Risks Outweigh Benefits of Feeding Raw According to JAVMA
Risks Outweigh Benefits of Feeding Raw According to JAVMA
Dr Jones shows you why the new study claiming that the risks of feeding raw food to your pets outweighs the benefits is false.[...]
Dr Jones shows you why the new study claiming that the risks of feeding raw food to your pets outweighs the benefits is false.[...]
Most of you have seen pictures of Lil Bub, but what about his owner ( also known as dude..) It's a great story, and how can[...]
This being a New Year brings about many a people talking about WHAT they will be changing. One of the more common ones is about weight...as[...]
As 2014 approaches, New Years Resolutions abound...But what about your pets? Fear not I say. Here are my top 10 New Years resolutions that you[...]
Some scientists, and government regulators are proposing regulations such as taxing all foods and drinks that include added sugar, banning sales in or near schools[...]
If your dog or cat has problems with Allergies, Coughing, Cat Flu or Fleas, you should consider a simple, safe and inexpensive home remedy of[...]