A 7 Year Canine Rabies Vaccine

From: Dr Andrew Jones
Author: Veterinary Secrets Revealed
Website: https://shop.veterinarysecrets.com/

Re: A Rabies Vaccine that lasts 7 years.


A cheery Friday to you all.
I was going through the membership site, and I found
this article on the A Rabies Challenge Study.

RISKS of Vaccines
As a reader of my newsletter, you are more than aware of the RISKS associated with Vaccines, such as auto-immune disorders-thyroid disease, allergies, arthritis, liver/kidney disease, and cancer.
The problem is that the immune system sometime responds innapropiately to the Vaccine, and produces disease.
How can I AVOID these problems?
The KEY to preventing these problems in your own pet is by vaccinating for as few things as INFREQUENTLY as possible.

ANd this is where the Rabies Study comes in.

Dr Ron Schulz, one of the worlds foremost Veterinary Immunologists, is leading the study.


One of the most important vaccine research studies in veterinary medicine is underway at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in Madison. Dr. Ronald Schultz, a leading authority on veterinary vaccines and Chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences, has begun concurrent 5 and 7 year challenge studies to determine the long-term duration of immunity of the canine rabies vaccine, with the goal of extending the state-mandated interval for boosters. These will be the first long-term challenge studies on the canine rabies vaccine to be published in the United States.

Dr. Schultz comments that: “We are all very excited to start this study that will hopefully demonstrate that rabies vaccines can provide a minimum of 7 years of immunity.”

This research is being financed by The Rabies Challenge Fund, a charitable trust founded by pet vaccine disclosure advocate Kris L. Christine of Maine, who serves as Co-Trustee with world-renowned veterinary research scientist and practicing clinician, Dr. W. Jean Dodds of Hemopet in California. The Rabies Challenge Fund recently
met its goal of $177,000 to fund the studies’ first year budget with contributions from dog owners, canine groups, trainers, veterinarians, and small businesses. Annual budget goals of $150,000 for the studies must be met in the future.

Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM states: “This is the first time in my 43 years of involvement in veterinary issues that what started as a grass-roots effort to change an outmoded regulation affecting animals will be addressed scientifically by an acknowledged expert to benefit all canines in the future.”

Scientific data published in 1992 by Michel Aubert and his
research team demonstrated that dogs were immune to a rabies challenge 5 years after vaccination, while Dr. Schultz’s serological studies documented antibody titer counts at levels known to confer immunity to rabies 7 years post-vaccination. This data strongly suggests that state laws requiring annual or triennial rabies boosters for dogs are redundant. Because the rabies vaccine is the
most potent of the veterinary vaccines and associated with
significant adverse reactions, it should not be given more often than is necessary to maintain immunity. Adverse reactions such autoimmune diseases affecting the thyroid, joints, blood, eyes, skin, kidney, liver, bowel and central nervous system; anaphylactic shock; aggression; seizures; epilepsy; and fibrosarcomas at injection sites are linked to rabies vaccinations.

Study co-trustee Kris Christine adds: “Because the USDA does not require vaccine manufacturers to provide long-term duration of immunity studies documenting maximum effectiveness when licensing their products, concerned dog owners have contributed the money to fund this research themselves. We want to ensure that rabies immunization laws are based upon independent, long-term scientific data.”

More information and regular updates on The Rabies Challenge Fund and the concurrent 5 and 7 year challenge studies it is financing can be found at the fund’s website designed by volunteer Andrea Brin at:



P.S. The POINT of the Vaccines is to PREVENT DISEASE. But there are alot more ways than Vaccines to PREVENT DISEASE. I am Close to releasing a COMPLETE Dog Supplement which will give your dog vital nutrients missing from MOST commercial diets, but also BOOST your dog’s immune system- AND HELP PREVENT disease in the First Place.

I have combined ALL of the KEY nutrients I believe are MOST IMPORTANT for keeping your Dog Healthy..

Lewis, (my dog) is on it now and he LOVES it!!!!

When it is released, I will be including some BIG BONUSES..

Stay Tuned and Vaccinate LESS.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

It’s Your Pet- Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes,

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM

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4 thoughts on “A 7 Year Canine Rabies Vaccine”

  1. Greetings Dr. Jones,

    Was Very Happy to see this article..I decided a few years ago that our little Oliver was not to get vaccines. I wondered how vaccines could be beneficial to my baby when he comes home and goes under the couch and shakes there for hours on end, not wanting to eat or drink looking with those sad eyes at us and then the vet offers an additional shot of cortisone ?????? we even tried the splitting up of the shots and it was the same thing..so we decided Not to Kill our Baby with Medications ….

    Hope ur Day will be a Good One 🙂

  2. I have 3 dogs, old yellow lab, 6 yr. old English bull dog, 4 mo. Rotti and ONE cat who is hated by the bulldog because he was scratched by the cat when he was very young and simply won’t tolerate any cats—he makes sure she stays in the basement, He doesn’t like chipmunks, squirrels, and some other dogs. I would never put him down however, I do make sure my cat stays away from him, although watching his actions with the Rotti puppy, I think the noise may be more than the bite. I would never take a chance.

  3. I was so glad to see this research on rabies vaccination being done. My beautiful dog was diagnesed with thyroid cancer(tumor), had surgery, chemo and is now doing so well. She is due for a rabies vaccine in Jan.of 2009 and I am very, very reluctant to let her have this. I feel it is putting poison in her system. She is now on organiz foods and I have begged my neighbors to stop using pesiticides, etc. on their lawna as I feel this contributed to her cancer. I have thrown a lot of cleaners out also as they are poisonous and have bought eco-friendly products.
    We have treated our earth horribly tothe point that our beautiful animals are getting cancer so much more thatn years ago when we didn’t use the junk. God bless you for this research! Kathy

  4. Many years ago one of our small dogs almost died from getting a rabies vaccine. My husband and I decided to research vaccines because of this, and because a family member had a child get autism after a routine childhood vaccination. After studying the issue, we no longer vaccinate any of our animals and family members. We also changed our dogs’ diet to raw meaty bones. They are amazing healthy, are never ill, have lived a much longer life and saved us a boat load of money on vet expense. We agree that vaccines do more harm than good and advise others to “just say no” to the vaccine junkie vets.

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