5 New Remedies for Kennel Cough in Dogs
5 New Remedies for Kennel Cough in Dogs
Dr Jones' free book: If your dog has a hacking cough, then he may have developed kennel cough. In this video you can see and[...]
Dr Jones' free book: If your dog has a hacking cough, then he may have developed kennel cough. In this video you can see and[...]
Exclusive Access to Dr Jones: http://www.patreon/.com/veterinarysecrets If you have an overweight cat, they are at risk of developing a serious health condition called fatty liver,[...]
In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing New remedies for seizures in dogs, what you need to know about the newest FDA recall of pet food,[...]
Exclusive Access on Patreon: Seizures in dogs can be difficult to treat with up to 30% of dogs not responding to conventional medication. In this[...]
Dr Jones' free book: Direct Access to Dr Jones with exclusive content: It's the start of 2019, but a great time to look back on[...]
This is the Last Day of 2018..and time for..resolutions.I have had my share of resolutions that work..and some well not so much.What I have found[...]