Top 10 Ways to Spoil Your Pet…PLUS my New Pet Pics

Do you spoil your dog or cat?
I do.
After all- they are pretty easy to want to spoil-
happy to see me, always ready for a walk.
My now 2 cats are always waiting for me every morning
at the bottom of the steps.
My dogs, Lewis and Jessie start their tails wagging
as soon as they see me in the morning.
SO what do I do?
1. I give EXTRA attention to my cats, Gussie
and Cleo- they LOVE to be petted, especially
first thing in the morning.
2. Cat treats- I admit it…I do go for their
heart with food..I occasionally splurge for
a can of..( do I say this)…Friskies- and
the occasional Pounce treat
3. Dog walks- there is nothing more enjoyable
for Lewis and Jessie but running, smelling and
peeing on MANY things
4. In the bed..for that extra special morning
Lewis and Jessie get to get in the bed
and under the covers..
5. Dog Treats…they BOTH love chewable dental
Rawhides- you should see Lewis’ tail wag
6. A Dog walker- because I work so much, I have a
Dog walker walk Lewis once a week- and he LOVES
7. Catnip toys- both Gussie and Cleo are crazed about
this- so once a week I bring some home from
8. the Dog Walk- Lewis and Jessie are crazed about
going to this one spot- lots of dogs to meet,
great places to pee, good smells, and water to
swim in…who could ask for more?
9. Being cosy and warm..ALL of the pets
gather near the fire- on cold days I crank up
the heat and they ALL appreciate it
10. Massages- every pet I have Lewis, Jessie,
Cleo and even Gussie LOVE this- when I am
feeling in an especially appreciative mood, they
ALL get massaged.
I would love to hear your TOP ways to spoil
your pet ..please leave a comment here:
Dr Andrew
P.S. I have had many a question lately about skin
related disorders.
Chronic itching..scratch..scratch..scratch
Hair loss
Foul smell
Recurring Ear infections.
Here are a few options for you, and I am
getting some great feedback from pet owners
with Allergic pets using this:
For Dogs- Premium Complete Dog Supplement
For Cats- Premium Complete Cat Supplement
P.P.S. …
Here are pictures of the 2 newest members of my family- both were my Dad’s pets..

I have 2 shihtzu x dogs that my husband and I love dearly…they get the very best of everything:
1. natural, organic food & treats – switched up periodically to keep them from being bored!
2. belly rubs, hugs & kisses, & play time every day!
3. when we camp they have their own chair and blankets to snuggle in for around the fire
4. lots of chew toys & nylabones!
Dr. Jones, you are a gem for taking in your dad’s dogs….God bless you!
Love the pics…Since my cats are indoors only, we try to make things interesting for them. So on our screened porch I made planter boxes filled with cat friendly (organic) herbs..they love it and the dogs to too. I also strategically set up my bird feeders so the cats can see all the activity from the windows without scaring the birds.
We are a foster home for Loyal Rescue and at the present time, have 3 dogs of our own and 2 puppy mill fosters. All of them sleep in bed with us. We just had a sweet little toy poodle adopted out last weekend. He was adorable and we miss him so much, but he has found a wonderful home.
They all get dehydrated liver treats ($30.00 per bag!), lots of love and massages daily. We bought a motorhome so they can travel with us. They are never left with strangers. If we ever have to be away at all, a family member looks after them in our home. Our lives pretty much revolve around the dogs.
They are fed the best of food and natural treats, and of course, Andrew, your quality dog supplement which helps all of these little mill rescues get a good start at rebuilding their health on their road to finding a forever home.
They are all worth spoiling!
Carol Johnston
Kitchener, Ontario
For our dogs we make them pupsicles for a special treat..they love them. There are tons of variations but a simple one is 1 – 8oz plain yogurt, 1 c strawberries, 1 banana, 1 T honey, little bit of water and puree…fill ice cube trays and that’s it. We also purchased Kool collars that you fill with ice (no chemicals)for when we go on longer walks or to an outside event since the ice drips…it keeps them cool.
Simply loved the pics you shared of your newly adopted pets (dad’s). You are a TRUE animal Spirit in the flesh! (You know what I mean)
You get an extra dog-treat from St. Francis of Assisi when you go to Heaven. xxxxoooxxxoooxxx
Love the newest additions! They are a lucky and beautiful bunch you have there!
Both my pooches are rescue dogs.. one is a black lab. retreiver, the other is a dachshund (Ebony & Peanut).Ebony is really spoiled when I spend time tossing her frisbee, which she happily returns to me for more tosses! Peanut is most spoiled when she can talk me into a good nap on my lap. Also, tummie rubs, walks, and a good treat after their meals. These treats are made of 97% dehydrated chicken with no additives! Oh yes, they both LOVE to go for car rides!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. They are so very fortunate to have you love and provide for them.
I’m so glad we get the dog vitamins from you. I feel that and the quality food we feed has helped all of ours. I’d like to share we have a foster dog we have had several months, that had been used as a breeder at a puppy mill. She had a distinct foul body odor when she came to us. With your vitamin product, and much healthier dog food and sometimes cooked food, her body odor is just normal dog now instead of stinky dog. Thanks.
