How to treat Dog Bleeding at home!

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Re: Kane jumps through plate glass window.


Monday has come– Good Morning to you all!

I spent most of Saturday at work – and in 6 hours
I saw…

Diabetic Cat

Skin Cancer in a dog.

Vomiting Cat

Weight loss in a puppy.

Phone call about a horse with colic. ( And I don’t
even see horses, but this was from a friend in town)

Skin parasites.

Limping older dog.

Then the doozy of all:

My brother Michael ( also my business partner and webmaster)
phones in a panic about his dog Kane.

Kane had jumped through a huge plate glass window.

In the background I could hear lots of screaming-
upset children..

Michael quickly assessed Kane.

A large laceration on his nose.

He then went to:

and read this:


We all know what it looks like. The most important thing
is assessing how serious it is.

It often looks worse than it appears. A small pad cut can
look horrible when only a small amount of blood is lost.
Deep wounds involving arteries or veins are most serious.
A cut artery will often “spurt” blood. Most superficial
bleeding can be treated at home, while all deep wounds
need veterinary care.

CALL THE VET. All serious bleeding requires veterinary care,
while small wounds can be treated at home.

APPLY PRESSURE. The first thing is to control the bleeding.
Apply a gauze pad or a clean piece of cloth on the bleeding
area. If blood soaks through, then re-apply another gauze
pad over top. It is important not to remove the clot that
will form to ultimately stop the bleeding.

In extensive bleeding, some form of a pressure bandage
will need to be applied. Wrap the gauze or cloth with a
roll of bandage. Your Pet First Aid Kit will have roll gauze
inside. A tensor bandage will also work.

PRESSURE POINTS. It helps to know where the arteries are
located near the surface of the skin. In these cases you
can apply pressure with your finger to reduce blood flow
and allow a clot to form.

Front Leg – The radial artery can be located in the armpit;
use 3 fingers and apply firm pressure.

Rear Leg- The femoral artery can be located in the groin,
where the rear leg starts. Apply firm pressure.

Tail- The Main coccygeal (tail) artery and vein run along
the base of the tail. Apply firm pressure at the tail base
to stop bleeding.

ASSESS FOR SHOCK. See SHOCK section for more details.

Pets who lose a lot of blood rapidly can go into SHOCK, in
which the blood flow to their major organs shuts down; if
not treated quickly, your pet can die. The major thing is
assessing your pet’s blood pressure via gum color and CRT
(time for the blood to return the gums after you apply pressure).
Pale gums and a long CRT are signs of serious shock; this means
that your pet needs immediate veterinary care. Wrap him in a
blanket, give him a teaspoon of honey, and transport
immediately to your veterinarian.

ELEVATE THE BLEEDING LIMB. Raising the injured leg will slow
down bleeding. This works best for injuries of the paw.
DON’T do this if you suspect that the leg is broken.

HOMEOPATHIC. A common remedy for many types of bleeding is
Phosphorus. I would dose it at 1-3 pellets of Phosphorus
30C twice daily for 3-5 days. Hint: they will go down easier
when mixed with ice cream.


P.S. Every single one of the above problems in the dogs and cats
that I saw on Saturday were treated with a specific remedy in


Michael was able to apply pressure to Kane’s cut muzzle, STOP the
bleeding, then treat him topically with a Calendula salve.

P.P.S. I am preparing for a Special Sa**le to support my local
Animal Shelter- Second Chance. It’s been 1 year since I have had
a special to help the Shelter – and they could really use the
help now. The dogs and cats keep coming in- so many in fact that
they are having to turn some away. We are wanting to expand the
Shelter – more space means More pets that we can take in and adopt.

Stay tuned for an announcment SOON!

It’s Your Pet…Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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3 thoughts on “How to treat Dog Bleeding at home!”

  1. About animals in the house – this is one area where you should compromise. I also have lots of animals, and sometimes I would just like somewhere in the house that doesn’t have fur, dander, or feathers. We have areas where animals are not allowed. The entire basement is set up very nicely with carpet, fireplace, TV, etc. and they are not allowed there at all. The living room and bathroom is also off limits. They still have the den/TV room, bedrooms, kitchen that they roam around in so they are not deprived at all. We also have a place to take people who are either allergic to animals, or just scared of dogs. Works for us, anyway.

  2. Animals are a part of my family.I would not make family members stay outside(some belong there)so my animals are allowed in the house.I have 3 pugs
    and all 3 sleep in the bed with my husband and I.
    They are allowed anywhere in the house they want to go.Dog hair we have plenty,feathers,always.I own 13 birds,several that have been rescued for one reason or another.I would much rather clean up after them then to not have them.

  3. Check out They sell huge sticky sheets that make cleaning up large areas a breeze. A great thing for anyone who has animals.

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