulating metabolism, detoxifying, and supporting overall wellness.

Signs of Liver Disease in Pets

Liver disease can manifest in various signs and symptoms. If your pet exhibits any of these consistently, it’s crucial to visit your veterinarian for a proper evaluation:

  • Ascites (swelling of the abdomen)
  • Play bowing
  • Increased salivation (more common in cats)
  • Diarrhea or orange-colored stool / Vomiting
  • Yellowish eyes, tongue, or gums (jaundice)
  • Bloody urine or stools
  • Licking of lips (often a sign of nausea)
  • Increased water consumption and urination
  • Unstable walk
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Confusion

Early signs of liver issues are often subtle. Your pet may show signs such as a poor hair coat, decreased appetite, occasional vomiting, or just general discomfort (ADR—Ain’t Doing Right). However, these symptoms are often easy to miss.

In most cases, it’s easier to treat liver disease in its early stages. Pets often respond well to holistic treatments like Milk Thistle and SAMe, which can help support liver function.

Treatment for Liver Disease

If your pet is showing signs of liver problems, your veterinarian will likely recommend a treatment plan that involves dietary therapy and supplements to help support liver health.

Dietary Therapy: The Foundation of Liver Healing

A prescription diet specifically formulated for liver disease is often the first step in treatment. These diets typically feature low fat and low protein content to prevent further strain on the liver. Some may also include additional nutrients like zinc for copper toxicity or extra sodium for certain types of liver disease. The goal is to reduce the workload on your pet’s liver while still providing them with the nutrition they need for healing.

Milk Thistle: A Powerful Liver Protector

Milk Thistle is one of the most effective supplements for liver health. It stimulates liver repair and detoxification through several mechanisms:

  • Antioxidant properties help regulate glutathione levels, which are crucial for detoxification.
  • Stabilization of cell membranes allows liver cells to regenerate and repair.
  • Slows the onset of cirrhosis by reducing collagen deposition in the liver.

For optimal liver support, I recommend administering 100mg per 10 lbs of body weight daily.

SAM-e: Speeding Liver Repair

SAM-e (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is another critical supplement for liver health. A healthy liver normally produces SAM-e, but in cases of liver damage, levels of this compound drop. SAM-e helps speed up liver repair, regeneration, and the overall health of liver cells.

The recommended dosage is 50mg per 10 lbs of body weight daily.

Curcumin BCM-95®: Anti-Inflammatory Power from Turmeric

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powerhouse. Studies have shown that curcumin helps reduce liver damage caused by oxidative stress. It is particularly beneficial for animals with liver damage due to viruses, injury, genetics, or pharmaceuticals.

Curcumin has multiple health benefits, including anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and even possible anti-cancer properties.

Antioxidants and Carotenoids: Defending Against Free Radical Damage

Free radicals can harm your dog’s liver, but antioxidants can help prevent that damage. A great option is Astaxanthin, found in krill, which works well to protect the liver. Vitamin E (100IU per 10 lbs daily) and Vitamin C (100mg per 10 lbs daily) are also excellent antioxidants to consider.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): Supporting Glutathione Synthesis

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a precursor to the amino acid L-cysteine, which supports the production of glutathione—a critical antioxidant in the liver. NAC acts as a scavenger of free radicals, especially those damaging oxygen radicals that are common in liver disease.

Dandelion Root: A Gentle Liver Tonic

Dandelion root, whether fresh or dried, can act as a mild appetite stimulant and digestive aid. Preliminary research suggests that it may also help improve liver and gallbladder function. Dandelion has been shown to support the normalization of blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol and triglycerides in some studies.

Heal Your Pet at Home!

Supporting your pet’s liver health is essential for their overall well-being. With the right diet and supplements, you can help your furry companion thrive.

Join Thousands of Pet Owners on the Path to Natural Healing! ?? Discover powerful holistic remedies for your dog or cat with Dr. Andrew Jones’ FREE e-Book. ?? Learn about the best foods, vaccine alternatives, and effective at-home treatments for 24 common pet health issues. Start improving your pet’s health today – download now!

What’s in Our New ULTIMATE Liver Support Formula?

