[Podcast 58] Pug Problems, Dog Seizure Remedies, FDA Pet Food Recall

In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing New remedies for seizures in dogs, what you need to know about the newest FDA recall of pet food, and then a discussion on the concerns about pugs.

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Seizure Disorders in Dogshttps://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951440

FDA Expands Pet Food Recallhttps://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEvents/ucm627485.htm

Brachycephalic Breeds and Problemshttps://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951534

1 thought on “[Podcast 58] Pug Problems, Dog Seizure Remedies, FDA Pet Food Recall”

  1. Thank you for sharing so much wonderful information. I LOVE your book. I’ve had 2 pug dogs, both female. My older dog was 7 when she showed up on my porch. Her precious owners did not want her back and I eventually found out that I was her 7th owner. I believe she may have had some bulldog mixed in her breed. She had very little breathing problems until she reached 20 years old, surprisingly. She passed away suddenly last November. My younger pug girl is almost 14 years old now. I was told by a friend when this dog was born that a breeder had a ‘deformed pug puppy’ and they were going to put her down. My friend knew I had a pug already, and thought that I might want to try with her, and I did. From the time she was a pup, her breathing has been slightly noisy. Her jaw is too short for her tongue, yet she can put her whole tongue into her mouth if she tries (I encourage this to keep her tongue from drying out). I use herbal remedies if she has difficulty breathing, and they work great for her. Unfortunately, her extra long tongue has caused increasing issues with her face as she ages. Her nose dries out at the top and cracks. I used to be able to just put vasoline or calendula on it and it would get better. She can reach the top of her nose, however, and now licks off any ointment I put on, and also causes some chapping of her cheeks doing this. She is also much less active than I feel she should be at her age as she doesn’t show signs of arthritis etc. She is not very playful or energetic, and slightly overweight despite a very healthy home cooked grain free diet. The catch 22 with that is that, although she LOVES walking, she gets out of breath very fast. I do not trust mainstream medicine or most vets, and only take my dogs in an emergency. Any suggestions for my ‘catch 22’ issues with my girl would be extremely appreciated. Thank you for all you do!!!!

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