Liver Disease In Cats: Hepatic Lipidosis

If your cat is jaundiced, is nauseated, and stopped eating he may have fatty liver disease. Dr. Jones shows you his top 5 remedies.

In cases of fatty liver, or Hepatic Lipadosis, fat has infiltrated the liver. Jaundice is a common symptom – this includes yellow around their eyes, and around their gums. They will be nauseated and may vomit. Take them to your veterinarian and get them tested to confirm. 

 To start, aggressive nutritional support at home is key. High protein, low carbohydrate. This may mean you will need to use a feeding tube, as they may not want to eat. Canned cat food is best. 

Five Holistic Remedies at Home

  1. Taurine250500mg/cat daily. Taurine is an amino acid that cats require for normal eye and heart function. It assists the liver in removing bile buildup that occurs in fatty liver disease.
  2. Milk Thistle100mg/10lbs twice daily. Milk thistle is the most important supplement in supporting a damaged liver.
  3. Cannabidiol (CBD)3mg/10lbs twice daily. CBD is anti-inflammatory. Because many cats with fatty liver have other issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, and pancreatitis, this can help. It can also help with an appetite stimulant.
  4. Chelodenium 30C1 capsule/day for 14 days. A paper regarding dosing cats and dogs with this homeopathic remedy showed many of the pets responded well to it.
  5. Omega – 3 Fatty Acids250-500mg/day (1capsule roughly). A finding in people showed that humans taking fatty acids showed a marked reduction in their fatty liver disease. Omega – 3’s help with inflammation reduction. This may be best for a preventative.

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