Catty Shack treats are THE favorites of my cats, Rascal and Tribble, and there are snack times during the day when they receive them and ask for them. We all give each other massages daily. I keep fresh a variety canned and dry food and water available free choice all the time and they love it. The tops of furniture where they lie are covered with soft fluffy rugs, especially the washer and dryer where there are lots of windows to look out. Brushing is a couple of times a day, we hate hairballs ’round here! The girls do regular “mouse checks” pawing open the cupboards under the sinks.
I do nose checks regularly, if they are warm and kitties are overly lazy I give them a 3 ml. squirt of fresh cold water, they open up for it like children, and they are my children.
We all sleep together at night, of course. I leave my folded nightgown on top of the spread for them to nap on during the day, and they have a large soft bath towel at the foot of the bed as well, changed every couple of days it is excellent for flea watch and control.
Both my cats and I know acupressure and regularly treat each other. I do my version of purring when they work on me, we communicate well.
The girls are service animals, they check my food, howl if there are odd odors coming in a window so that I close it, and howl me into a chair if they sense I have an aura, they sit on me until I am better, napping on my lap for a couple of hours if needed, taking turns if needed.
And of course there are wood pellets in the cat box and frequent removal of poop to flush, they hate the smell and come get me if they have had a bowel movement. If there is a bit of loose poo on their fur, they get a mini “meower shower” in the sink and drying with a big soft towel–nobody has to wear poo.
Any lap is theirs, any time there is one.
Spoiling or just plain best friends forever–you guess!
God sent me two angels to love!
Awww.. the pics of your Furbabies are adorable! Too cute! 🙂 IN A TENT! haha…
I’m told my three Beagle babies are spoiled,, we cook for them, chicken, liver, STEAK, tonight they got their chicken, some tripe from a can, and some eggs we made up with some bits of bacon (burp).. we make their treats in a dehydrator (food allergies) got the big square thing with stainless steel racks as we make chicken jerky and beef jerkey for them,, they love dentachews (chewies) and I put the open bag on the floor and they grab them out like a chip bag when we sit and watch TeeVee after dinner,, we drive them to free run weather permitting, and walk them every day (weather permitting) in the park (national reserve – on leash near home here, but thats OK,, they are easy to please 🙂 I give them massages and learned small animal acupressure and meridian system. At bed time I wipe their faces with a damp face cloth, my two girls get their piddler’s cleaned every night, and in summer they all get feetie wipes with a cool face cloth, before bed they get a small bowl of rice dream with some probiotics with FOS, they piddle, get their treat and up to bed for the little wash ups and feetie rubs, and I play a CD of sleepy music (classical) for them and leave a night light on.. yes,,they sleep on my bed with pillows arranged for them in long pillow shams to steady the pillow just right…then some time later I go to bed and sleep wth my three Beagle bums! 🙂 Mornings are scritchel time, ear rubs and feetie rubs.. then down stairs for a little treat to settle tums,, and the day begins.. (they DO sleep in tho’.. ) we work from home so we’re home all the time, and they sit on their two coushined automans in front window, or on the leather love seat beside it while we work,, at night they are on the couch or on their own doggie couch,, and sometimes we play squeek’em with them if we have the energy and its not too late. I guess they’re spoiled,, but I think its just loving my pet like anyone would their child,, they are my Furkids and luv ’em to bits 🙂
Dr Jones,
I have a ebreed English Cocker Spaniel named Chantalle. She will be 6 months old tomorrow. She is the love of my life and is my precious daughter. I was thinking of neutering her but i really do not know if it is the right decision. What wud your advice be for me? Shld i neuter her or not?
Thank you for taking in your dad’s pets. I work with a small rescue group and we have taken in a couple of dogs that have been left behind when their owners died and no one in their families wanted them. It’s so sad to watch them not only go through the grief of losing their person, but the fear and confusion of being in a strange home. Of course it was only natural that you would take them in this case, but thank you anyway. I have 4 rescue dogs of my own and care for 3 puppy mill breeder dogs-yellow labs-until we can find them homes. My dogs are spoiled in that they are allowed on the couch and the bed and they take full advantage of that. One of my dogs goes everywhere with me and they do all love massages.
Love your pets, but I have a question: You said you give your cats Friskies and Pounce treats — don’t they have poulty by-product meal in them? Isn’t that bad — or rather, AWFUL?
Please let us know — I’m confused.
The xray look to me as the hip bone is not in place.
Re the x-Ray, looks to me that the bone density of the right femur head is deteriorating. It looks as if it’s pulling away from the pelvic cup.
i say buy lots of toys!! the squeaky ones even though they drive us crazy. the xray could be the beginning of a hip or pelvic dysplasia?????
It is Hip Dysplasia
The X-Ray shows I think Canine-Hip/Elbow Dysplasia. Have a great weekend. Margaret
The xray is congenital hip dysplasia.
I spoil my furries TOO!!!!
Hip dysplasia
Ia a dog with his problem. She lived a good normal life, other than unable to have a litter
Rusty lived to be 11 years old. She was a Greman Shepard
I now have 4 cats & love hem dearly.