How You can Fix Your Dog’s Allergies: Top 5 Home Remedies to Stop Itching
Dr. Jones’ Omega 3 Supplement:
You just can’t get your dog with allergies to stop itching? Your dog may have a secondary yeast infection or a secondary bacterial infection. This is my five-step alternative plan to finally stop the itching-
1. First of all, you’ve got to decrease the level of intense itching. This herbal tincture licorice root is a great option to start with. Licorice root is considered the natural corticosteroid in terms of being the best way to naturally decrease the itching, it’s also shown to be antibacterial we want to be able to treat the secondary yeast and bacterial infections. This is a pretty standard tincture, dose 250 milligrams per ml. It’s a half a mil per 20 pounds of body weight and you should be doing that twice a day for a maximum of 14 days.
2. An awesome skin anti-inflammatory which also has some antifungal properties: omega-3 fatty acids. This is my krill oil supplement, you likely already have your dog on an omega-3 fatty acid supplement but typically many people don’t have their dogs on a high enough dose with the Krill. We’re looking at doses of 500 milligrams per 25 pounds of body weight daily.
3. These are herbs that are antibacterial and antifungal. The first is garlic in the form of aged garlic extract (first image). It comes from the Olive Tree; this is olive leaf. Olive leaf has been extensively studied as an antibacterial shown to be a really effective natural antibacterial. It’s also been shown to have some anti-fungal properties and it’s very safe, there’s no noted side effects. When we’re looking at dog doses we’re typically looking at 100 milligrams per 10 pounds of body weight daily. This is something you want to give for a minimum of 21 days. The other oral option is the Aged Garlic extract (second image). Garlic has also been studied, it’s likely a better antifungal than it is an antibacterial. These are 350 milligram capsules so a 50 pound dog will be getting one of these capsules once a day. Once again you’re going to be giving this for a minimum of 21 days.
4. This is a flavonoid which is a natural antihistamine, it’s also shown to be antibacterial and antifungal. You really want to be incorporating this but at the right dose. This is a bioactive quercetin which is isolated from Red Onion and isolated from apple peel. This great natural product has virtually no side effects and it really could help your super chronically itching dog. The other big point is ensure that it’s bioactive so much more of it is absorbed. We’re looking at doses of the bioactive quercetin of 50 milligrams for 25 pounds of body weight daily and you want your dog to be on this for a minimum of 21 days so potentially long term.
5. This combines into a homemade shampoo, it is antibacterial and antifungal. The green tea is antibacterial and antifungal. We’re starting with three quarters of a cup. Next, lavender oil which is antibacterial, antifungal and also seems to have some antihistamine type qualities. We’re adding in 20 drops. Third part of our natural shampoo is a natural soap, Castile soap. We’re putting in two tablespoons of the Castile soap. Last part of our shampoo which is critically important, it’s the apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is antibacterial and it is a great anti-fungal to help kill the yeast, if that’s the cause of the itching. We’re putting in two tablespoons. Once combined you have an antifungal and antibacterial homemade shampoo. The big thing is you’re going to be lathering up your dog, especially focus on the cracks and crevices, for instance under their armpits and their groin. You need to leave this on for a full 10 minutes and then you thoroughly rinse your dog. You can do this twice a week for three weeks and then once a week ongoing.
After following these 5 steps your dog should no longer be chronically itching, thanks for reading!
Dr. Andrew Jones
Veterinary Secrets