At my practice, I’ve created the Dr. Jones’ ULTIMATE Liver Support Formula for dogs, which contains a powerful combination of liver-supporting ingredients:

  • Milk Thistle Extract: Known for its antioxidant benefits, Milk Thistle helps protect the liver from toxins.
  • S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe): Proven to enhance liver function and support cognitive health.
  • Dandelion Root Extract: Supports bile production and digestion, helping your pet’s liver function more efficiently.
  • Vitamin E: An essential antioxidant that helps protect liver cells from oxidative damage.
  • Curcumin: Derived from turmeric, it has anti-inflammatory properties that promote overall liver health.

You can get our Dr. Jones’ ULTIMATE Liver Support Formula today to help your dog’s liver stay healthy and strong!

7 thoughts on “Could Your Pet Have Liver Disease? Don’t Miss These Warning Signs!”

  1. Do you have a feline liver support supplement? If not what do you suggest to support our cats liver, they have Lymphoma are on Budesonide SR & Fenbendazole. Our concern is the Fenbendazole effect on the liver. Latest labs after 30 days showed no negative effects, however the cats Globulin level is still elevated though it did go down from the prior labs 6 months ago.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

      1. We do have an article for that:

        This is where the mammary glands or teats of nursing moms become infected.


        The teats are painful to touch, and they are usually hot and swollen. The teats may feel lumpy and be discolored. They may appear red or even bruised. When milk is expressed it may be bloody or look like pus. The mom appears unwell, stops eating, may vomit and will be running a fever.


        Bacteria enter the skin through the bite marks and scratches made by the puppies. The bacteria then make their way into the milk -producing glands causing mastitis.


        TO THE VET. See your Veterinarian if the mom is acting unwell. She will need medical treatment to recover.

        TRIM THE FUR. Remove the hair around the infected glands – do this with blunt scissors or electric clippers. If the skin is broken, first fill the wound with K-Y jelly to prevent hair from contaminating it.

        NATURAL PAIN RELIEF. The mom has nursing puppies and kittens, so you can’t give conventional pain medication. Arnica is a safe, effective homeopathic that is ideal in this situation. The dose is two 30C tablets three times daily.

        COMPRESS. Applying a hot compress will increase blood flow and help break up the infection. Soak a hand towel in hot water, wring it out, and place it on the swollen gland. Leave it on until the cloth cools.

        TO THE FRIDGE. An effective natural remedy used in people will also work in pets. Cabbage is for more than rolls. Peel off a piece, break down the fiber in it by rolling it with a rolling pin, and apply it to the affected area. Cabbage releases a natural hormone that decreases inflammation ; you can ask any nursing mom for proof.

        EXPRESS IT. Express the purulent milk from the glands. Massage and grasp the nipple close to the body. Apply gentle, but firm pressure, and express the infected milk and tissue. The principle behind treating an abscess applies here; you must keep it open and draining to get it to heal. It is best to express every 2-3 hours.

  2. Hello I read your advertisement about dogs with liver problems I have a female yorkie first she was diagnosed with pancreatitis now couple years later the vets did bloodwork and said she was negative for pancreatitis but none she was rushed to the vet clinic for laboured breathing some tests were done found low grade inflammation and her liver was moderately swollen she’s on medication for a week if that don’t work then try another treatment and I’d that don’t work then they will have to do a CT scan isn’t their something that I can give her for for her liver is it reversible she’s seven going on 8 in april18 th . She has the get up and go wants to chase her tiny sweaty ball she has no teeth is their anything I can give her to help her get better she’s not throwing up and no diarrhea. She wants to eat but gets very tired of low fat canned dog food but what can I do to help keep her healthy . She’s very important to me I really love my little yorkie I would really miss her much if she was gone she has the go to play and be happy. Thank s have a great day .

  3. My 6 years old chihuahua has probably a yeast infection from food, minerals and wildflowers sensitivities. Is there anything I can give him to treat and cure without apple cider vinegar because he’s very sensitive to the vinegar. He still scratching often and his skin is very sensitive on his back. I make his food homemade from scratch.

    Thank you

    1. Dr. Andrew Jones suggests that yeast infections in pets, particularly when it comes to itching and skin sensitivity, can be addressed using natural remedies such as castor oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. For your Chihuahua’s sensitivity to vinegar, you might want to consider avoiding harsh remedies and focus on gentle, natural treatments. Probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids can also help support your pet’s immune system and manage skin conditions.

      It’s essential to adjust the diet and eliminate any allergens that might be contributing to the yeast overgrowth.

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