Acid Reflux in Dogs

If your dog has bouts of gulping air, drooling, retching, swallowing, acting in pain a few hours after eating, then she may have acid reflux. These are 3 effective home remedies for your dog.

To start, feed your dog smaller meals, that are lower in fat and protein. This will mean that they can digest easier, and produce less acid in their stomachs.


Pepcid is a common over-the-counter antacid, that can be used for quick relief of symptoms, and not something to use regularly.

Dosage of 2.5mg/10lbs daily.


Is considered a safe natural antacid, this will help with an upset stomach and acid reflux.

Replace your dogs water with chamomile tea to soothe their stomachs.

Dosage of 1cup/20 lbs daily

Slippery Elm:

Slippery elm will create a natural paste that will coat the inflamed esophagus and stomach, and decrease the inflammation.

Dosage of 400mg/20lbs daily

1 thought on “Acid Reflux in Dogs”

  1. What types of food would u suggest,her vet wants her off chix and beef.she also has a heart condition takes vetmed.she grinds her teeth after a spit up.

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