New Years Resolutions For Pet Lovers
This is the Last Day of 2018..and time for..resolutions. I have had my share of resolutions that work..and some well not so much. What I have found is that if I pick a few small things to dog daily for the first month, and establish a habit, then it is likely to stick Regardless here are some things I think most of us as pet parents can work And Happy New Years! New Year’s Resolutions for Pet Lovers 1. More Exercise This is my fat cat Murray..and he does not really like exercise..but he likes food. 🙂 |

Chances are you and your pet may benefit from more exercise. Obesity is on a dramatic rise in dogs and cats, linked to an array of health problems.;
( ie diabetes, arthritis). Our relatively sedentary lifestyle, feeding poor quality obese producing carbohydrates in the form of dry kibble.
If your pet could use more exercise, make a point of scheduling exercise sessions into your day. Play with your cat, take your dog for more walks, and plan a long trail ride with your horse.
2. Something Completely New It’s a New year and a new you….The same can be said for your furry and not so furry critters. Why don’t you and your pet try out something new? |

The above pic is of Tula and I who have taken up boating..
If you have a dog, give canine agility a try. Have a cat? How about learning to fetch..or pet visitation.
Trying something new gives you a chance to bond with your pet while having a great time.
3. Volunteer

This was a volunteer at the Animal Shelter which was next to my clinic..Second Chance Animal Shelter
Set aside some time to volunteer for a pet-related cause this year. Your local humane society or animal shelter is likely in need of help. You can be caring for pets, helping with office work, fundraise, or acting as a foster family.
Don’t forget that your pet may be able to get in on the volunteering as well. If your pet has an excellent temperament and enjoys people, he or she may be able to visit nursing homes and hospitals, providing therapy and stress relief for patients.
My first dog Hoochie was a certified pet visitor, and the time I spent at the Children’s Hospital in Halifax, and Extended Care Home in Nelson were very rewarding.
4. Spend More Time with Your Dogs and Cats

My last dog Jesse..we were doing ‘Movember’ together
It’s far too easy to get caught up in your hectic schedule, meaning may spend less time with our pets than is ideal. This year, resolve to spend more time with your dogs and cats. Turn off the TV and leave the computer/social media, and give your pet some quality, one-on-one attention.
Think about setting a small amount of time each day to be present with your pets, not trying to multi-task.
Your dogs, cats and you will all benefit. FYI this is one of my top resolutions
5. Learn More About Your Pet’s Health

We love our pets and want to do the very best for them. That’s why we should learn everything that we can about our dog and cat’s health. There is always more to learn, so tell others about the Veterinary Secrets newsletter, check out some of the articles on our blog, stay up to date with our twice weekly free videos on youtube, listen to our podcast, and even start with our Introductory Course on How To Start Healing Your Dogs and Cats at Home with Natural Remedies. Make 2019 the year where you make a difference in how to best keep your dog and cat healthy, and holistically prevent and treat disease. |
Heal Your Pet At Home! Best Wishes, Dr Andrew Jones, DVM |

P.S. This year I am resolving to appreciate you more!
Thanks so much for your continued support 🙂
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