PETA killing 86% of animals in their care
PETA killing 86% of animals in their care
ut now there are documented reports that PETA kills most of the animals in their care. A group called, 'PETA Kills Animals' cites figures self-reported[...]
ut now there are documented reports that PETA kills most of the animals in their care. A group called, 'PETA Kills Animals' cites figures self-reported[...]
Currently I am trying to finish a 'real' book about my trials and tribulations- specifically the College of Veterinarians Inquiry Committee Report into yours truly...Dr[...]
Veterinary fees are soaring, so many pet owners are considering pet insurance. This article will show you the pros and cons about pet insurance, what[...]
There are 3 days remaining in my AMAZING Ultimate Canine Health Formula Sale. You can get a trial jar for $9.97, 3 BONUSES, plus[...]
If you have an allergic dog, don’t despair, there are things that you can be doing to decreasing the itching, scratching, hair loss and constant[...]
a little known, yet VERY healthy remedy for hairballs and constipation in dogs and cats.[...]