Dr Jones has a seriously SORE this video he shows you the top remedies that work for dog back pain, and even yourself…
2 thoughts on “3 Minute Tuesday: Natural Back Pain Treatment for Dogs and Cats”
As one who suffers major back pain always, try raising up your camera and angle it down on you, Tula, & the table, to ease your back from pain. You are making your back worse by skootching down to the lens. Can you put the camera on a box or some hard covered books? Good idea?
I think you are great and a super doctor/vet. There are evil, downright nasty people absolutely everywhere. My advice: TOTALLY IGNORE. TOTALLY! Don’t play their game. Treat them as they don’t exist. That’s what we do.
FYI: I Haven’t been able to get the free e-book. It doesn’t work.
We have 2 small male dogs. One of them, his spine pops out on the average of once every 6 weeks it seems. He’s very playful and a happy dog, & wiggles too much and throws it out himself & his rear leg locks in the UP position. He hobbles to me to fix it manually. Thank goodness I know what to do or we’d always be at the vet.
Thank you for all you do for us. I ordered your huge binder years ago. It is excellent. You should offer it to people again. You are greatly appreciated Dr. Jones.
As one who suffers major back pain always, try raising up your camera and angle it down on you, Tula, & the table, to ease your back from pain. You are making your back worse by skootching down to the lens. Can you put the camera on a box or some hard covered books? Good idea?
I think you are great and a super doctor/vet. There are evil, downright nasty people absolutely everywhere. My advice: TOTALLY IGNORE. TOTALLY! Don’t play their game. Treat them as they don’t exist. That’s what we do.
FYI: I Haven’t been able to get the free e-book. It doesn’t work.
We have 2 small male dogs. One of them, his spine pops out on the average of once every 6 weeks it seems. He’s very playful and a happy dog, & wiggles too much and throws it out himself & his rear leg locks in the UP position. He hobbles to me to fix it manually. Thank goodness I know what to do or we’d always be at the vet.
Thank you for all you do for us. I ordered your huge binder years ago. It is excellent. You should offer it to people again. You are greatly appreciated Dr. Jones.
Best to you.
BJ (retired senior)
Thank you BJ! We do still have Dr. Jones’ binder available here:
And we’ve emailed you a link for the book now.