Why We Need to Stop Declawing Cats ASAP!
Why We Need to Stop Declawing Cats ASAP!
A fairly recent poll surprised me in that nearly 60 percent of American pet owners, including 55 percent of cat owners say it is OK[...]
A fairly recent poll surprised me in that nearly 60 percent of American pet owners, including 55 percent of cat owners say it is OK[...]
This article will let you know if your dog or cat will be safe under anesthesia at your veterinary practice.[...]
Scotland was voting on whether or not to separate from the United Kingdom yesterday.... Scotland voted NO, so the United Kingdom stays united.[...]
This article shows you how to calculate exactly how much food to feed your dog or cat[...]
Why I'm ashamed to be a vet: a shocking exposé of the profession that puts pets through 'painful and unnecessary treatments to fleece their trusting[...]
Some people are paying as much in vet bills for sick pets as it would cost them to buy a new car.[...]