Cancer and Homeopathy – PLUS Orijen Cat Food Update

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Re: Nasty Phone Call


Hey again readers, it’s Thursday.

Cancer and Homeopathy

In my upcoming Homeopathic Report and Video, I go into detail on the specific homeopathic remedies that you can be using with your dog or cat with cancer. There are specific ones for certain types of cancer, remedies for helping the organs detoxify, and homeopathics that are used in combination with nutrition, immune support, and dietary changes.

The video and report is here:

The Phone Call

A company representative from Champion Pet Foods called me to ‘correct’ a blog posting I had made about Orijen Food.

I had posted a newsletter in which I mistakenly talked about cats in North America becoming paralyzed by Orijen.

The Factual Report is that there are NO North American cases officially reported.

BUT someone posted to my blog (here), as she had a cat with a similar paralysis as the cats in Australia. She was feeding Orijen Cat Food. This was not confirmed by a Veterinarian, and there are many causes of paralysis in cats – I suspect that the paralysis was due to another cause than Orijen food – as there really have been NO reported cases in North America.

BAD Publicity

BUT I was called because the Blog Posting had generated some Bad Publicity – and the Company is not wanting to discuss what is happening in Australia.


It wasn’t a phone call to update me on the ongoing investigation as to the underlying cause of the paralysis.

It wasn’t something proactive informing me HOW the company is doing all they can to figure out the underlying problem, and reinforce how safe their food is in North America.

I feed (or fed) their food to my own pets.

I advocate and sell their food.

YET the ‘courtesy’ phone call I get is:

Take the blog post down, it’s giving us Bad PR.


I’ll ‘correct’ the Blog Post.

But you sure haven’t generated TRUST with me about the SAFETY of your food.

However, if you still feed it, it is still safe so long as you are NOT in Australia.

It’s your call.


P.S. There are specific Homeopathic Remedies that are used in paralysis:

Paralysis,pain in extremities; drags feet while walking – Nux Vomica 30

Paralysis of legs – Acid Picric 30

Paralysis of extremities – Rhus Tox 200

Painless paralysis of limbs – Laurocerasus 30

To get the specific remedies this month, and doses for the MOST common dog and cat health problems, INCLUDING a video showing you HOW to do it, go here:

The new video and report will be available soon.

It’s Your Pet. Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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