Cat gets carried around by Small Girl…

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Re: Cat gets carried around by small girl…



A cheery hello to your dog or cat as well.

I have been really appreciating my own pets lately.

MY cat Cleo has become this most adaptable cat,
and happily lets my daughter Aliza carry him
around the house, and dress him up.

He ENJOYS the attention, and when given the
chance to escape, he lays down on the floor
beside her and purrs.

He is ALMOST ALWAYS in a good mood, just wanting
a few basic necessities… Food/Water and TLC.

Speaking of TLC, Lewis my dog unfortunately
burned his paw on a spark that flew out of
a fire.

It was very tender, and somewhat painful,
so I used some of the Remedies in my book:

FLUSH WITH COOL WATER. Run cold water over the affected
area or apply cold packs for up to 15 minutes or until
the body part has returned to normal temperature. The
flowing cool water will help prevent additional tissue
damage; burns continue to cause damage after the initial injury.

CLIP IT. If not on the pad, remove the fur. Use clippers
or blunt scissors to remove the fur around the burn.
Burns often become infected, so now you are treating
it like you would an abscess.

WASH IT. Use an antiseptic cleanser, such as Germi-Stat,
and gently wipe the burn with the antiseptic, and rinse
with cool water. Do this twice daily for 5-7 days.

TOPICAL RELIEF. ALOE VERA is very helpful for speeding
up healing of burned tissue. Apply aloe directly from the
plant onto the wound twice daily for 3-5 days.

P.S. I would love to hear about some of
your own heart warming pet stories..

Please click the ‘comment’ link below to post your story now.

P.P.S. You REALLY should be comfortable with the
BASICS of First Aid. It’s one of those things
that we all agree that we should know, but often
pet off. TO get THE GUIDE to Dog and Cat First
Aid you should visit:

It’s Your Pet. Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

3 thoughts on “Cat gets carried around by Small Girl…”

  1. Our Beagle, whose name was Missy, loved to chase rabbits and squirrels. One of my favorite sights of her was when she would get low to the ground, ears flapping, ripping up the sod after some offending squirrel and would howl, ears and head thrown back, making her displeasure and outrage at the offending rodent. And it was amazing to me to see her stretched out on the floor watching the parakeet preening the Beagle’s toenails without twitching her muscles. Imagine a parakeet in love with a beagle!

  2. I have a neighbor who’s children, small children got a puppy. They loved the dog until he grew up and they could not handle him because of his size, so he was put on a chain about 10 or 12 feet long and left by himself, except when the oldest boy would feed him.

    The kids would play in the front yard with each other and a smaller dog and the big dog, only 9 or 10 months old at the time would cry his heart out for some attention.

    Finally, I could not stand seeing the beautiful dog left alone and so sad, so I got my nerve up and talked to the Mom one day. I asked if she would be interested in giving the dog to me. She asked me if I wanted the dog house , too!!!

    It is 2 years later now the Jake is a beautiful shepard, rottweiler mix. He has been to the dog trainer and is very well behaved and the best guard dog I have ever had.

    I am so glad I got up my nerve and my neighbor is glad not to have the dog to look after. Needless to say, Jake is very happy with his home now and the attention he is getting. Love the dog!!!

  3. My cat, Bookie was in my house when it burned down. He was not found for 5 days after the fire and had considerable burns. Good news is that today he is healthy and wonderful! although he still has scar tissue and burnt ears. At the time though, his paws were badly burned off, his face was burned and we thought he’d lost an eye, he was so thin and dehydrated…the hardest thing was that I could not find a vet to come make a home visit to see him and the nearest town was a 30 minute drive. I was sure the car ride was NOT what his overly traumatized system needed! After tons of phone calls and pleading I found one vet over an hour and half drive away that sympathized with the case and came to look at him. Thank goodness for vets who still actually care about the welfare of animals and not just running a business. Thanks Dr. Jones!!

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