My Blood Loss Event: 5 Ways To Stop Bleeding At Home
Dr. Jones had a less than ideal experience at the dentist resulting in excessive bleeding.. If your dog or cat is injured and bleeding, this is what you can do.
Last week I went to the dentist, and removed a wisdom tooth. After I got home, when replacing the gauze in my mouth, it started to bleed.. and bleed… for 12 hours!
Here is what I used, and here is what you can do to help your pet if they are bleeding:
- compress – apply pressure with a gauze compress for at least 30 minutes.
- ice – take ice and wrap in a cloth, and apply pressure as above
- elevate – this can help reduce blood flow
- tea – take a green or black tea bag, slightly moisten it and apply to wound
- Vaseline – boxers use Vaseline to block bleeding
See your veterinarian if the bleeding continues.