Allergic Pet? Acupressure Can Help
Allergic Pet? Acupressure Can Help
Acupressure may decrease the allergic signs in pets.[...]
Acupressure may decrease the allergic signs in pets.[...]
Are you harming your dog or cat by feeding them people food? This article will let you know.[...]
In this video Dr Jones shows you how to determine if a lump is serious or not, whether it requires veterinary care, and how you[...]
Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common and deadly toxicity seen in dogs and cats. The toxic ingredient in antifreeze is ethylene glycol, ingestion of[...]
Steve Dale who claims to be 'arguably the most well read syndicated pet column in America;,' has written a false article discrediting the 20/20 Veterinary[...]
ABC's 20/20 investigative journalism piece on veterinary fees, veterinary charging- your veterinarian may be overcharging you in the name of profit.[...]