Best 5 Natural Remedies for Pain and Inflammation
Dr Jones shows you the top 5 Natural Remedies he is using to treat his pain/inflammation from a bike crash. These holistic options are safe and effective for dogs and cats.
Dr Jones’ CBD
Learning so much for both my pets & my self- Love It!
I have an eleven year old Shetland Sheep dog who has dysplasia in his front leg joints. Our vet prescribed Deramaxx, but I was hoping for natural pain relief on this video. I am taking MSM for relief of arthritis pain and inflammation and find it very helpful. Is this nutrient safe for my dog?
Yes it is, and a combination of supplements! Look up MSM at any pet store and it will give you strength and dosages.
I have been giving my old Lab Dasuquin with a very noticeable difference in her pep!
It’s pricey. You may want to compare it’s ingredients to a human MSM supplement; it would be cheaper. Good luck.